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Nigeria: Message to Turkey


Sep 4, 2021
To: İsmail Cem, Foreign Minister of Turkey
From: Ochuko Bonny, Foreign Minister of Nigeria

A private and encrypted diplomatic cable would be sent to the Foreign Ministry of Turkey


I would like to thank you again for your interest in our national Railway Project. After looking through your STOREFRONT, Nigeria feels we could do more together than the Railway Project. We would like to discuss trade and other projects. More particularly, a possible military exchange of ideas and strategy.

I look forward to your response.


Ochuko Bonny, Foreign Minister of Nigeria



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Government of Turkey
Official Communiqué


Ochuko Bonny, Baer


İsmet Sezgin, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister

Security Classification-Private-Encrypted

Last Updated: N/A

Dear Minister Bonny,

I apologize that Minister Cem could not respond but he is currently dealing with another affair and could not respond to your email. Turkey would be pleased to do business with Nigeria but we would first like to more familiar with the current newly elected government. Firstly if the Nigerian Government could establish its opinion on the Israel Palestinian Crisis, which we would like to know before going into further details of a Military and Trade Alliance. Does Nigeria support the Palestinian government at this time, and does Nigeria support Turkey in its Objections to Israeli Cruelty? If Nigeria were to support Turkey in its cause To prevent a Israeli Annexation of Palestine and back us up internationally we could provide Nigeria with some of the latest Turkish Military equipment and a multitude of different trade deals that could bolster a currently weak Nigerian Economy. I understand that I’m coming off quite rude and quick but we are dealing with a crisis unseen since the 60s and have to know who our enemies and allies are, as I’m sure your government understands. Please take your time to reply and I hope to hear back from you soon.

Minister of Foreign Affairs
İsmet Sezgin
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Turkey


Sep 4, 2021
Minister Bonny would take a sip from a glass of whiskey and ensure that his cable would be encrypted, let out a long sigh before he would dictate his response to his secretary.

Daer Minister Sezgin,

Thank you for being forthright. I will be as well. I will say, I have only vague knowledge at best, just what I have seen on the news concerning the imbroglio you are in the midst of with Israel. We agree with you that Israel has no right to enter Gaza or create more settlements in Palestinian territory. We further agree that it is incumbent on the state of Israel to come up with a two state solution, or at the very least make Palestinians citizens.

What I do have issue with is the shooting down of a passenger plane that merely made the mistake of flying into your airspace. That type of action we cannot be a part of. It is no different than an IDF incursion into Palestinian lands. The plane could have merely been escorted out of your airspace. With all of that being said, the Middle East is your neighborhood, and we feel that it is your right to defend it how you see fit. We may not always agree, but you deserve your own self-determination. I hope to further correspond with you.


Ochuko Bonny, Foreign Minister of Nigeria

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