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Korea | Thailand Phone Call


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Korean Prime Minister, Jo JaeHyuk, would have his office schedule a call to the Thai Foreign Minister. With the ongoing ASEAN+ and Jeju Summits, the Foreign Ministry and President were both busy with the relevant operations. The Office of the Prime Minister was requested to handle the Thai Government's recent decision to support the Occupation of South Africa. Korean Government officials would provide relevant information to the Prime Minister regarding the statements made in private about Korea to various countries by the Swedish colonialists and Thailand's recent decisions. The Korean Foreign Minister provided a number of items for the Prime Minister to discuss with his Thai Counterpart.

In his office in Sejong City, the Prime Minister would set up a private and encrypted call to his Thai counterpart. The Korean Foreign Ministry would provide translators and two aides to the Prime Minister. He would make the call and wait for the Thai Prime Minister to pick up.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai was doing papers regarding applying military decision that was forward from Royal Thai Armed Force Headquarter, reading intelligence reports, and general reports from other ministries while Korean Prime Minister, Jo JaeHyuk is dialing the number to his office. He would realize that the phone was ringing, he saw that the phone line is from outside the country, and pick up the phone.

"Hello? This is Chuan Leekpai, Prime Minister of Thailand. Sorry for the late response, I was doing some paperwork. Is there anything you wish to know? I would like to know your name too."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
After confirming the line was secure and protected the Prime Minister proceeded. "Hello Prime Minister Chuan. This is Prime Minister Jo, of the Republic of Korea. Our offices were in contact sometime ago regarding the Thai-Korean financial assistance memorandum and the education and technical support agreement. It is a pleasure to speak with you again. I am calling with a specific issue to discuss. While our ASEAN+ Summit is underway, we wished to address our specific issues with your involvement with the Swedish Colonial Authority. Please allow me by starting while Korea respects your nations right to make decisions in accordance with its national interests, this is an issue Korea believes must be raised to the higher levels of your Government.

I hope you can begin with explaining the nature of your involvement in the current occupation of South Africa. Including whether you are involved in armed action, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, policing, reconstruction etc...I also hope you can detail how large your contributions are, for example, have you sent a small or large force. Please, Prime Minister Chuan, I am eager to understand the reasons for your involvement and how far you have gone into this operation. I hope it is alright of me to ask these questions."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Prime minister Jo? I remember you! It is nice to talk to you again. I hope this to be a normal social phone call, but regarding the matters that are currently occurring, I need to do my work as the Prime Minister of Thailand. I am happy to tell you the information about what we are doing right now for my friend. I will start with our involvement in South Africa. First, Sweden contacts us about the situation in South Africa, they ask us what our opinion is. They also ask us to help in the humanitarian effort in South Africa, which we accept. The main reason we decide to support South Africa is not about colonialism but is to help South African. We have decided to deploy 798 well-trained personnel to South Africa through Don Muang airport to Wonderboom airport to search the airbase to renovate it into field hospitals. About peacekeeping, I see there is no need to do it, but a little could be used to help some South African. I have many reports from the soldier I sent there that almost everyone they have met in South African supports Sweden's Occupation. The reconnaissance battalion that is reconnaissance has reported that the main reason that they are supporting Sweden is that Sweden is trying to invest in South Africa, free healthcare, and they are working with the South Africa cabinet, and the Armed Force to help the citizen. Currently, our soldiers are at Pretoria and Sweden still has no access to it, so we will be the ones scouting the north side of the country to help South African.

We have transformed 6 Hangars into Field hospitals. We have sent medical equipment as well as food and water supplies to help South Africans. There is around 1,000 locals come to Field hospital to find the doctor and receive supplies. At first, we are eager to send more Humanitarian aid forces there, but with any reason in logistics and the soldier that we sent is before we assign more soldiers to each battalion making us be able to send only 798 personnel. The one thing that I notice from the report is that people there actually support Sweden, and every instructor Sweden sends to us always reminds us to always be nice to the people. I do believe Sweden is planning to stay there for 6 months - 4 years.

