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Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs Countries Database


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
The Countries database is a service by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to inform French citizens and businesses of the status of other countries and any relevant advisories or prohibitions.

Travel Advisory:
Green: No significant threats, maintain general caution and monitor local media.
Yellow: Increased threat of conflict or other disturbance, maintain elevated caution and maintain contact with the French embassy.
Orange: Significant threat of conflict or other disturbance, only travel if unavoidable. Maintain constant contact with the French embassy and avoid being in public.
Red: Do not travel

Sanctions and Embargo Advisory:
Category A: Weapons technologies
Category B: Dual-use technologies
Category C: Resources
Category D: Agricultural and other food goods
Category E: Consumer goods
Category F: Financial transactions and services
Category G: All other goods and services

Visa Category (for foreign citizens travelling to France):
VR: Visa required
90D: 90 day visa on arrival or eVisa
180D: 180 day visa on arrival or eVisa
NVR: No visa required (freedom of movement treaty or other agreement)

CountryTravel AdvisorySanctions and Embargo AdvisoryVisa CategoryNotes
Sultanate of Egypt and the SudanGreenVRAvoid areas with military facilities
Federal Democratic Republic of EthiophiaGreenVR

CountryTravel AdvisorySanctions and Embargo AdvisoryVisa CategoryNotes
Islamic Emirate of AfghanistanRedAVRWidespread significant internal disturbances
Republic of China (mainland)GreenVRPolitical instability following the removal of the Communist Party
Kingdom of ÉranGreenVRRecent regime change
Republic of IraqRedAVRWidespread significant internal conflict
Republic of IsraelGreen180D
Gandhi EmpireGreenVR
Empire of JapanGreen90DRecent occurrence of significant internal conflict
Korean EmpireGreen90D
Republic of SyriaOrangeAVRSyrian Civil War, while the conflict is coming to an end, there is still significant instability
Republic of ThailandGreenNVRAlly
Republic of TurkeyOrangeA, B, C, FVRReligious oppression, do NOT travel if Christian or Jewish. Christian and Jewish citizens qualify for expedited refugee status and application at any port of entry or French diplomatic mission
Socialist Republic of VietnamGreenVR

CountryTravel AdvisorySanctions and Embargo AdvisoryVisa CategoryNotes
Kingdom of DenmarkGreen90D
Kingdom of GermanyGreen180D
Kingdom of ItalyYellow180DDue to spillover from Vatican conflict, maintain elevated caution in or around Rome
Kingdom of The NetherlandsGreen90D
Kingdom of PolandGreen180D
Republic of PortugalGreen180D
Russian FederationGreenVR
Kingdom of SpainGreen90D
Kingdom of SwedenGreen90D
Republic of UkraineGreenVR
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandYellow180DTerrorist activity throughout London, all French citizens in the United Kingdom are advised to contact the embassy and to follow close attention to local media. French citizens in London are additionally advised to remain indoors and avoid public events.
Vatican CityOrange180DInternal conflict

North America:
CountryTravel AdvisorySanctions and Embargo AdvisoryVisa CategoryNotes
Kingdom of CanadaRedA, B, C, E, FVRUnprovoked invasion of the French Empire, civil war, oppression of French-speaking minority. Quebecois
qualify for expedited refugee status and application at any port of entry or French diplomatic mission
United States of AmericaGreen90D

CountryTravel AdvisorySanctions and Embargo AdvisoryVisa CategoryNotes
Commonwealth of AustraliaGreen90D

South America
CountryTravel AdvisorySanctions and Embargo AdvisoryNotes

france travel advisory.png
Last edited:


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
May 2005 Update:
China (mainland, Japan, and Éran changed to green.
Myanmar, South Sudan, Somalia, and Eritrea changed to red.

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