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New Zealand Strategic Partnership Protest


GA Member
May 24, 2024
3:47pm, outside the Beehive, Wellington, New Zealand. At the urging from the Twitter user InfowarsNZ, 300 right-leaning Wellington residents would start making their way to the Beehive, in order to protest. At the same time, the New Zealand media would be asking their questions inside. The 300 men and women would form up outside the building, on the Wellington Cenotaph, with loudhailers, banners and signs, with slogans like "SOCIALISM", "NO THAI INFLUENCE" and "DOWN WITH THAI-OWNED GOVERNMENT". They would start yelling at the building, and some would block passing traffic with their bodies and their private vehicles. The outside 4 Police officers assigned to protect the building would understandably poo themselves, and would call for backup. 10 officers from the New Zealand Police building, only a kilometer away, would start legging it up to the Beehive. More officers would come from their duty stations across Wellington, and a Squirrel helicopter would be re-assigned from a poacher hunt near Pirinoa. Upon the first additional officers arriving - 5 minutes after the start of the protest - they would request no more than 40 officers to be present, plus the helicopter to operate in the Wellington area. As there had been over 60 officers en-route, some would be re-re-assigned back to regular duties. Police officers would establish a cordon around the protest, and would keep 1 lane open for traffic. The protest was peaceful, for now.


GA Member
May 24, 2024
As the day wore on, more and more people would arrive to join the protest, with numbers peaking at 3.5k protestors and 350 Police officers. That day's Beehive Blockade would continue to about 8pm, at which time most of the protestors had left to go home overnight. 200, however, stayed put outside the Beehive in tents for a week. 100 more would stay for the rest of the month. Regular protests, with between 1k and 2.5k people participating, would take place between 6am and 8pm for the next few days.

That week in homes across New Zealand, news presenters would update everyone on the state of the protests, and some would speculate as to how this would impact the election later in the year. Newspapers would do opinion peices on the current government's conduct and how the National Party was a better choice to run New Zealand with its relativly new leader, Don Brash. Brash himself would denounce the signing, saying that he would work to avoid its ratification in the New Zealand House of Representatives.

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