The progression of Sweden's reconnaissance is slow for me, and I think that Sweden's reconnaissance unit is not so many. It's like when you doing a campaign for people to elect you for the Prime Minister, and need to go every place to hear people's needs. I think Sweden is doing it, but they also help people when they meet them. We are also working with a local administrative in Pretoria. In the deployment we made, we have sent 500 soldiers there, which turns out, we don't need that many soldiers, so I am thinking that I should approve this document that was sent to me to allow those 500 soldiers to work as recon unit. I think that's all about what I remember. I'm sorry I didn't tell the story in order, this is a surprise call for me. What do you think? I agree that Sweden can be some kind of colonialism, but I work with Sweden just to help people there."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Thank you for the explanation Prime Minister Chuan. I do wish that this would have been a normal social phone call. However, the current colonization of South Africa is something of importance to Korea in adverting the further expansion by European imperialist agendas. I must be frank Mr. Prime Minister. Korea asks that you reconsider your deployment and recall your contingent deployed to the South Africa. By supporting Sweden's actions, you would be complicit in the ongoing occupation of South Africa and impeding on their right for self-determination free from foreign occupation and rule.

I hope you understand that just because Sweden is investing money, it does not make it right. Colonial powers invested in roads, railways, and buildings to suit their colonial administration and resource extraction needs. They did so not out of kindness but for profit maximization. Sweden's actions while highly admirable, are being done in a fashion that is not. Occupying another country and fixing their issues is not the way to go. Fundamentally Prime Minister Chuan, the ends do not justify the means. If Sweden truly wishes to help, why can they not allow a UN peacekeeping force to overtake security concerns and Sweden contribute financial and political support?

I ask you to seriously consider, why would people, in their own will, support the occupation. Yes, perhaps some of the Apartheid officials are happy because another White Power will stay in control and maintain the status quo and not upset their unethical means of acquiring prime real estate, wealth, and state resources. Perhaps some of the indigenous African communities are happy because the Apartheid regime has fallen and they are being liberated. Yes, I agree, that people will and may support the occupation. However, has any actual public support or agreement been made between the people (an actual player) and the Swedish government? I am yet to find the legal justification for their occupation and for bypassing the Global Assembly.

As long as Sweden is running South Africa, no government set up is legitimate in the eyes of Korea. I appreciate your openness with me. I must however ask you please reconsider your deployment and instead support the Global Assembly. I am 100% certain that Thailand can contribute to the Global Assembly peacekeeping force. I can only hope Sweden will cooperate and support the Global Assembly, not undermine it further. I ask that you also change your stance and join us in the Assembly in passing the resolution and ending this occupation. Mr. Prime Minister. As the son of grandmothers who were taken as sex slaves, and the son of grandfathers who were tortured and killed, I can not accept the savior complex of foreign imperialist ideologies in their mission to fix the world in their image. I know very well the vile ideology of Imperialism after 40 years of Japanese colonial rule. I know that Sweden today and Japan of the past are different, but, the core of their ideologies remain, only they know what is right and the people they occupy are incapable of doing these changes on their own."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Thank you for your directness, Prime minister Jo. I am aware of Sweden's annexation of South Africa. I can say that reconsideration can be made. I must be clear again that my administration isn't supporting Sweden right now, but the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Surin Pitsuwan, has a different opinion from me. I don't support Sweden in this position, and because we have sent humanitarian aid force to South Africa in the name of Sweden, but that doesn't mean we support Sweden's colonialism. We want to make things as easy as possible. You might have heard about the news that we will not sign this resolution to end Sweden's occupation of South Africa, and that's true, but it is not my idea. I already ask Ambassador Krit Garnjana-Goonchorn to be quiet as much as possible unless someone accuses us. He will wait for my last order to decide whatever he should side within this Resolution.

Yes, Prime minister Jo, I understand that just Sweden is investing money, which doesn't make Sweden has the right to occupy it. Back in the day, we were Siam, Britain, and France have taken our land in Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Malaysia. We have experience how people in our former land are being treated and how they developed it. We have never been colonial before, but our experience and diplomacy have taught us well. The current situation in South Africa has become a political field where major countries take action to maintain their point of view. We have been in contact by two sides, and we are open to both Sweden and you right now, and both sides have their point of view. Sweden accuses South Korea of occupied North Korea without the Global Assembly's direction, and accuse United State that they are using another bully tactic to control the globe, and besides that, South Korea is opposing Sweden because they are preoccupying about colonialism. I am not judging you, but there is always the guy that is childish enough to start a conflict with another country, for example like South Africa in the first place, they declare war because they don't accept another person on occupying some island. It's not like you are still in school, and when you want something that you don't have access to, so you can just chicanery another person, and then the teacher will come to stop you and find the solution in some room. It is what is happening right now. I am over 60 years old and I am bored of people that want world peace, but when the problem comes to them, they just quarrel with another side. I am sorry about complaining about this, Prime minister Jo. Let's continue." Prime Minister Chuan would take a breath for a moment and continue.

