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Korea | Russia Relations


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs < Alex >


Subject: [CONFIDENTIAL] ROK-Russia relations

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Dear Minister,

I hope this email finds you well. I am emailing you to discuss our bilateral relations and the current situation in the Far East. We welcome the return of an administration in Moscow and look forward to a positive relationship with the Russian Federation.

Onto our bilateral relations, I must speak frankly when I say our Government is disappointed in the rapid degradation and fall of Russian control over their territory on our border. We are extremely concerned and continuously monitoring the situation in the Far East. As neighborly countries, the affairs of our states continue to impact each other in positive and negative ways. On the principles of our mutual respects for each others internal affairs, while what the Russian Government does is it's own concern. However, the rise of non-state actor terrorist far right and fascist militias in the Far East is an aspect that does not fit within the internal affairs of your country.

Our Country while ready to work with Russia and its legitimate government, we will not tolerate the proliferation of terrorist organizations and their militias. I hope we can discuss this in-depth and understand the situation more accurately and avoid misunderstandings, confusion, and alteration. In situations like this, having the conversations needed can avoid future issues. Please note, our government has no intention of actively or in a greater capacity intervening in the Far East. This of course, under the assumption there are no hostile actions taken on our immediate border and its surrounding areas. Of which, we continue to reserve our right to protect our country from these groups and their benefactors.

On that note, we hope that we can have a prosperous and fruitful relationship. Including the discussions on protections and rights of ethnic Korean minorities in Russia, their historical homelands, the return of Noktundo, and peace and stability in North and East Asia. Should our government be able to assist your country in these times of need please let us know. We hope our work in the GA to secure a $7 billion + debt relief grant and financial payments in assistance showcase our resolve for a prosperous relationship.

Signed with sincerity,
Baek Jeonghee
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Message to the Republic of Korea
Private & Encrypted

To: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baek Jeonghee
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Igor Ivanov

Dear Minister Baek,

I am deeply apologetic of my extremely late response to such an important and urgent matter. As I am certain you have realized, the situation in my motherland has escalated to open conflict, specifically the Ural Mountains region on the Russian-Siberian border. Furthermore, I am unsure of the work that the news have done both internally and internationally to speak and report on the situation and as such I shall inform to the situation here in Moscow itself. Acting President, Vladimir Putin, and the newly crowned Catherine III Romanov have signed into action a new constitution that has allowed the Federation and the Monarchist Supporters to work together against the Militants of Siberia, the Far-Eastern Resistance, and all other uprising groups: the reformation of the Russian Empire.

The Kremlin and her Imperial Majesty are in understanding the Korea's stance and concern. With conflict now being a sad reality, the militants that have seized Siberia are pushing into the territories of the Far-Eastern Resistance. However, with Russian forces steadily pushing into Siberia through the Urals, it is the opinion of the Chief of the General Staff that the militants do not have the resources to make an threat to Korea, nor would they spend them there instead of using them against Russian forces.

However, words alone cannot ease your mind, I am certain. As such, if you wish, I could have a meeting held between Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev and yourself and any other Korean governmental personnel to discuss this situation more in-depth. This meeting could either be in person or through a video conference - the choice is yours.

Kindest Regards,
Igor Ivanov
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Russian Empire

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GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs < Alex >


Subject: [CONFIDENTIAL] ROK-Russia relations

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Dear Minister Ivanov,

Please let me begin by expressing my sincerest happiness in your wellbeing and health. I speak on a personal level when I say that I have been extremely concerned over the situation in Russia. I was most ecstatic when I heard that the situation in the Western regions had gotten under control. I wish to express my personal happiness that you and your family are in good health. I hope that everything has been well.

Onto matters of State, please note, that Korea has the full confidence of the Russian Government to address this crisis. We offer our public and military support to assist you with this civil war and offer whatever material and economic assistance we can offer. We are glad to see Monarchists and Federalists working together towards the common good of the Russian people. It is our hopes that the rights of ethnic Korean minorities will be respected and their property and identity protected.

