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[Korea] Foreign Ministry | Vietam


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs < HeadlessSeeker >


Subject: Parliamentary Delegation Visits

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Dear Whom it May Concern,

A request by members of the Workers' Party of Korea has been submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be able to visit Viet Nam on an official visit in their capacity as members of the National Assembly of Korea. The Delegation hopes to conduct fact-finding missions into the situation in Vietnam, Korea's current development program, and ways to boost ROK-Vietnam relations.

We hope this visit can be arranged and would like to ensure that the visiting delegation is provided the same respect and courtesies of an official delegation. This including diplomatic immunity for the duration of their trip, government escort, lodging accommodations or advising on suitable accommodations, and so forth. The Parliamentary Delegation would like to meet with the H.E. the Leader of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front, H.E. The President of Vietnam, and H.E. The Foreign Minister.

The Parliamentary Delegation will consist of six members of the Workers' Party of Korea and their staff. The total delegation will consist of nine people, with three staff joining them. The Vice Leader of the Party, two members of the National Assemblies Foreign Affairs Committee, Committee, two members of the Trade, Industry and Energy Committee, and a member of the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee. Their details are included below.

The ROK Ethics and Rules stipulate that the ROK Government is responsible for covering the airfare for the visiting delegation. We hope it is appropriate for the delegation to be spending their own money inside Vietnam. Her Excellency Minister Baek hopes that an agreement can be reached on the expenses for the security detail and accommodation which we would be willing to share with the Vietnamese Government.

Signed with sincerity,
Ambassador Lee Hyuk

I. Korean Delegation
1. H.E. Vice Leader of the Workers' Party of Korea, Choe Ryong-hae
2. Member of Parliament, Ju Yong-gil (Foreign Affairs Committee)
3. Member of Parliament, Kim Nung-o (Trade, Industry, Energy Committee)
4. Member of Parliament, Ri Chol (Foreign Affairs Committee)
5. Member of Parliament, Choe Yong-gon (Trade, Industry, Energy Committee)
6. Member of Parliament, Kim Jong-nam (Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Committee)
7. Staff for Member of Parliament, Kim Jiwoo
8. Staff for Member of Parliament, Park Soowon
9. Staff for Member of Parliament, Park I-jin

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

To: Lee Hyuk; Ambassador, Korea Jay



This delegation from the Worker's party of Korea is most welcome to visit our nation. We can provide the best security we can provide through use of our military. At this time our special forces who would be best suited for this are occupied in training. However, for accommodations we can provide to them rooms at the State Guest House. There they can have meals and services rendered at no cost of their own.

Unfortunately I will be unavailable to meet with them as I will be busy. However, the President, Secretary General of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front, and Chairman of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front are available to meet with them and would be more then willing to. We can arrange for one of our airliners to come to Korea and pick up these most welcomed guests.

If I may ask what do they wish to discuss?

From: Nguyễn Mạnh Cầm; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Socialist Republic of Vietnam


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs < HeadlessSeeker >


Subject: Parliamentary Delegation Visits

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Dear Minister Nguyễn

Thank you for your response. We are glad to see have your governments cooperation and accommodations being offered. The delegation has been informed of these updates. We would like to confirm their diplomatic status and flight plan next. They will depart Incheon International Airport on August 24 and board a chartered flight through Korean Air to come to Hanoi. We would like their belongings and staff to be given the same diplomatic credentials as well during their visits with the members of parliament.

As for their discussion items, the delegation would like to discuss Vietnam's current infrastructure plans and progress. With the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) currently apart of a wider infrastructure program, the delegation is assessing the situation to make a report to the National Assembly. The delegation would also like to discuss foreign affairs matters pertaining to the bilateral relationship of Korea and Vietnam and the wider Asian-Pacific community. The delegation would also like to discuss Vietnam's current domestic political situation and have a discussion at a party-party level between the two parties. Other items may be discussed as they come up. I hope this is sufficient.

