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I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021

National Intelligence Agency (NIA)


1 January 1954


Government agency


Government of Thailand


Paruskavan Palace, Bangkok, Thailand


Determination, devotion, discipline, sacrifice, and dedication to the nation and the people

Minister responsible

Prime Minister

Parent agency

Office of the Prime Minister
The government established the Department of Administrative Intelligence under the Cabinet of Thailand on 1 January 1954. Phao Sriyanond was appointed as its first director. On 2 December 1959, it was renamed the Department of Central Intelligence and renamed again as the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) during the government of Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda.

In 1985, the "National Intelligence Act, B.E. 2528 (1985)" made the NIA the lead Thai intelligence agency


Office of National Intelligence Agency

The Document under is private had Maximum Secure Encrypted Method


Intelligence Agency officer: 500
|75 Administrator Officers, 25 Human Resource Operators, 200 Operational Reporters, 200 Cyber Security Operational Reporter|
Armed Guard: 208 (8 are Elite Snipers)
Secret Agent: 20


Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
By disclosure of the following documents without permission: This is a criminal offense and must be prosecuted to the utmost. Official Information Act B.E. 2540(1997)
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I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
The Document under is private had Maximum Secure Encrypted Method
Encrypted Level
(click to see photo)(Note: This is an example of the encrypted key mentioned below.)
Secure EncryptedHigh Secure Encrypted MethodMaximum Secure Encrypted Method

Smart Encrypted with(AES)128-bit key

Smart Encrypted with(AES)196-bit key

Advanced Encrypted(AES)with 256-bit key
The NIA encryption is based on modified ASCII character encoding. It contains both original and Thai text. The current encryption model of the NIA Counter-Intelligence Service is supported by AES that provides key sizes of 128, 196, and 256 bits. It means that one character available in modified ASCII can encrypt up to 16, 24, and 32 characters depending on the size. Due to the block size of 128 bits, the High and Maximum Encrypted Method will take longer to encrypt or decrypt(Symmetric). The NIA Counter-Intelligence Service also uses the asymmetric key, which means the key for encryption is public and is available for everyone that has access to it, to decrypt it, a person needs to use both the public key and the private key that not everyone has access to it. The Key Size of 128, 192, and 256 have a possible combination of 3.4*10^38, 6.2*10^57, and 1.1*10^77. The NIA Counter-Intelligence Service also comprehensive the phone call with End-to-end encryption. The sender will encrypt the message, and the recipient will decrypt it using cryptographic keys. This encryption also includes Authentication, which will use a fingerprint that encodes from binary to text.

Example: If you input five plaintext characters using the Secure Encrypt Method, the protocol will output ciphertext from five to eighty characters depending on the key context.

Security Level

Security Level



Level 1


This Security Level means that the country is in a peaceful situation and there is no internal or external threat.
The Police will use Normal Cautious Exercise while the NIA will continue their High Cautious.
The Military will keep regular border patrol.

Level 2


This Security Level means that the country is in a conventional situation and it is unlikely to have an internal or external threat.
The Police will use Normal Cautious Exercise while the NIA will continue their High Cautious.
The Military will keep regular border patrol.

Level 3

Current Level

This Security Level means that the country is in a low threat situation and it is less likely to have an internal or external threat.
The Police will use High Cautious Exercise while the NIA will use Extensive Cautious.
The Military will send somewhat more personnel for border patrol.

Level 4


This Security Level means that the country is in a medium threat situation and it has a possibility to have an internal or external threat.
The Police will use Extensive Cautious Exercise while the NIA will use Extreme Cautious.
The Military will send more personnel for border patrol.

Level 5


This Security Level means that the country is in a high threat situation and it is likely to have an internal or external threat.
The Police will use Extremely-High Cautious Exercise while the NIA will use Utmost Cautious.
The Military will send much more personnel for border patrol and deploy military units near the border.
Threat Map


Relationships Map


Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
By disclosure of the following documents without permission: This is a criminal offense and must be prosecuted to the utmost. Official Information Act B.E. 2540(1997)
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I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
The Document under is Super Sercert had Maximum Secure Encrypted Method


Definition of 'Decryption' Definition: The conversion of encrypted data into its original form is called Decryption. It is generally a reverse process of encryption. It decodes the encrypted information so that an authorized user can only decrypt the data because decryption requires a secret key or password.
Decryption MethodSupport KeysDescription

Triple Data Encryption Algorithm(Triple DEA/DES)

Key sizes: 56-bits
Block sizes: 64-bits

Triple DES was developed to replace the original Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm that hackers gradually learned to beat with great ease. Triple DES uses three single 56-bit keys each. First published in 1995.