"About resolution and peacekeeping force. I believe that Korean and American friends together are more than Sweden's friends alone. I am happy to participate in the peacekeeping force, but the main problem about Sweden is its name. Let's say that the resolution pass, Sweden agree to release South Africa, and we can change the peacekeeping force to humanitarian force instead. There is no conflict to be solved because the conflict has already ended since Sweden annexed South Africa."

About our deployment in South Africa, I think you have understood that it is not an intervention force because it is a Humanitarian aid force. I can just order them to come home by now, but what about South African? They have to wait for an ambassador from each country to argue for how long? I know the administration in my country well, and I can say that it is very easy for us to allocate our force in South Africa to be in the peacekeeping force. I want to ask you if you agree to let us stay there and only help South African people, and transfer the force to the peacekeeping force when the resolution passes? We don't support Sweden colonialism, and I am always ready to use my power as the leader of the country to help South African. I can order them to prepare a camp in Pretoria Military base, and Wonderboom National airport to prepare the camp for GA force from Asia, and Europe to land at the airbase because it is the closest way, and it is the important point in strategic view. All we need is to make Sweden agree to let everyone come to help in South Africa and make the resolution to be passed. Do you trust in me? Will you let me handle the tension in South Africa that Sweden and Israel might oppose me from staying with both sides?"

Last edited:


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Prime Minister, thank you for your openness as well. I ask that your Administration and your foreign minister deeply take steps including withdrawing your forces as a public show that you do not support the annexation and occupation of South Africa. You are still complicit in their actions and we wish to continue your kind assistance under a legal mandate rather than an illegal annexation. If you are worried your departure will cause humanitarian issues, then, I would give in my humble advice, that your government make a public statement condemning the annexation and say that you are ready to withdraw when the global assembly deploys its peacekeeping force and join its mission. Our Government also asks you reconsider your position on this resolution and help us get it passed. If you are truly involved in humanitarian purposes, this resolution achieves that and does so legally. No state is above the law Prime Minister. If Sweden is allowed to annex any territory it wishes, what will stop other larger powers from going and restarting an era of 'civilizing' the decolonized world.

Secondly, Minister, Sweden's statements are completely false. I can only speak about Korea. Our Government was ending a colonial division between two Koreas. Our Government was acting in line with our constitutional duties. We did so in line with international law. I am more than happy to explain in depth why the Unification, not occupation Minister, of the Korean Peninsula was completely legal. Just as numerous UN resolutions and mandates called for it, Korea did so fully aware of its international obligations. Sweden has used falsified or mischaracterized statements to justify its illegal action. Prime Minister. Sweden's justifications are not accurate to the slightest in comparison with Korea.

Lastly, Prime Minister, you said that the peacekeeping mission is a problem in name. Firstly, Prime Minister, you Sweden and South Africa were not at peace but active belligerents in a declared state of war when Sweden occupied, then annexed, and now administered South Africa. Peacekeeping is in its name. It must keep peace. Keeping peace is humanitarian, it is providing security, it is providing justice. I am more than happy to relay to our permanent mission more provisions on humanitarian aid to be given. I do not have to power to discuss on behalf of the GA the provisions of the deployment of the forces. However, should this resolution pass, with your hopeful assistance, I am ready to back your proposal to assist the GA to the undersecretary for peacekeeping missions."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Prime Minister Chuan would listen carefully. "I see Prime minister Jo. I think you have a good point. ํYou said it right that I am worried my departure will cause humanitarian issues. The advice you give me is pretty good. I don't support Sweden Annexation, so I guess I have a reason to condemn Sweden. About reconsider our position on the Resolution, let me think for a moment." Prime Minister Chuan would mumble in Thai for about 3 minutes. "Okay, I have decided, Prime minister Jo. I can side with you ambassador in this Resolution, but I believe the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would get some problems again. We sent a message to our ambassador in Sweden to discuss things with Sweden and I still want to befriend Sweden. I don't want to have any negative relationship with any country in the world, but you don't need to care about this. My administrative can take care of this situation."

"So they are not at peace yet. I apologize for my misunderstanding. Jeez, this means I am some kind of humanitarian belligerent force in war. The humanitarian effort from Global Assembly will be very appreciated for me, and South African."