Onto the situation in the Far East, we appreciate your sharing of intelligence and information. I hope that we can discuss through our armed forces the situation and how ROK-Russian military forces can coordinate on the situation in the Far East. Whether it be supplying aerial intelligence or conducting maritime operations, Korea is here to assist as possible. I am currently away on a regional summit of Asian foreign ministers and I hope that Chairman Park of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Korea can discuss with his counterpart in Russia. We believe a video call is most appropriate given the level of urgency.

While Korea has considered a number of response options to this crisis, pleas note, our actions will always be done in consultation with your Government where possible. We shall hold your words dear in that the militants do not have the capacity for cross-border actions against Korea. However, Korea likewise can not permit these non-state actors seizing our border crossings. I hope that we can find a way to cooperate and prevent such an event.

Signed with sincerity,
Baek Jeonghee
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
As requested, a secret and secured video conference would be set up. Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin and Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev would be situated in the same empty and private office room. An invitation would be sent to the Korean government and the two men would await their arrival into the virtual meeting.

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GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Chairman of Korea's Armed Forces, Admiral Park Kyungjil, two high ranking Army official, army tactical planners with high level clearances would all join the video call. The Chairman would be the only one seen in the video, with his aids on the sides. The Chairman would also be joined by a translator with clearances in the private room. With everything set, an encrypted room was video call was set up.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Good day... or night, Admiral Park." Prime Minister Chernomyrdin would speak first. "I understand the situation here is much to worry about for the Republic of Korea so Minister Sergeyev and I will do our best to answer any of your questions and concerns."

The Defense Minister would nod. "Yes, but first, I believe there is an urgent matter to discuss - the communist militants that are pushing into the Far-East." He would pause for a moment. "It is our belief that the Far-Eastern Resistance, with the military support having fled back to Imperial bases, will not hold out for very long. The Russian navy stationed there, alongside the air force, have done their best to take as many refugees fleeing from the war back to European Russia as they could... but there still remains thousands that could not get out, thousands of which will flee..."

The Prime Minister would speak once more. "We know that we have no right to ask you this, but these refugees have nowhere to go. We ask of Korea to set up refugee camps along the border in the hopes of giving the refugees a place to rest their heads and receive basic necessities until the situation at home is resolved. Of course, we are willing to fund these camps if Korea is willing to set them up."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I wish the circumstances of our conversation were better Prime Minister Chernomyrdin. Thank you for taking the time to call us. The situation is indeed grave and we are happy to discuss this in-depth." The Korean Chairman would listen to the Defense Minister's statement before speaking. "I must speak frankly gentlemen, that Korea can not accept communists or fascists taking the border zone. We had hoped that Imperial Forces would hold out longer in the Far East, however, the war of attrition has clearly taken its toll." The Chairman paused as he thought on what to say next.

"Korea will do its part to help those fleeing these vile ideological militias. We can begin working on refugee camps along our border, however, there are limits to how much we can do to help our neighbors." The Chairman listened as the Prime Minister spoke. "Koreans have been refugees and displaced peoples for many years due to colonization and partition. We have no intention of letting the Russian people be treated without dignity. We will do our part to uphold the dignity and safety of those fleeing the situation in the Far East." The Korean General would hand a file to the Chairman. "Gentlemen, if we can speak more openly. Korea would not like to take any unilateral action and would like to request as part of our support for refugee relocation, that Korea establish a safe zone on our border.

"Our contingency plans was created during the outbreak of the Civil War. The Secure, Contain, Protect, (SCP) Framework was created under three main principles. To Secure the border, take direct action to Contain the threat, and provide relief and assistance to Protect civilians. Our proposed area of operation would be as followed." The following image would be shared via secured communications to the Russians. "Our desire is to create a 18 by 22km safe zone with the blue area being an area where Korean Forces will set up refugee settlements and maintain security and assist local communities fleeing the violence. The red zone are an area under Korean protection with all hostile fighters entering the area being neutralized and all refugees fleeing violence protected. We understand the importance of maintaining your territorial integrity, and that any intervention may inflame and rally the opposition. However, to maintain transparency into what the Korean Government is considering, we wish to share as close partners our plans at this time. What are your thoughts? We are of course constraint by situations beyond our control, whether we have to host refugees on our side of the border or create a safe zone, all our actions will be done with your consent. Korea will not take unilateral action at this time."




Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The two Russians would listen to the Korean proposal very carefully. After a moment, the Prime Minister would be the one to speak. "I believe this could work, yes. Our concern is Korea's stance on neutralizing targets within the red zone. While we completely understand that armed individuals entering this zone will be a risk to Korean security and that action should be taken, however all I ask is that a proper warning is given to these armed individuals before violence is chosen to solve the situation: warning shots, visual warnings, anything you believe will reveal to them that they should turn back.

Other than that, we are in support of Korea's plan for the border region. I believe a safe zone for refugees would be the best option. As we said before, we are willing to fund all the necessary equipment and materials for Korea to set up this safe zone, would that be necessary?"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Chairman Park: "Of course Prime Minister Chernomyrdin." The Chairman said as he took down a note on the paper in front him. "We can approve a rule of engagement specific for our forces in the safe zone. Including as you mentioned, warning signs in Russian and English, warning shots fired by ROK uniformed personnel, and public statements made in Russian and global media sources, so forth. Our primary objective is more so aimed at armed militias attempting to harass refugees or attack the refugee camps. We will send our proposed rules of engagement for your governments approval and publication as deemed appropriate.

On the second matter, we would be willing to bear the burden of the financial costs for the safe zone and the refugee camp as part of our operation. I know that your financial resources must be stretched combating the insurgents and addressing your own citizens demands." A uniformed aide would hand the Chairman a note, "On this note, if I may request, We would like to inform our strategic partners, the United States, Spain, and ASEAN which are Thailand and Vietnam, of our plans for a proposed safe zone. We will not be accepting their personnel or physical support, however, our government wishes to consult its partners before making a decision that could impact their perceptions of the civil war.

If your Government is comfortable with such a measure, we would merely be informing them of our intentions to discuss a safe zone with Russia and not of your positive response. As for the refugees, once we have an approved rules of engagement and authorization by your State Duma and her Imperial Highness, Korean troops can begin deployment to set up the safe zone and begin construction of the refugee camps.

On two related side-note. It is my understand that the Wagner Group offers services regarding organizing various national armies. I hope that, although the Russian Government is not associated with Wagner, your government could speak to waive their associated fees and help provide consultancy to the Korean Army to better re-organize our forces ahead of their deployment. Korea has a lot of trust in the Russian Government and we hope to maintain this level of trust and cooperation in the future. I would also like to re-instate the previous S-400 agreement between Korea and Russia to better arm and equip the Russian Armed Forces. On that note, Korea would also be open to opening its plants for producing Russian equipment at base price for production during these tough times. Ensuring your armed forces has the greatest equipment in the fight for their homeland is our primary concern, not profitability."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Wonderful then, we'll look over everything the moment it's faxed over, Chairman." The Prime Minister would state.

The Defense Minister would speak next as the discussion turned to military topics. "With the Republic of Korea having taken on the payment of the refugee camp and all of its necessary purchases, I suppose we could discuss wavering the loan that we gave Wagner Group in return for them offering their services to Korea. Would that be possible?" The Minister looked at Chernomyrdin who responded with a nod. "Very well, I'll have one of my Deputy Ministers contact Wagner Group and discuss terms, they'll contact your Ministry of Defense in return, I imagine.

I'm glad to hear that Korea is willing to keep the S-400 Agreement that we had, it was a topic that I was going to bring up. If my memory serves well..." The Minister would look through his notes. "The Republic of Korea has produced 40 of these systems. Our agreement stated that for every 5 systems Korea produced, 1 would be produced for Russia. 4 systems have currently been delivered to Russia so far, leaving another 4 to be produced and sent to Russia. Furthermore, regarding the usage of Korean factories, we do have access to a extremely modern corvette design that we yet have the capabilities of produce, these being the Steregushchiy-class Corvettes. If Korea is willing to produce them for us, we are looking for a total of 8 to be produced for our navy. The expected cost of each of these corvettes is 150,000,000.00$ - 1,200,000,000.00$ for all 8. Additionally, we would be interested in having Korea produce 50 S-400 systems for us, something that would equal to the cost of 3,100,000,000.00$.