Advanced Encryption Standard(AES)

Key sizes: 128, 192, or 256 bits
Block sizes: 128 bits

It is highly efficient in 128-bit form, and AES also utilizes 192 and 256-bit keys for heavy-duty data encryption. AES is generally believed to be resistant to all attacks, excluding brute force, which tries to decode messages using all possible combinations of 128, 192, or 256-bit cryptosystems. Still, Cyber Security specialists claim that AES will finally be hailed as a de facto standard for data. First published in 1998.
Brute-Force Attack

This method won't use to decrypt the message, communication when the sender and receiver can aware of the method, this method will use only when the important document is in the well-decrypted device and the reverse process of encryption would take too long to decrypted, brute force would crack the password by submitting many password or passphrases with the hope of eventually guessing a combination correctly.

Deployment of NIA Intelligence Agency Officer
In order to deploy the Intelligence Agency Officer, the officer would pass the recruitment programs that the government provides, there are variant reasons to deploy the officer anywhere. The top priority to deploy the officer is counter-terrorist, but there is also reason to deploy the officer outside the home country, the officer that was given the mission to gather intelligence outside of the homeland must be given trust by the higher rank officer and mustn't give any information to other. when it's come to a situation that to gather intelligence from the actual person, the officer would use the SADR cycle to gather information perfectly. any officer who sells the information of the country to another agency must be prosecuted to the utmost.

(Note: The current deployment is inactive due to the lack of agency officer)

Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
By disclosure of the following documents without permission: This is a criminal offense and must be prosecuted to the utmost. Official Information Act B.E. 2540(1997)


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021
The Document under is Sercert had Maximum Secure Encrypted Method

NIA officer skill requirement
Operational reporter (TH:นักการข่าวปฏิบัติการ)
1. Operations
(1) Able to perform tasks related to the study of principles and methods of news gathering preparing an intelligence report counterintelligence preparation of meeting information Participate in international meetings and coordination Civil security to track, investigate, study the movements, situations, behaviors of individuals, groups, organizations and other media targets.
(2) able to participate in the study analyze the situation and the behavior of individuals, groups, organizations, etc. on political, military, economic, and socio-psychological movements. to process details of facts in intelligence reporting Establish plans and operations for newsgathering. including counterintelligence (espionage, sabotage terrorism undermining) and security as well as participate in the study, analysis, and research of complex intelligence or there is an urgent need to take action
2. Planning
Able to plan responsible work Participate in planning the work of the agency or project so that the operation is in accordance with the goals and achievements set.
3. Coordination
(1) Able to coordinate collaboration within and outside the team or department to achieve cooperation and achievement as required
(2) Able to clarify and provide details about information and facts to related persons or agencies in order to create understanding or cooperation in the operations as assigned.

4. Service
Able to store preliminary data, prepare statistics, reports, databases, or information systems related to news affairs. To support the mission of government agencies and benefits in determining policies, plans, rules, or measures

Operational reporter (Cyber Security) (TH:นักการข่าวปฏิบัติการ ด้านความมั่นคงปลอดภัยไซเบอร์)
1. Operations
(1) be able to perform work related to the study of news finding theory and tactics; intelligence preparation anti intelligence and civilian security
(2) be able to study and analyze the situation in administrative, political, military, economic, and social aspects, to compile details of facts in intelligence reporting. as well as against finding news, espionage, sabotage terrorism Transnational crime, sabotage, and security
(3) being able to use and apply technical knowledge to search and analyze information on the network;
(4) Able to research and develop tools/equipment (Hardware) and write a set of instructions (Software) to support information technology operations.
(5) being able to study various standards Network, administration, and security are critical and required to operate.
(6) be able to analyze and suggest to determine or improve the network system; Maintaining the government's security system to have operational standards and can work between them effectively
(7) be able to design and operate network systems, design and maintain security systems to be by standards;
(8) being able to research, develop and cooperate with other departments in the proof-of-concept test (Proof-of-concept) to test the network, design, and maintain the security system. Can be used in practice
(9) be able to study and research interoperability between systems (Interoperability) related to network standards, system administration, and security.