Signed with sincerity,
Ambassador Lee Hyuk

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

To: Lee Hyuk; Ambassador, Korea Jay


Their diplomatic status is confirmed and they are welcome here. They can arrive at Noi Bai International Airport and will be given full diplomatic rights and accommodations as well as their belongings. They will be given the proper credentials upon arrival as well as full diplomatic immunity.

As has been requested I want them to be prepared for a line of questioning that will in fact affect things going forward with the Worker's Party. Added to that list is the question of how they plan to achieve socialism and communism now that the country has been united. Basically, have they switched to a reformist methodology or have they given up?

Finally, send representatives from the Mansudae Art Studio. We want a proposal for a massive statue of Ho Chi Minh.

From: Nguyễn Mạnh Cầm; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Socialist Republic of Vietnam


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs < HeadlessSeeker >


Subject: Parliamentary Delegation Visits

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Dear Minister Nguyễn,

Thank you for your response. We are happy to see this process expedited and I will be sure to pass these questions to the delegation so that they may come prepared. I hope that the conversations are fruitful and that the delegation represents the Republic of Korea and advancing our relationship.

On the issue of the Mansudae Art Studio. I have passed this request and will have representatives from the group present with the delegation for the discussion on a statue. We hope that a fruitful arrangement. How many proposals would you like for the statue?

Signed with sincerity,
Ambassador Lee Hyuk

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

To: Lee Hyuk; Ambassador, Korea Jay


Let us know twenty four hours if possible of their departure. We will have a security team dispatched to protect the delegation and escort them to the meeting location.

Also, we would like four proposals for the statue. Their reputation for socialist realism art precedes them and we believe they would be perfect for this commission.

From: Nguyễn Mạnh Cầm; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Socialist Republic of Vietnam


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

The Korean Government would notify the Vietnamese 24 hours ahead of the arrival of the parliamentary team consisting of members of the Workers Party of Korea. The Korean Air flight would leave Incheon International Airport and fly to Noi Bai International Airport. At Noi Bai, Ambassador Lee would be alongside his Vietnamese Hosts and security team be waiting for the delegation to arrive. The Korean Embassy in Hanoi would be providing translation services for the visiting delegation and coordinate their needs with the Vietnamese Government. Alongside the delegation three members of Mansudae Art Studio would arrive, carrying a big satchel that would be covered under diplomatic cargo.

Vice Leader of the Workers' Party of Korea, Choe Ryong-hae would greet Ambassador Lee before thanking the team that had arrived in the city. Looking forward to talks with the Vietnamese.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Noi Bai International Airport would be prepped for the arrival 24 hours ahead of time. The 1st Motorized Rifle Battalion would deploy a single Motorized Rifle Company to act as security. Securing the terminal that the Koreans would be directed to. Traffic would be heavily monitored and the soldiers were all in uniform. As well as being armed with standard issue AKM pattern rifles. Every single person in and out the airport was searched. Including the Australian workers who were upgrading the airport.

Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hoàng Tuấn Anh, Secretary General of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front Trần Văn Đăng, Chairman of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front Lê Quang Đạo, Army General Lê Văn Dũng, and Colonel general Lê Khả Phiêu along with their aides would be ready for the arrival of the Koreans. Making sure to arrive an hour prior to their landing.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Koreans arrived off of their plane as they were greeted by the welcoming committee. Vice Leader of the Workers' Party of Korea Choe Ryong-hae bowed respectfully as he smiled and greeted the men present. Thanking them for their time as a translator provided translations for them. "Thank you for the warm welcome. I am extremely happy to be here and look forward to our visit here."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Vietnamese officials assembled would bow before offering a handshake. The mixture being the most professional greeting in Vietnam. "We are happy to have you here." Colonel general Lê Khả Phiêu the Head of the Communist Party of Vietnam stated. "We have many things to discuss, and no doubt many plans to make. We have arranged a meeting room at the State Guest House." he would say with a pause. "One topic in particular I look forward to discussing is our respective plans for achieving Socialism in our nations."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Choe Ryong-hae: "I look forward to our stay in Hanoi. I likewise look forward to discussing on advancing the causes of the great socialist revolutions in our countries. While circumstances require us to modify and moderate our overall goals, our common values of representing the working people, the poor, and the disenfranchised should wither any storm. Giving up our core values is not something we can ever do. Even if it takes a hundred years, so long as we stay true to our core values we will persevere. I look forward to discussing our visions for solidarity amongst the oppressed people in the world and advancing socialism to address these social injustices."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Colonel general Lê Khả Phiêu smiled "My hope is that we can achieve socialism within the coming 21st century. Perhaps not in my lifetime, but it my hope that we along with our comrades, you, that we can set our nations on the path of achieving this socialism. It is good fortune that we are upon the so called Asian Century as well, for it will ease our efforts." he paused leaning in a little. "There are those that wish to set us back, and cause discourse within Vietnam. They have seen the fake bounty of the western world and much like Yeltsin of Russia are falling for it." they said thinking for a moment. "I do not trust the Social Democrats or Democratic Socialists, for they may try and sell us out to the fascists of the world." they said before leaning back into place. "I am sure however that you will be able to achieve your goals from your current position. Where before the capitalists denied your entrance at every turn you will now be able to teach them fully without redaction what we can achieve through communism." they said before gesturing to the convoy. "But let us save the rest of our talk for when we arrive." they said before they and the others would enter the vehicles.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Yes, please, let us discuss more for when we arrive. Indeed. We have much to discuss." Ryong-hae said as he entered the vehicle alongside his comrades. "As you said, we may not be able to achieve the full socialist state in our lifetime, but, like trees, we must plant the seeds to provide the shade for the future generations of our nations. Sadly, Yeltsin and the Russians have traded the spirit of brotherly communism for the dreams of global hegemony of Russian colonialist supremacy. That which they hope to achieve as sellouts to fascists and their fellow European imperialists.

The ultimate goal must continue to be the emancipation of the working people from their mental enslavement to the capitalist slave master. Only till one removes those shackles can they see the world truly as a free man. We have both seen the only side of the capitalist world. Exploitation and enslavement of the peoples of the world to supply and feed their industrial demons that poison our earth and our children."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"The capitalists are indeed insidious, worming their way into the minds of those they enslave through the chains of their system. Making the enslaved at every step think that they may escape those chains through effort and perhaps climb up to the heights of their masters. The truth is of course that only the rare individual may do so, while at the expense of everyone else. A brutal system that pits worker against worker, for the enrichment of the few at the top. So bad is it that those puppet masters have some convinced that they can work within their rigged system, and change it from the inside out. All while hiding the fact that time and time again when ever this has been tried, it always fails. Those that rule would not them be deposed through peaceful means."

"It is however fortunate that all the capitalists can do is delay, comrade." they smiled. "One day, their own greed will be their downfall. Not in our lifetime perhaps, but one day their greed for money, power, and efficiency will become so great it will open the eyes of those they enslave in mass. Their automation and ever better systems will see to it. The workers will not be able to be bribed any longer, and seize the means of production. I would rather see this sooner then later, but it is a comfort to know the capitalists are on borrowed time..."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I can only agree brothers. The exploitative nature of the West has replaced itself from direct colonization to indirect colonization. We are lucky that our revolutionary spirits have kept our countries free from Western colonial domination. I hope that regardless our commitment to the global struggle against Capitalism will not be impeded due to political pressures from external and internal actors.

But, time is on our side. Eventually, their crimes will catch up to them and bring down their thin fabric society crashing down. We must only keep firm in our beliefs and work to achieve the goals of our revolutionary leaders. Greed is inherit in their nature. It is only inevitable as you said. May we both build a prosperous Korea and Vietnam to ensure we are always ready to fight this capitalist disease and that when it comes to our future generations, they have the tools to defeat the disease of this exploitative Capitalism.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"To the global revolution!" They smiled as they rode along."Speaking of which, I do believe that it may be possible to ensure we have a leg up against the rot that is capitalism. The situation in Russia I doubt has changed much, and from what inkling I have heard it may be ramping up. Though I have not had a direct line of information for some time. We should jointly endeavor to convince the PRC to allow us to assist our comrades in Siberia. This could be our only chance to reestablish one of the strongest communist nations on Earth. To undo the damages of counter revolutionaries and leap us forward in our cause. After our meeting has concluded I will be seeing what I can do to help them."