If Korea is willing to produce them for us, we'll transfer the funds of 4,300,000,000.00$ as quickly as possible... and for the future, if Korea is still willing, we would be interested in using the Korean industrial might to produce modern aircraft for the Russian air force."

Last edited:


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"we would appreciate your generosity regarding our proposal for a consultancy from Wagner on our armed forces. I as well thank your Government for accepting the proposal. I will inform our National Defense Ministry to prepare for the meeting with Wagner.

On the item of the S-400, yes, the ROK Armed Forces currently have forty S-400 battalions in service. As you said, every five S-400 systems produced by Korea, one would be produced for Russia. Four systems were delivered to the Russian Federation, with an outstanding balance of four more to be produced for your Armed Forces. This is our assessment as well.

Hyundai Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding are more than capable of producing your vessels at our advanced shipbuilding ports in Busan and Ulsan. We can produce all eight as soon as possible. As for the S-400, we can create a total order of 54 S-400 systems with the price tag of $3.1 billion. With regards to the two orders, Korea will waive fees and mark up prices due to the circumstances of the Russian Civil War. I will relay this position to our civilian administration at the conclusion of these discussions. When the total $4.3 billion is delivered, our industries can move ahead and begin production. In the future, we are also ready to produce aircrafts and other equipment as needed."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The Minister of Defense would speak. "That's good to hear. If my reports are correct, the corvettes and the S-400 systems are already being shipped to Russia. These will be of great help in the war, especially to protect our skies from potential terrorist attacks." He would pause for a moment. "One of my Deputy Ministers has also spoken with Wagner Group and they have agreed to aid in your structuring, free of charge. You may contact them any time to begin working on that."

"Was there anything else requiring discussion?" The Prime Minister would ask.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Thank you for your kindness in the Wagner case. We will make contact with them shortly. No, I believe that will be a..." Outside a knock would be made, while the Chairman attempted to finish his statement it would start again, telling the man nearest to the door to open, a young woman in uniform would step in, whispering to the Chairman's ear as she handed him a note. Reading the note as she spoke, he looked back at his Russian counterparts as the lady left and closed the room. "I apologize Defense Minister Sergeyev. The situation's evolution is of concern to the civilian side of the Government.

Firstly, let me congratulate your Government in recapturing the critical stronghold of the Soviet resistance. Our Government is most supportive of your efforts and continues to offer its services. President Kim has instructed our forces to do everything in our capacity to assist you. As part of this, our national security council has requested that you allow us to offer both material and direct assistance to the defenders in Vladivostok. Everyday we hold the communist rebels at bay is another day the people live free in the Far East. Currently, we would like to loan on a temporary basis 35 T-80UE MBT to the Imperial forces in the city, additionally, we'd like to deploy a platoon of special operators and CCT operators. They would be backed by air power in the form of MiG-29 and F-15K aircrafts.

As you know, the defeat in the eastern front for the rebels is a positive development. However, it puts greater need on capturing the strategic city of Vladivostok. It is in Korea's interest to not allow this to happen. Likewise, every inch of land held by the Empire is an inch less to recover. We hope that our assistance can be given, if having troops on the ground is difficult in this regard, we would offer an air shipment of munitions and MREs to the imperial forces in the city via air."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"They are not Soviets, Chairman - they are terrorists. We cannot afford to give them any form of legitimacy, even something as simple as calling them what they call themselves." Prime Minister Chernomyrdin had to assure that the people of Russia and the world would not see the terrorists as anything more than they were. While the push was steady, things could change at any moment, the more the citizens saw them for what they were, the better. "While we appreciate the offer of tanks for our forces, there's a small issue... there are no official Russian forces in Vladivostok, only resistance fighters. It's unlikely that they have the means nor know-how to operate tanks, I'm afraid. However, once I have the OK from Her Imperial Majesty, I will grant Korea access into Russian airspace to allow the Resistance fighters proper defense. I am certain the aircraft you are planning to send will be of enormous aid against the terrorist artillery that is currently being used against the Resistance.

