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It has been said that Poland is dead, exhausted, and enslaved


GA Member
May 22, 2020

Polish citizens had been peacefully protesting the government's inability to stop the the economic downturn within their own country. They cared little for the Russians and their issues with running their own government and economy. What they cared about was how they would be able to feed their families. Suicides from both investors and common people who lost money continued to rise as they could not face the outcome of their inept government. It finally came to a head when an email from the Economic Advisers from the University of Warsaw to the Council of Ministers warning of the impending crisis weeks before it happened. Furious, the people took to the streets carrying only their anger. The winter cold would not stop them, nor would the Riot police. They marched on the Chancellery building chanting for the current Chancellery to step down and allow a new government to be elected. Several members of the Senate had opted to join the protestors in voicing their opinions. Chiefly, was the independent Senator Stanislaus Grabowski. His rallying cry was for the Communist Aleksander Kwasnieski to end his government and allow the rightful government to take the reigns. Many protestors were swayed by the eloquent speech craft of the Senator. Senator Grabowski advocated for peaceful but forceful protest. They would not initiate conflict but they would be willing to defend themselves if necessary.


The protests escalated to full blown riots after several police officers were accused of deliberately firing tear gas canisters at protesters instead of at the ground. After the first fatality, the protesters began utilizing anything around them to fight back. Chunks of concrete were thrown in retaliation to tear gas canisters. Molotovs were thrown in retaliation to rubber bullets. As police used batons to aggressively subdue rioters, the rioters brought broom handles, shovels, their own batons. Shortly before the climax of the riots, one of Senator Grabowski's security detail was killed when a rubber bullet fractured his skull and police were unable to provide assistance in time. This resulted in an armed standoff between Polish Police and Grabowski's security staff as they tried to recover the handcuffed security agent. Senator Grabowski was able to get the police to stand down once he revealed the identity of the man and he was able to get protestors to allow an ambulance through.


The last night of the protests before the Government stepped down would become known as Poland's Red Winter. Rioters began utilizing road flares to disorientate police presence at hot spots. Several police officers required hospitalization due to third degree burns from the flares being used as weapons. When the rioters finally reached the Chancellery Building on the last night, Senator Grabowski had become a national celebrity. He was credited in getting medical help for several protestors and police officers, convincing police officers to allow the rioters by, getting protesters to avoid causing damage to private property. He reached international attention once he reached the Chancellery building. The Council of Ministers had called in the armed forces of Poland to protect the Chancellery and given orders for the soldiers to open fire at anyone who breached the perimeter of the building. A journalist was able to video the last few seconds of their conversation. He closed his talks with the Pułkownik(Colonel) with a quote from the 19th century Journalist, Henryk Sienkiewicz. "It has been said that Poland is dead, exhausted, enslaved, but here is the proof of her life and triumph."

After the talk, the soldiers parted ways and allowed the Senator and his security detail to enter the Chancellery. After an hour, Senator Grabowski exited the building followed by the Council of Ministers and President. Journalists had set up at the head of the rioters who were still full of adrenaline and anger until Senator Grabowski began speaking.

"Ladies. Gentlemen. Poles. Your voices have been heard. President Kwasniesk has dissolved his government. From the Ministers who advised him to the Sjem.
Including myself. Most of the Politicians abused the power entrusted to them for their own gain. A vote will be held in the coming months to elect a new government.
If you wish for the rightful government to take its place. Vote for the Parliamentary Monarchy.
Too long have Poles been forces to abandon the ideals Poland was founded for. Equality for all.
Justice for those who have been sinned against Punishment for those who have sinned.
It was God's will that we were successful in our goal.
We will once again be seen for the powerhouse that Poland is. God wills it.
Our success these pasts weeks with our protests proves it.
We have marched into halls of Corruption itself and ousted the devils that called it home.
Remember the Monarchy. Remember the Golden years of Poland. Remember this.
It has been said that Poland is dead, exhausted, enslaved, but here is the proof of her life and triumph."​


GA Member
May 22, 2020

Poles have taken to the streets once more, but instead of chanting verses of anger and disappointment they are chanting words of celebration. The emergency meeting for the election has granted the President-Elect Stanislaus Grabowski control of the government, with a majority split between independent parties and the Law and Justice party within the Skejm and the Senat. This has further pushing the young politicians agenda of re-establishing the two hundred year old monarchy back to power. Information for Polish parliament have shown that many of the bills being pushed through quickly would transition the Republic back to the Monarchy. We are unsure of the control the Polish King would have once these bills are passed but more than a few polish citizens are worrying about a new Stalin-esque era.


