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New Caledonia's Plea to the World


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

The following video would be uploaded to YouTube
To New Caledonians and the civilized nations of the world. Today, we stand at a pivotal moment in our struggle for freedom, our quest for justice, and our unyielding desire for independence. The attacks carried out by the New Caledonian Resistance are not mere acts of violence; they are the legitimate expression of our inalienable right to resist occupation and fight for our self-determination. For too long, our homeland has been subjected to the chains of foreign domination—first by Thailand and then by Poland—both of whom have sought to impose their will upon our people. Their charade of peace has been lifted. The veil of global ignorance can no longer be maintained. It has been de-robed and the safety that complacency provided unmasked. The civilized world can no longer hide behind its ignorance.

Let us not forget the overarching shadow of France, whose continued control over our lands perpetuates a colonial legacy that should have ended long ago. We assert, unequivocally, that New Caledonia has the right to decolonization and self-governance. The international community has long recognized the principle that all peoples have the right to determine their own destiny, and New Caledonia is no exception. As the civilized world continues to espouse the values of the global community those values are taunted left and right by the nations it so duly enshrine those obligations and rights.

Yet, despite these universally acknowledged rights, we have been met with unrelenting occupation, suppression, and exploitation. The blood of our people, shed in pursuit of freedom, cries out against the injustices we have endured. Today’s actions are a testament to our unwavering resolve to achieve independence and to reject the tyranny imposed upon us by foreign powers. The Caledonian people have resisted occupation and colonialism for decades. Our collective struggle has culminated in today's acts of resistance.

We deeply regret any harm inflicted upon innocent civilians during these operations. However, the responsibility for these tragic casualties lies squarely with the occupying forces of Poland and France. Their continued presence in our homeland has created a battleground out of our communities, placing our civilian population in harm's way. It is their occupation that has necessitated our resistance. Only Poland can end their suffering by a complete and unconditional withdrawal from our lands. Only France can provide peace and closure for the victims of today's attacks by acknowledging their right to self-determination.

In the spirit of humanity, the New Caledonian Resistance has granted a seven-hour ceasefire. This period is intended for the occupying forces to collect their dead and to make preparations for their immediate withdrawal from our territory. We call upon Poland and France to heed this opportunity and to take this moment to recognize the futility of their occupation.

Let it be known that if the occupying forces attempt to regroup or launch further attacks, our response will be swift and decisive. The New Caledonian Resistance will not stand idly by while our oppressors seek to reassert their control. We are prepared to retaliate with all the strength at our disposal to protect our right to self-determination and to secure the future of our nation.

The time for decolonization is now. The time for independence is now. We urge the international community to stand with us, to support our cause, and to demand the complete and unconditional withdrawal of all foreign forces from New Caledonia. Only then can we begin to build the free and sovereign nation that our people have long dreamed of. The voices of the people have been heard. They were echoed today. The cries of the anguished have been heard. Today they have been amplified. The will of the people has been demonstrated. Today they were on full display. Independence and withdrawal.

Victory to the Resistance! Independence for New Caledonia!"

ManBear Alexander


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

The following video would be uploaded to YouTube

Despite the best efforts of foreign colonial powers, the movement for a free and independent New Caledonia remains strong. Our struggle for freedom, our quest for justice, and our unyielding desire for independence can not be snuffed out. The attacks carried out by the New Caledonian Resistance are the beginning. By taking up arms and killing the innocents of New Caledonia, the foreign governments offering aid and comfort to the occupation have made themselves legitimate targets. They have made their homelands legitimate targets. They have made our acts of resistance legitimate. For too long, our homeland has been subjected to the chains of foreign domination—first by Thailand and then by Poland—both of whom have sought to impose their will upon our people. Their charade of peace has been lifted.

Today, as the deaths of thousands of civilians ferment the soil of our nascent Republic, the veil of lies falls apart. Just as much as the mothers of this Republic weep so too will the mothers of Poland. Just as the fathers of the Republic seek comfort, so too will the fathers of all those who conspired against us seek comfort for the losses of their youth.

The civilized world continues to hide behind its ignorance to sanction the slaughter of thousands. The use of torture. The use of high explosive weapons in civilian areas. The discriminate use of force. We have been met with unrelenting occupation, suppression, and exploitation. However tomorrow the people of the globe will bear the fruit of their ignorance. The Caledonian people have resisted occupation and colonialism for decades. We will continue to resist without your help.

Only France can provide peace and closure for the victims of our campaign for independence. All the blood that drips from our righteous struggle has been condemned by their continued desire for imperial control. The lies in Polish Media will not absolve France of being a force of evil. All the lies in Polish media will not absolve Poland of being an agent of evil. All the lies in Polish media will not tarnish the good of those who have supported New Caledonia's independence.

The blood of our resistance will be met with blood. The death sentences given to our leaders will be returned. The people of New Caledonia demand complete and unconditional independence.


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