I would also like to note that while air shipments would be the best way of doing so, the far-left terrorists are not at Vladivostok just yet and its port, from my understanding, is still safe to access if you wish to send larger shipments."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The Defense Minister would budget in. "My apologies, however, while we still have you on the line I'd like to make another request. It appears that the situation regarding the Kingdom of Sweden in the Global Assembly is going... south, let's say. With that said, we were wondering if South Korea would be willing to build some additional equipment for us? Specifically, we are looking to produce a total of 15 Voronezh Radar Systems, totaling to roughly 519,000,000.00$" With that said he would look through the reports regarding the civil war. "I would also like to state that the Russian forces have reached as far as Tomsk Oblast, the terrorist forces are quickly falling back - Vladivostok may not be lost at all."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Our apologies. Yes. We are glad to hear the rapid success of Russian forces and continue to offer whatever support we can to assist the war effort. The status of terrorists across the border is of concern to Korea. Korea will not however arm and support these resistance fighters in Vladivostok. The risks to the longterm stability of the region are high if ragtag untrained militias fighters get their hands on advanced weapons and equipment. We will continue to monitor our border and consult you accordingly with any changes. We can however proceed with supplying the city with humanitarian assistance including food and water. As for artillery attacks, if these attacks persist, the Korean Air Force can take direct action and destroy artillery pieces attacking civilians in the city. This would be minimal, a few platoons of special operators and a dozen aircrafts.

We would be willing to produce these 15 units. Our Government is inquiring if Russia currently has ballistic missile submarines for sale as the Republic of Korea seeks to better advance our strike response deterrence against future aggression. The debacle of the Global Assembly has shown us that we can only be reliant on a robust national defense. We would be happy to discuss an appropriate arrangement for ballistic missiles and submarines. We are looking to acquire five submarines alongside a compliment of 100 missiles. Please do not feel that the production of 15 Voronezh Radar Systems is tied to the sale of Submarine. We will submit a request to KDIA as soon as possible to facilitate this transaction after the finances have been sorted.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Understandable, Colonel. If things continue to go as they are, Vladivostok will be liberated soon regardless." The Prime Minister would say before allowing his Minister of Defense to speak.

"We... cannot sell any of our ballistic missiles submarines due to complications with Nexus and while we would hope you would avoid Nexus entirely, if you really do wish for a submarine then I would recommend the Delta III-class Submarine. In the hopes of assuring deterrence from your nation, especially with such nations as Sweden being as they are, we would be able to sell to you 100 R-29RKU2 Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles at 44,850,000.00$ each for a total of 4,485,000,000.00$. Or, alternatively we could sell to you the Topol-M mobile and silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile for 30,000,000.00$ each for a total of 3,000,000,000.00$. As for the Voronezh systems, we'll have the money sent for their construction shortly."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"We completely understand the issue regarding Nexus. We will of course take your advice most seriously with how we deal with foreign defense conglomerates and their monopoly on this industry. One which our Government has taken a keen interest into of recent days.

I appreciate your Government's support for the national defense of Korea. We believe that the Topol--M mobile intercontinental ballistic missile would be more appropriate for our specific needs. Offering us range, mobility, and lethality. We would like to begin with an initial order of 50 warheads and 10 mobile launcher units. With additional options for future procurement of additional launcher units and warheads in the years to come.

We look forward to continuing to supply the Russian Armed Forces with advance weapons to protect your Empire from both threats within and threats abroad on the ever so encroaching powers that border you. I am sure President Kim hopes to expand ROK-Russia relations with Her Imperial Highness and hopefully the conditions will allow for formal visits in the near future. Please note, our Government has begun construction of the refugee camps and we are ready to process refugees at our border crossing within the coming weeks. We hope that their needs will be met and hopefully their stay temporary as the valiant effort of the Russian Armed Forces continues to battle terrorist forces across the country."


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