"But in the meantime it seems we have arrived..." they said as they pulled up to the meeting. Where two guards in ceremonial uniforms awaited them at the entrance."Let us discuss matters at the table now." They said as they would get out of the car and waited for the others to do so as well. Then, leading the group inside to a meeting room with leather seats and a long table. A pitcher of water with glasses in the middle. A free teapot being brought just in with porcelain cups.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"While we support the basic ideas of the revolutionaries in Russia, unfortunately for legal reasons we can not participate in any meaningful way the support of the valiant defenders of our global cause. He sighed. While I wish we could do more, we are fairly limited. While a Soviet resurgence would greatly help inspire the Korean people to see the possibilities of a new future, if we have a hand in it, it may bring legal action against us as a political party.

I do hope that the Communist Party in China's arrival and the Far East resistance will pave the way for a new Communist Order in the East, one with the Communist Party in Japan could build a fortress from which the global resistance can find leadership, guidance, and support. One where national identity is linked to the global identity of the revolution. " The delegation pulled into the meeting venue, as they exited the vehicle and entered the decadent meeting room. Sitting down, the Koreans would have their tea and some drinking water as the Vice Leader of the party spoke. "Firstly, allow me to thank our brotherly comrades for their kindness and generosity. I hope our talks may prove bountiful and offer us insight into the benefits of the Korean Government's actions and hold them accountable should they deviate from the mission of helping the Vietnamese people. Our times are most peculiar and pressing. While the methods by which our revolution must adapt and evolve to achieve their ultimate goal, we can not turn to methods such as the Indian Communist Party which were revisionary and opportunistic. Even as the Workers Party of Korea transitions into a democratic space, we must continue to uphold the basic position as defenders of the working class.

As a meeting of the Communist Parties of Korea and Vietnam, it is important, within the new legal parameters, to cooperate and support one another as best as we can. To this end, the Workers Party will continue to support positive relations between Korea and Vietnam. To that end, our Party will of course support the Korea-Vietnam trade agreement. However, beyond this, we have seen that fascist regimes such as the Russian Empire, Swedish Colonialists, and Indian Capitalists have systematically undermined the just causes of the Soviet revolutionaries, the ANC resistance, and the peasants of India. How we can help our brothers and sisters of the revolutions is what I hope our brotherly comrades may enlighten us towards. While we can not reverse the fortunes of the past, we can make a stand against the currents of the future."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Indeed, it is my hope we can work together as comrades to foster good relations between Vietnam and Korea, as doing so will assist the global revolution as well as our perspective nations. I believe that one way we can help you is by influencing the development plans that are a part of the ASEAN talks. We should have resources directed towards the development of the Northern half of Korea as well as Vietnam. This concentration of resources will help build up the economic prosperity of the North, where many of your supporters live. Giving them even easier access to spread the ideals of communism in a grass roots sort of way. As for supporting the revolution abroad I believe the best solution to this is to provide two types of support. Material, and volunteer. Material in the form of weapons and equipment, and volunteer in the form of airforce assets. This way we can provide deniability in any case."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"It is extremely difficult for our party to engage in foreign activities, especially with our inclusion into the southern regime's institutions and protocols. However, I am sure that where we lack in physical action we can make up with financial, technical, and verbal support. What the Korean people as true believers in the cause of the working class do is not something I can control, whether they volunteer in any form or way.

As you said, we must work to assist the global revolution through developmental plans, resource allocations, and prosperity. Additionally, while we have active communist parties in our two countries, supporting a communist party in Thailand would be beneficial to establish a solid foundation for the projection of Asian solitary through the lens of collective action. We are also interested in reaching out to other communist struggles whether they be in India or South Africa against oppressive fascist regimes. While we may be limited in what we can do realistically not being in Government, I am hopeful we can offer whatever support possible."


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