2. Planning
Able to plan responsible work Participate in planning the work of an agency or project to operate by the specified achievement goals

3. Coordination
(1) Able to coordinate collaboration within and outside the team or agency to achieve cooperation and achievement as required
(2) be able to clarify and give details of information and facts to relevant agencies; To create understanding or cooperation in the operations as assigned

4. Service
Able to store preliminary data, prepare statistics, reports, databases, or information systems related to news affairs. To support the mission of government agencies and benefits in determining policies, plans, rules, or measures

Human Resources Operations (TH:นักทรัพยากรบุคคลปฏิบัติการ)
1. Operations
(1) Able to study, collect and analyze data both domestically and internationally to assemble the system The preparation of standards or criteria for human resource management in the government sector or of government agencies
(2) be able to study, collect, examine and analyze information To engage in human resource management operations
(3) Able to study, collect and analyze data To engage in the determination of needs and necessities for human resource development career advancement planning Organizing courses and transferring knowledge scholarship allocation and taking care of scholarship students and government personnel abroad. including planning and suggesting policies or strategies for human resource development of government agencies and plans for allocation of scholarships and training
(4) Able to study, collect data and analyze work for the purpose of determining the position and planning of the government's manpower
(5) be able to study, collect and analyze data To support the laying of criteria for performance management and compensation management
(6) Able to study, collect, examine information, words, facts for disciplinary action. Discipline and Ethics
(7) Able to study and analyze data to develop a moral protection system
(8) Able to proceed with the recruiting and selection process. to recruit and appoint competent persons to hold positions
(9) Be able to work in news affairs and support news operations. As assigned to complete the news work. Efficient and effective
2. Planning
Able to plan responsible work Participate in planning the work of an agency or project in order to operate in accordance with the specified goals and achievements
3. Coordination
(1) Able to coordinate collaboration within and outside the team or department to achieve cooperation and achievement as required
(2) Able to clarify and provide details about human resource management or development, information, facts, to relevant persons or agencies. To create understanding and cooperation in the operations as assigned
4. Service
(1) be able to give advice, clarify and answer basic problems to government agencies, private sectors, government officials, employees or government officials; or the general public about management and human resource development To create understanding and support the mission of the agency
(2) can provide information services about management and human resource development To support the mission of an individual or an agency and use it for consideration in formulating policies, plans, criteria, and measures.
(3) Able to provide welfare and promotion of working environment to increase operational efficiency

Administrative Officer (TH:เจ้าพนักงานธุรการปฏิบัติงาน)
1. Operations
(1) Able to perform administrative work, documentary work, general service work such as transferring, registering, drafting correspondence. prepare a meeting data recording to support various tasks can be carried out smoothly and have verifiable evidence
(2) able to collect information store statistical data, documents, evidence, books according to the procedure for ease of searching and as official evidence
(3) being able to process supplies office equipment To have quality equipment to use and in working condition
(4) able to collect reports on performance and other information presented to the supervisor to be used to suggest and improve further operations

2. Service
(1) being able to contact and coordinate with persons within the same agency or relevant agencies to ensure the smooth operation;
(2) be able to provide information services to government officials; In order to receive information that will be used for further use
(3) being able to produce documents To support the operation of the agency's mission and perform other related duties as assigned

Encryption 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
1. Operation
(1) Able to Provide security for government figures such as the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and other government officials as well as their families
(2) Able to Protect buildings or act as security at events that require a national level of protection
(3) Able to Investigate crimes that include identity theft, counterfeit and financial fraud, and other
(4) Able to Investigate computer hacking attempts that take place on national telecommunication devices as well as infrastructure sabotaging
(5) Able to Perform undercover work
(6) Able to Write and deliver reports related to investigations or protection services
2. Skill
1) SADR cycle: Spotting Assessing Developing, and Recruiting
1.1) Spot the person who might have information
1.2) Assessing the worth of the person
1.3) Develop them to where they fall in love(being trusted) with you
1.4) Recruiting them to your side
2) Infiltration
Able to make an act of entering or gaining access to an organization or place surreptitiously, especially in order to acquire secret information or cause damage.
3) Art of disguise
Able to modify the appearance or manner in order to conceal the identity of (oneself, someone, or something)
4) Martial arts without weapons
Able to prevent actions that are harmful to oneself through self-defense and can use various martial arts in adverse situations.
5) Confidentiality
be able to state of keeping or being kept secret or private and be able to be kept the secret in any situation
6) Special Forces ability training
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