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Military Recruitment


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
I wanted to propose changing recruitment to follow the following model. I think the current system could be improved by creating more structure with the training program aimed at different levels of military and paramilitary personnel. The idea is that you can mass-produce paramilitary forces at cheaper costs, but higher-level ones will take longer. This allows more standardization when forces get in combat with each other and also means losing T-1 SOF is more costlier than paramilitary guys.

Training LevelTime to TrainMinimum CostMaximum Cost
Paramilitary2 Weeks$5,000$15,000
Regular4 Weeks$15,000$30,000
Elite6 Weeks$55,000$150,000
Tier-Two SOF8 Weeks$150,000$500,000
Tier-One SOF10 Weeks$500,000$2,000,000

Just a proposed list of training levels and the Min/Max costs :)

I would appreciate your feedback


GA Member
Nov 2, 2024
As still relative new, I just want to add for such a system it would be incredible convinient if the proposed system with the numbers then is transparently visible at the thread/function where y3train your troops, so you don't need to rember or search for the list every time.

I don't know if I am suited to judge, but I like the proposal


GA Member
May 24, 2024
To add to this, why not have it so that you can only train SOF/elite forces when you have training units structured on your military page?


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
I like this proposal, just one question. How are we handling existing forces? Will we grandfather them in based on just cost? I also believe we should add a category for pilots at 500,000 or more as their training is especially expensive and lengthy.