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Nationalization of Foreign Commercial Assets and facilities

Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
The Government of The Syrian Arab Federal Republic has in the past tolerated and endorsed the presence of foreign commercial entities, mistaking their search for new markets and the subsequent expropriation of the nation's mineral wealth for signs of economic growth and mutual prosperity.

Today, the consequences of this foolhearty policy of tolerance has lead to the uneven distribution of wealth and the undesirable presence of predatory competition with respect to native industries. In order to rectify this imbalance in a manner that is beneficial to the nation and its people, The Government of The Syrian Arab Federal Republic has decided to place all foreign commercial entities under the ownership and protection of the state with 80% percent of all profits derived from economic activity being placed at the nation and people's disposal with the purpose of increasing wages, investing in local infastructure, and the establishment of startups employing Syrians alone for the benefit of all Syrians. Exemptions to these measures shall be extended to the nations of Egypt, Ethiopia, Italy, France, China, The Ukrainian SSR, and The Russian SFSR.

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Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
As this was done without the acknowledgement of Chinese companies nor the Chinese government, actions would be taken by the People's Republic of China.

All Chinese-owned businesses within Syria would close its doors, rendering its employees unemployed. These companies, now having closed their doors would not pay the Syrian government a dime of its authoritarian demands. Furthermore, the China National Petroleum Corporation would end its joint venture with Syria's national oil company. Sinochem would also end all of its ventures in Syria, rendering all of its employees from these ventures unemployed.

Lastly, the People's Republic of China would impose economic sanctions of the nation of Syria, blocking all Chinese exports to the nations - including consumer goods. The Chinese Defense Exports would also ban the nation of Syria from purchasing Chinese military equipment.

An encrypted and private message would be sent to the Syrian government by the Chinese government: If Syria wished for Chinese companies to return and re-begin its joint ventures in the nation, along with the economic and militaristic sanctions to be lifted, then Syria would need to compensate the Chinese government for its loses with a one-time payment of 2,200,000,000.00$ or to void this new law when it comes to Chinese companies within the nation.

@Flying Damascas
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Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
The Government of The Syrian Arab Federal Republic would like to apologize for the delay in granting The People's Republic of China its exemption from nationalization and shall attempt to provide compensation if desired by the nation in question. It was never the wish of Syria to engender feelings of ill will or anger on the part of China which from a historical standpoint has always been a loyal ally.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
With Chinese companies now being exempt from Syria's nationalization, all businesses would be re-opened and immediate hiring would take suite - previous employees being contacted first. Chinese oil companies would also begin restarting their ventures in Syria. All sanctions on Syria would be lifted.

The Syrian government would be notified that compensation is no longer required as long as Chinese companies remain exempt from Syria's nationalization.

@Flying Damascas

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