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Message to the United States (UMSS)


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Mr. Fitzgerald, (Odinson)

I am writing you today to discuss the relationship between the United States and Mexico. I must express Mexico's concern on border security. I propose joint cooperation for American and Mexican security. Recently our Federales have discovered new tunnles leading into the United States, specifically on the Arizona border. We do not have enough Federal Agents to guard these tunnels. Currently our government has began a mass recruitment campaign for Federales. Should my government request assistance it would be helpful for the United States to join us in our anti-drug campaign as your government has done in the 80s and early 90s. Among other things, should the United States request assistance from Mexico we will be happy to help. The Federal Government has instructed me to keep your government updated on any further dealings with these wannabe cartels.

Sincerely yours,
María Del Rosario Green Macías


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: María Del Rosario Green Macías, Secretary of Foreign Affairs ( Drivindeath )
FROM: Jackson Fitzgerald, Secretary of State of the United States of America

Secretary Macías,

Thank you for your message and the valuable information that you have sent. The United States stands against drug cartels and the Gore Administration has a strong stance against the drugs that these cartels are pushing onto Americans and Mexicans alike. Can you share the location of these tunnels? Federal agents and police from border-states can work together to assist in securing the southern border of the United States from these criminals. I hope that we can get this situation under control.


Jackson Fitzgerald
Secretary of State


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Mr. Fitzgerald, (Odinson)

The location of the tunnels reside between Nogales, Sonora, Mexico to Sasabe, Sonora, Mexico. The known locations of tunnels begin at these points:
1) X:31.411086, Y:-111.489327
2) X:31.395222, Y:-1211.288379 (Closest location to the U.S. Border)
3) X:31.251150, Y:-111.122293
4)X:31.280496, Y:-110.873524 (Largest known tunnel network)

It is unknown to us the full extent and lengths of these tunnels, however they all appear to be dug to enter into the United States. Our Federales have been ordered to use explosives to seal these tunnels on the Mexico side of the border. I have my suspicion that many of these tunnels lead into nearby towns in the U.S. border. I remember the terrible drug wars during the 80s and Sonora and Baja California were hot spots for these cartels. I highly recommend heightened border security. As of now the Mexican Government is not requesting DEA or FBI assistance. However it would be helpful to have those assets available to us should we request their assistance. I shall keep you updated on all findings by the Mexican Government.

María Del Rosario Green Macías
Secretary of Foreign Affairs


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Private and Encrypted Line

A private and encrypted phone call would be placed to the United States, State Department from the Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, Guardia Nacional, Federal Police Branch.

A older man would be on the Mexican line. "Hello this is Comisionado General Perez-Gonzalez, calling on an encrypted line. I need to speak with someone in charge."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The call would be forwarded to the Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Ryan Brown. Ryan would answer from an encrypted telephone line in his office. He was alone when he took the call, but he was taking notes. "This is Assistant Secretary Brown, how may I help you Mister Gonzalez?" he asked.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Private and Encrypted Line

"I am calling today to request United States assistance in our war on drugs. The situation is dire. Everything north of Mexico City is controlled by Cartels, and if our intel is correct the Cartels are gearing up for war with each other. I don't need to tell you how deadly this will be. I know last time the bloodshed spilled into the United States. Your government did well in the past with assisting us in this war. Unfortunately the war never ended, what we thought was the end was only a cease fire for the Cartels. Mexico would like the assistance of the DEA and FBI once more to crack down on the Cartels. Discretion will be kept like last time. Our Federal Police will remain in charge and will assist the DEA and FBI in any way possible. I do hope the United States will be able to assist."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Hello Mister Gonzalez. Mexico is an exceedingly large country and we don't have tens-of-thousands of federal agents. What exactly would you want the United States to do in such an operation? I'm not sure that we would be much help. Has President Zedillo considered deploying the military?" he asked as he started to take notes of the secure conversation. The Assistant Secretary of State thumbed through a few different documents on his desk that covered the Mexican-American border as well as issues that they have had in the past.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Private and Encrypted Line

"Please, Comisionado General will do, I'm not a Minister. But thank you. We only require a handful of agents, the Federal Police are making many moves and would be assisting any agents you may send. We would like the United States to assist us with data collection and high value target collections. The Army is currently being re-organized and as such is not prepared for an all out war on the Cartels. For now our government has to stand idle while we rebuild. Most of the Cartels are located around Tijuana, Juárez and the Gulf Coast. The central and south western regions of Mexico are firmly under Federal control. We currently have 12 district Federal Police offices that the United States will have full access to. With the United States assistance I feel we can get the upper hand on the Cartels."


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