"About two Korea, I understand about Unification. The roots of the problem are colonialism. I would love to know more about the story of Unification, and the current story of North Korea."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Prime Minister. If your relationship with Sweden requires you to be complicit in the annexation of the South African people, do you believe that is a fair relationship? Korea has relations with many countries and we disagree on many things. But, it does not mean we sacrifice the rights of other peoples to better our relationships. That is not the spirit of global solidarity and cooperation. Your relationship with Sweden is your national prerogative and not of the interest of Korea to harm. I ask you only consider in equal light the position of Korea, a friend to Thailand, just as you wish to consider Sweden's position as your friend.

As for the Korean Peninsula. You are well aware of the history. As you recall, Thai troops fought to help the Government of Korea to keep the country free from communism in the 1950s. You are also aware of numerous UN resolutions and mandates regarding the Korean Peninsula. The Korean Government and Northern Regime signed an agreement in 1972 towards the unification of Korea and held numerous inter-Korean meetings. Korean officials exchanged numbers of letters and communications towards this goal. Our Government through a peaceful course of action oversaw the unification of 74 million Koreans. The events of 1998 were a series of efforts from the 1950s and decades of efforts by hundreds of patriots. What happened in Korea was unification of a single people, the right enshrined into every people to determine their own destiny from foreign occupation and rule.

It is the right denied to the Korean people by the European colonial power in The Hague Conference of 1907. It is the right denied to the Korean people by the Japanese during their colonial rule from the 1905 to 1945. It was a right denied to the Korean people during the partition of the peninsula. Prime Minister, I must be honest. The ignorance of the Swedish Government in their statements is disgusting. Their attempts to justify their annexation from our painful experience of millions of deaths, lives destroyed, and families torn apart is abhorrent. Do they make the same statements regarding German reunification that happened in 1989? I do not see this. What they are doing saying is disgusting Prime Minister. Korea's patience with their slander and lies is running dry.

You can not compare two events with different meanings and evolutions Prime Minister. For your information, Korea did consult with many countries our actions, not because we had to do so, but because we believe in the process of multilateralism. We informed the Global Assembly, we acted in line with our obligations, and we are a single people. Korean blood runs through our veins as it has for centuries. Swedish people are not natives to South Africa. They are not indigenous. They are not unifying with their kinsmen. They are occupiers. They are colonizers. And they are thieves. If your Foreign Ministry is okay with this, then, there is nothing more I can say."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Prime Minister Chuan would speak in a calm voice. "Prime Minister, Jo. My relationship with Sweden has never been required us to be complicit in the Swedish's annexation of South Africa. I also never commit any complicit in this annexation of South Africa territory. If my relationship required me to complicit in Sweden's annexation of South Africa, I would never agree to it because it is not fair to me and South Africa. Imagine I am complicit in this annexation. What will I get? I will only get the trust from Sweden, but other countries don't trust Sweden. So, I will be on the side of disadvantage. I know that your foreign relationship is massive, which if that is not true, Korea wouldn't be a World power today. Prime Minister, Joe. You must understand that the reason that we are succeeding in improving relationships in various countries isn't from sacrifice the rights of other people. We have some agreement because our information is not the same. Both sides tell that the other side is lying. both sides trying to assassinate other country personalities even though they don't fully know the truth. I have to try to cooperate, Jo. I love Korea, and Korea will always be our friend. I thank you that understand. Our relationship with Sweden is not the same policy of Korea and other countries. It is a challenging policy to be friends with all sides. This is the path we have to should for our foreign policy. Even in a country that isn't in a Global Assembly, we also try to befriend them. As I have said, a reconsider can be made, but not now, Jo. It is a sensitive matter, and not only can decide. We are late on our monthly meeting between each Ministry. I also believe that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs monthly meeting is also late. Because the work that has been massively increasing in the past few months made our personnel very busy. You can't change order country idea that fast, Jo. I will try my best for both of you and Sweden to find a solution fast.

