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Nigeria - Diplomatic Cable to Govt. of Thailand


Sep 4, 2021
A private and encrypted diplomatic cable would be sent from the office of Nigerian Foreign Minister Ochuko Bonny to the office of Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr.Surin Pitsuwan.

Dear Minister Pitsuwan,

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Ochuko Bonny, the newly sworn in Foreign Minister of Nigeria, equivalent to your Secretary of State. I have been tasked by my newly elected President Mr. Akuwhukyu Acho to bolster Nigeria's diplomatic ties around the world. We are quite keen on opening new and robust diplomatic and economic ties with nations in Asia.

It is my hope that we can soon appoint ambassadors to one another's countries and then sit down for formal talks on improving economic ties. I am particularly interested in learning more about your tourism industry and I am sure more affluent Nigerians would like to make the journey and enjoy your beautiful country. I have instructed our ambassador to UN to strike up a conversation with your representative if chance may be they cross paths.

I look forward to your reply,

Respectfully yours,

Ochuko Bonny


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


Recipient: Nigerian Foreign Minister Ochuko Bonn
Sender: Chutintorn Gongsakdi, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thailand

Dear, Ochuko Bonn

Our Minister Of Foreign Affairs is at ASEAN+ Summit right now, which means he is not available. Our Deputy Minister Of Foreign Affairs and Secretary of the Ministry is also not available, if you wish to discuss this, you can discuss with me the matter you wish to discuss. We are happy to see the Nigerian government contact our country, and we hope our country will have more further cooperation between our country. We can discuss our economic ties since it is our Ministry of Foreign Affairs objective. Our tourist industry is growing every month and we are eager to have even more visitors to our country. If we have a lot of visitors to our country, we can easily improve the relationship of people in the world today and have a cultural exchange that nowhere has. I must remind you again as the person who works in the Foreign Affairs office that the UN or United Nations has been shaking since 1990 because of its reform and at the 1st January 1995, the United Nations ceased to exist and the Global Assembly became the primary intergovernmental organization responsible for maintaining international peace and security and promoting international cooperation.

If you wish to discuss more you can contact me via E-mail with an Encrypted message:

Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Chutintorn Gongsakdi
Republic of Thailand

Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
By disclosure of the following documents without permission: This is
a criminal offense and must be prosecuted to the utmost.
Official Information Act B.E. 2540(1997)



Sep 4, 2021
A private and encrypted diplomatic cable would be sent from the office of Nigerian Foreign Minister Ochuko Bonny to the office of Chutintorn Gongsakdi, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thailand

Dear Minister Gongsakdi,

Thank you for your reply. I must apologize for my late reply, Right now is currently a busy time with a new government, am I doing my best to appoint ambassadors and minsters, but I, of course must do my due diligence in ensuring I have the right people for the job.

First off, I have been tasked with assigning an ambassador to Thailand and will do so shortly. Hopefully you can to the same in Abuja, so we have more intimate face to face talks. I would also like to propose trade with Thailand. We are interested in your Rubbers and Plastics. Perhaps we can send you our Cacao and Fertilizers.

Once we complete the deal, I would like to have our ambassador's meet for talks about your Tourism industry and how you can assist us in improving ours.

Before parting, I would like for you, if you wish, to tell me your thought process on your support for the Swedish occupation of South Africa.

This is my first diplomatic post, but not my first time witnessing a generational altering event at least for the South Africans and Swedish involved, for now at least.


Ochukwo Bonny

Foreign Minster of Nigeria



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


Recipient: Nigerian Foreign Minister Ochuko Bonn
Sender: Chutintorn Gongsakdi, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thailand

Dear Ochuko Bonn,

Hello! I have read the diplomatic cable that was sent to my office. Nigerian ambassador to Thailand would be a great opportunity for both of our nations to discuss matters together. You can assign the new ambassador to the former Nigerian embassy in Bangkok. We will send an ambassador to an embassy that the Nigerian government provides for us. About the trading deal, we can have a trade with Nigeria. We are happy to trade Rubbers and Plastics with the Nigerian government, and we accept Cacao and Fertilizers. We have around 13 million farmers, and Fertilizers would be great for us. You can use Phuket port to be a destiny for a trade route. You can send an ambassador to meet with me instead, but it is up to you.

About our thought process on supporting Sweden's occupation of South Africa, we only support Sweden to help South African people that are suffering from the conflict between Sweden and South Africa, and Sweden has shown us that they intend to develop and invest in South Africa. Sweden has given free healthcare for minor injured people. Sweden is also nice to South African, and they also told us to be polite with South Africans as well. That is the reason we are supporting Sweden.

And don't be stress! everyone also has their first diplomatic post, even me! Good luck!

Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Chutintorn Gongsakdi
Republic of Thailand

Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
By disclosure of the following documents without permission: This is
a criminal offense and must be prosecuted to the utmost.
Official Information Act B.E. 2540(1997)



Sep 4, 2021
A private and encrypted diplomatic cable would be sent from the office of Nigerian Foreign Minister Ochuko Bonny to the office of Chutintorn Gongsakdi, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thailand

Dear Minister Gongsakdi

Excellent news, Minister Gongsakdi. I look forward to meeting the new ambassador once he or she has been named. It is my job to keep abreast of the goings on in the world and I aim to keep in close contact with the ambassadors assigned to our nation. I am pleased to hear of the opening of our trade ties. We will quickly set up a trade route route to Phuket. Rubbers and plastics from Thailand can be sent to the port of Lagos.

Please have the new ambassador drop in when they get the chance yours,

Minister Ochuko Bonny



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


Recipient: Nigerian Foreign Minister Ochuko Bonn
Sender: Chutintorn Gongsakdi, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thailand

Dear Minister Gongsakdi,

I am writing this email to you on behalf of the Deputy Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. We have appointed 4 Embassy staff to go with an ambassador. We have realized that there are currently no Minister Counsellor, Counsellor, and Third Secretary at Royal Thai Embassy in Abuja. We are eager to assign 5 new embassy staff to the Embassy in Abuja. I will fax another paper to your office.

The ambassador will arrive shortly at the embassy. If you still wish to discuss the Tourism industry, you can contact him at your most convenient time. My duty will end here, and the ambassador will be the one to discuss any matter with the Nigerian government from now.

Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Chutintorn Gongsakdi
Republic of Thailand

Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
By disclosure of the following documents without permission: This is
a criminal offense and must be prosecuted to the utmost.
Official Information Act B.E. 2540(1997)


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