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Korea | China Communications


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Secretary General Xu of the Communist Party of China DHouseAlwyswyns

From: Office of the President of the Republic of Korea < >

Subject: Letter Congratulations

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Dear Your Excellency,

I hope this email finds you well and in good health.

On behalf of the Republic of Korea, please accept my sincerest congratulations on your confirmation as Secretary General of the People's Republic of China. As neighborly counties it is my sincerest hopes that Korea and China can continue a long tradition of cooperation and mutual assistance. In developing of open relations based on the freedom of movement, goods, and capital as China and Korea develop their economies. I hope that a positive relationship may begin between our two nations as we transition into the 21st Century, and show positive indications of the trajectory of ROK-PRC relations.

I look forward to the continued relationship between our countries. I hope that a strong ROK-PRC partnership will continue to provide the building blocks of a stronger regional order of peaceful co-existence, mutual respect, and regional cooperation. In conjunction with vital regional institutions such as ASEAN+, Korea hopes that the People's Republic of China will join the wider Asian community in peaceful interactions in the desire to build a better Asia. We hope that we may initiate as neighbors cross-border trade to enhance the livelihoods of our citizens and nations.

As you begin to prepare for your new role, I hope that we may engage in open dialogue amongst one another. I hope that Korea and the People's Republic may engage in mutually beneficial agreements, respect each other, and address in a timely manner the issues of importance to both our countries. I hope as well to invite you to Seoul for a formal visit in the near future to culminate the potential of many of our possible agreements.

Signed with sincerity,
Office of President Kim Dae-jung
The Republic of Korea

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​
Sep 28, 2021

To: Office of the President of the Republic of Korea Jay

From: General Secretary Changchang Xu

Subject: Reply to a Letter Congratulations from South Korea

Security: Encrypted and Private

Greetings Mr. President

I would like to thank you sincerely for your warmest congratulations regarding my new position here, my party members would like to also thank you for reaching out to me, as a friend of China, and as a good neighbor to the Chinese people throughout the world. As leader of the People's Republic of China, I would like to reassure you that we are steadfast in promoting free trade, friendly relations and mutual co-existence throughout the region, as long as it does not hamper the growth of the chinese nation, we are all excited to show the world the beauty and power of chinese culture and innovation especially within China's backyard.

China's exact policy regarding local foreign powers such as Japan or ASEAN and the rest is not clear yet as of today, because during my long speech I encouraged my countrymen to look up and stand proud as I stear them into greatness, but the world outside is also wary of them, as you know, we are trying to build a future where we can trade and coexist peacefully even with our most aggressive rivals. We hope, your country, Mr. President, will be able to help us and the asia-pacific region achieve financial and cultural prosperity with or without western influence.

And do not worry Mr. President, if the tide comes to our favor, I am certain we will be able to talk more with each other in a phone or in person. Good luck to all your endeavors Mr. President and from what I know, Seoul is a very beautiful place to visit.

Best wishes,
Chairman Changchang Xu
People's Republic of China


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Secretary General Xu of the Communist Party of China DHouseAlwyswyns

From: Office of the President of the Republic of Korea < >

Subject: Letter Congratulations

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Dear Your Excellency,

Thank you for your email. I am most happy to have received it. I know that we will have much to discuss. I hope that we may send Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Environment Park Mujin to Beijing to meet with you and discuss a number of policy areas we can work to improve ROK-PRC trade relations. We positively received your desire to hold open and free trade, friendly relations, and the much more. I do not believe that growth is every contradicted by the peaceful environment brought about by commerce and culture. Both of which China has much to bless the globe with.

As for foreign policy, I am most certain your top advisors are giving you information to help formulate a series of policies to better expand China's rising potential. I am hopeful that we can see China acting as a responsible power in various global issues such as the colonization of South Africa, the lack of regional cooperation in Asia, and the developmental needs of the Global Community. As important partners I also hope that we can see our trade relations grow exponentially in the coming months.

I appreciate your response and look forward to seeing where the tides may lead us. While we wait on the shores, I hope that our envoys may meet and discuss important security, economic, and foreign policy.

Signed with sincerity,
Office of President Kim Dae-jung
The Republic of Korea

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​

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