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[Myanmar] Appeal to the United States


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

Appeal to the United States
Private & Encrypted

To: Al Gore, President of the United States
From: Than Shwe, Chairman of the Union of Myanmar

Your Excellency,

I hope I am writing to you in good health and mind as I write this seeking urgent assistance and solidarity in a matter of upmost urgency.

As you may have heard by now, Thailand has, in a blatant violation of international law, deployed armed troops into Myanmar with the intention of destabilizing our nation. I do not have to point out what precedent this sets and you surely will not be surprised that the Myanmar military has captured and placed these Thai troops under arrest to secure the fragile stability currently standing in the nation. These troops will be placed before a court, will be judged, and will face justice for their crimes before being returned to Thailand.

However, Thailand and its government is attempting to use the arrest of these troops as a pretext to further escalate hostilities and potentially begin an invasion of our sovereign territory. Similar to how they've done when they invaded Cambodia under weak goals and when they attempted to annex the islands of Caledonia under a fake "humanitarian mission." This is a grave and unjustifiable action, one that the free world cannot allow to transpire without protest.

It is therefore my hopes that the US, the leader of freedom, justice, and democracy in the world, would agree to cease all military cooperation and sale of military equipment to the nation of Thailand to diminish Thailand's aggressive actions against our innocent nation and any future state that they wish to turn into victims.

I look forward to your reply.

Kindest Regards,
Than Shwe
Union of Myanmar



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018



TO: Than Shwe, Chairman of The Union of Burma ( Alex )
FROM: Al Gore, President of the United States of America

Chairman Than Shwe,

Your account of what is happening between Thailand and Burma is very worrying. I have directed the Secretary of State and the State Department to investigate further into this situation and report all relevant information directly to the White House as this situation evolves. It would be helpful if your government can provide direct, irrefutable evidence that Thailand is escalating this situation by deploying or using military forces against Burma. I have reviewed the Thai Prime Minister's recent address titled, "The Prime Minister's Answer to the Myanmar Question." and I am concerned how it seems such a short period of time has passed from opening channels of diplomatic dialogue, to the threat of hostilities.

I will have the State Department contact the Thai Government as soon as possible so that we have an understanding of the situation from both sides. I will inform Secretary Fitzgerald that your government will be sending some information to his office.​


Al Gore
President of the United States


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

Appeal to the United States
Private & Encrypted

To: Al Gore, President of the United States
From: Than Shwe, Chairman of the Union of Myanmar

Your Excellency,

Thank you for responding so quickly.

For evidence, we have the troops which Thailand illegally sent into Myanmar currently locked up in Yangoon awaiting trial. We have eye witnesses that they are in fact Thai soldiers and were in fact attempting to rile up insurgent support against the federal government. Furthermore, we have seized all their equipment including: uniforms, radios, firearms, and other miscellaneous equipment.

All of this can be traced back to Thailand, especially the serial numbers of the firearms which they carried. Furthermore, there is the current massive naval operation Thailand has deployed in the Andaman Sea, just off our shores. They have made no demands from us, have not asked how these soldiers are doing, have not asked for them back, and have not offered a proper apology.

This is nothing more than an attempt to gain a legal cassus belli against us, but we will not yield.

I am willing to offer all seized equipment to your Ambassador at the American embassy in Yangoon as evidence.

Kindest Regards,
Than Shwe
Union of Myanmar


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

Due to matters of the past, the American Embassy in Yangoon was led by a Chargé d'Affairs and not an Ambassador (this was done as a slight to the Burmese government after one of their military coups). Regardless, the Chargé d'Affairs at the American Embassy in Yangoon securely contacted the Burmese government and informed them that they would be taking Chairman Than Shwe's offer up to review the seized equipment from Thailand. The CIA's Chief of Station at the embassy would be willing to go, along with two armed Diplomatic Security Service agents to wherever the equipment was being held to examine it. An emphasis was put on the DSS agents being armed, so that the Burmese government would not have any misunderstanding in that the Chief of Mission would be travelling with security.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018



TO: Than Shwe, Chairman of The Union of Burma ( Alex )
FROM: Jackson Fitzgerald, Secretary of State of the United States of America


The White House has directed me to personally oversee the coordination of diplomatic negotiations between Thailand and Burma, with the United States, the United Kingdom, and Poland as mediators. Firstly, we feel that it is important that Thailand and Burma negotiate on neutral ground outside of both of their respective countries. To that end, the United States is willing to host sit-down negotiations in Guam between yourself and the Prime Minister of Thailand. First, the governments of Thailand and Burma would both have to agree to a cease-fire of all hostilities and offensive military actions against one another during the negotiations and at least for 24 hours after they conclude (so that your diplomats can arrive home safely). Furthermore, because both of your countries border each other, the United States would request to fly the representatives of both of your countries to Guam on American chartered aircraft (this is not required, but it would ensure that there can be no attempt of interference from the other party). The United States would take extraordinary precautions to ensure the security of yourself, and whatever other key diplomats from Burma that would come. We would specifically prohibit the carrying of weapons beyond the airport in Guam to the meeting place, as the United State Diplomatic Security Service and armed forces would provide direct protection of all parties involved.

Furthermore all parties, including the mediators, would be subject to a routine security search to ensure that they are not carrying weapons of any kind. Finally, representatives from our governments would sit down, in person, in Guam to negotiate a peaceful resolution to current tensions between Thailand and Burma.

President Gore has selected Vice President Sinclair as the lead mediator and representative of the United States at this meeting. Is this something that your government would be willing to participate in?​

Best regards,

Jackson Fitzgerald
Secretary of State

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