Several government officials held a public forum in the Wola suburb of Warsaw. They were fielding questions from Polish citizens who had come for answers. Most were about the power the proposed new King would have over the Polish citizens. Most of the answers were the general answers one would expect from Politicians. What most could take away was that the King would be held in check by a series of checks and balances that would start with the people and end with Parliaments ability to remove the proposed king from power with a certain majority of votes. Three hours into the public forum, the Senat leader would interrupt the gathering before stating a few words.

"I have just received word from parliament. The ten of us were given the opportunity to vote on an important bill
before coming out to this public forum to field questions from our constituents and citizens of Poland.
A bill has just been passed in the Skejm and then the Senat that forever changes Poland.
Former Senator and President-Elect Stanislaus Grabowski has just be elected the first King of the Restored Kingdom of Poland.
May god save the King."​


GA Member
May 22, 2020

Warsaw is celebrating a new dawn for the nation. The Senat, Sejm, and the King have allowed a parade to move through the streets used previously for the protest turned riot that lead to the disestablishment of the Republic of Poland. The prestigious 21st Podhale Rifles lead this parade through the streets. Following were other units of the Royal Armed Forces, followed by members of the public who wished to express their joy at the change in the government. The parade ended at the Chancellery building where the freshly installed King gave a speech to the people. The following is an excerpt from his speech.

"My people. The people of Poland. Both at home within her borders and abroad.
I am speaking to you today to announce that Poland is moving forward as one.
As the Kingdom of Poland, we are a fresh face on the world stage.
We will show the world that one can embrace the old ways as well as become a paragon for the new.
We will become a power that will come to mean peace and tranquility for Eastern Europe.
As Henryk Sienkiewicz said, It has been said that Poland is dead, exhausted, enslaved, but here is the proof of her life and triumph."​


GA Member
May 22, 2020

Several dozen reporters sat in the press room waiting for the reason as to why they had been called in so early in the morning. They had been waiting for nearly an hour, talking amongst themselves, before a deputy minister appeared through a doorway behind the flags. As he walked out, the sound of camera shutters could be heard rapidly clicking.

"Citizens of Poland at home and abroad, Prime Minister Buzek wishes to make an emergency statement regarding the current political climate abroad."

The camera shutters continued to click as the older Prime Minister walked out from behind the curtains.

"Fellow Poles. I come today to talk about something that has been troubling our government for the past few weeks. It was the policy of the previous administration and is the current policy of His Majesty the King that Ukraine is not only an ally but our sister in the struggles of Post-Soviet control. We will continue to treat her and her citizens as family but with the recent assassination attempt of President Yuschenko and the riots within Ukraine itself require us to make hard decisions."

He would pause to take a sip of water from the glass in front of him.

"First and foremost, until the situation stabilizes travel to Ukraine will be set as not advisable. We cannot and will not stop people from visiting our sister nation unless we deem it unsafe for Poles. Second, with the assassination attempt of the Ukrainian President, His Majesty has established a new branch of the Royal Armed Forces. This branch will specialize in counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, and special operations. Second, while we are advocates for governmental transparency, we have decided to classify this branch as top secret. This merely means that their identities will be protected, their training will be protected, and their lives will be protected. Third, Poland and the Republic of Korea have signed a Memorandum for Education that will allow students from Poland to study within Korea and students from Korea to study within Poland. We will have more information on that sent out to your news desks shortly. Lastly, I just want to wish that all Poles both domestic and abroad stay safe, stay healthy, and remember that God is always with you. Thank you. No questions."

Reporters were shouting over everyone trying to get a soundbite from the Prime Minister as he raised his hand to wave before disappearing behind the flags. The reporters had received little information regarding this new special branch, much to their displeasure. They did have the opportunity to hear about the new exchange program with Korea. While not the first exchange program it was certainly the furthest Polish students had been allowed to study at.

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