Start Year: 1995
Current Year: 2005

Month: February

2 Weeks is 1 Month
Next Month: 29/09/2024


Administration Team

Administrators are in-charge of the forums overall, ensuring it remains updated, fresh and constantly growing.

Administrator: Jamie
Administrator: Hollie

Community Support

Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.

Moderator: Connor
Moderator: Odinson
Moderator: ManBear

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Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)


GA Member
May 24, 2024

The Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment is the Ministry of the New Zealand Government that improves New Zealand's economy and standard of living, encourages employment, and encourages scientific advancment.
The current Minister of Buiness, Innovation and Employment is the Hon. Jim Anderton.

Public contact: < >
Government and Business contact: < >

The New Zealand Companies Office provides business registry services in relation to corporate entities, personal property and capital market securities. It delivers nearly all its services through electronic systems and the internet. It is a direct subsidiary of the MBIE.

To open a company or NGO in New Zealand, you must:
  • define your purpose;
  • decide how you will operate;
  • define your country of origin;
  • define any affiliated governments, organisations or businesses (domestic or international, Governmental or otherwise);
  • your locations in New Zealand;
  • then send an email to the Companies Office (contact below) identifying the above.

And, if approved, you are good to go.
Companies Office contact:
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