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GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

Classified & Encrypted

Operation Information

With time passing between the Canadian visit and presumably the Danish not knowing. The government of Denmark has decided to visit it's islands to inspect their conditions and conduct routine wildlife surveys on the islands. In case the Canadian's had repicked up the old tradition, gifts and a letter from the Queen were also packed onboard the vessel as well as obnoxiously large Danish flag. The cruise would be pleasurable as July is often a time of little ice around the area but regardless the vessel is more than capable of breaking through the Greenlandic ice.

The ship also contains 20 or so Arctic scientists. The vessel would arrive in 40 hours, taking the route as follows JO>IP>HP>GO>GP>FQ>FR

Louis S. St-Laurent Class Icebreaker
  • 46 Sailors​
  • 2 RHIBS​
  • 1 x Westland Lynx​
  • Danish wine made from Cabernet Canto​
  • One Letter from the Danish Queen.​
  • One larger Danish Flag.​