Korea Peninsula has always been news since I was a teenager. Our country has been cooperating with Korea since I enter political life. I am proud of our military to be able to help Korea in Korean War. We are the first nation to support Korea's cause. We have sent over 11,786 throughout the war. Our famous battle is on Pork Chop Hill and the Third Battle of Seoul. I appreciated our force effort. I am surprised when I heard the news back in 1998 when Korea was unified. I hope Korea will always remain unified as long as the universe's life. I understand about Sweden in South Africa, Jo. I saw that Sweden is trying to help South Africans from its own mistake, at least Sweden is being responsible. Please, don't say something bad again about me say something like support Sweden. From my intelligence, Sweden has confirmed to us that they will leave after the stable elected government in South Africa has come to power, but they don't know how much time it takes. I know that you can accuse Sweden from what I said, you can speak like look Prime Minister Chuan, Sweden doesn't even care about the completion time, that means they might be talking false and try to trick me because Sweden trying to stay there forever, no we won't talk like that now. I just need some more information to tell my ambassador in Sweden about what Sweden has told us to our ambassador.

I know Jo, that I can not compare two events with different meanings and evolution. There needs to be an exchange of information between both ambassadors at the Global Assembly chamber, so everything will be clear. Thank you, Jo, for sharing this information to be. By consult with many countries your actions, it will make you know if you should do it. Have you consulted with a country that doesn't agree with you? Multilateralism is great because more people can figure think more easily, but if the member Multilateralism organize is majority on one side, the fair answer might not be for everyone. I believe Sweden is not there for unifying Jo. I know they are occupiers. Colonization in this ear is too damn stupid Jo, sorry but I need to be honest. I don't an economic powerhouse like Sweden will do something stupid like that. How can someone do something that everyone will disagree with them in a world where military technology has gone far. If we are still in the colonialism era that would make sense because modern technology isn't for everyone. Even our Foreign Minister choose to side with Sweden in South Africa, but that doesn't mean he agrees with colonization. colonization is bad, even though we never experience it, but all the information has been told by a person who used to lived in a colonized country. I know what I will do for the best of every side, and I won't support colonization, and my ambassador in GA won't truly support Sweden until he receives the final order from me. You can relax, Jo. I know what I have to do. I won't let my lifelong political experience waste. Do you still have anything to talk about with me? I am open to talk with you more. If you don't have I can arrange a meeting inside my government about the situation, Jo." Prime Minister would take a deep breathe because he has been talking for so long.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Prime Minister Chuan. Your nation's priorities should only take the consideration of your citizens and their wellbeing first. Korea will not force you anytime to change your policies. We can only share our disappointment and dissatisfaction with your actions and urge your to take a different course of action. However, there is no solution for Korea until this occupational regime is dissolved and authority handed back to the South African people. This is the basis of any resolution to this unjust colonial action. South Africans are not victims of their own mistake. South Africans are victims of white colonial powers and their unjust rule. They are victims of the disempowerment of the indigenous people by the white settlers. Sweden is not being responsible. They are exploiting the situation. They invaded and occupied the country. They are appointing a government. How is any of this going to lead to a stable and democratic government. If the people in charge are still apartheid officials. If the indigenous people are still disposed of their wealth, land, and identity. How can the country thrive and evolve? They will become dependent. Dependent on Sweden to remain to ensure social order so that the oppressed can a mere glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel and so that the oppressors can keep a piece of their previous authority.

They neither have an exit plan nor are they providing proof of any of their claims. They say that they are there for the people, but they arrived with guns and swords down their necks. They say that they are responsible only to the South African people, yet, the Governor-General responsible is Swedish. Sweden's actions are colonial Prime Minister. I firmly disagree Prime Minister. I think it is ignorant to see colonialism as not possible. Just because Sweden is an economic power does not mean they can not be colonial. Regardless, I have made Korea's position clear. We can not support your Government's actions and we urgently ask that you reconsider your involvement in this unjust occupation. The more you give it legitimacy the more difficult it gets for the global community to come together. That is all. Thank you for your time Prime Minister Chuan."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Prime Minister Jo's word would hit Prime Minister Chuan hard. He won't be able to speak much due to the hardness of Prime Minister Jo's word that has hit him.

"I see, Prime Minister Jo. I will accept the disappointment by Korea, and will improve my administration, Jo." The knocking on Prime Minister Chuan's office's door would be sound. knock, knock, knock. "Give me a moment, Jo. Come in." Prime Minister secretary would inform about a rumor that has been spread from the Parliament to around the country. "Okay, Prime Minister Jo. I also thank you for your time. I just got some hard work to be fixed. This might be my last diplomatic call as Prime Minister. I hope the resolution is on your side, Jo. Goodbye." Prime Minister Chuan would hang up the phone call and he won't be available from now until everything is back to normal.

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