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Nihon Keizai Shimbun


GA Member
Jun 10, 2024
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun also known as The Nikkei is one of the big six Japanese newspapers and a newspaper of record for Japan.



GA Member
Jun 10, 2024

Empress Signs Off on Controversial 'Anti-Banditry' Laws

Members of the Yakuza at a recent illegal demonstration against the proposed laws

Tokyo - After a difficult legal process filled with objections for both being too strict or too lenient, the Empress has today signed a set of three laws into effect. The Law on the Combatting of Criminal Organizations, the Law on the Prevention of Terrorism and the Law on the Rehabilitation of Bandits, all three together referred to as the Anti-Banditry Laws. Many of the measures in these laws have already entered into effect through emergency decrees but as the country transitions back to a peacetime state they are intended to give the government significant powers to prevent a return of chaos.

The Law on the Combatting of Criminal Organizations allows the Ministry of Justice to request the Courts to declare an organization as criminal. Any organization declared criminal must immediately disband, if it does not do so any member may be arrested. Membership of a criminal organization has been made punishable for a maximum sentence of two years of imprisonment while leadership can result in a life sentence. Any crime committed while being a member of a criminal organization will automatically add another five years to the sentence. If someone is found guilty of murder or rape while being a member of a criminal organization, their sentences will automatically be upgraded to the death penalty. Before only those convicted of multiple murders faced the death penalty in practice. Businesses are also prohibited from providing any payment or service to members of a criminal organization and business owners may be fined, have their business dissolved or even be imprisoned if found to do so. Law enforcement officials may on the reasonable suspicion that someone is a member of a criminal organization force an individual to undress as members of the Yakuza especially can often be recognized by their Irezumi.

Targeting the primary recruitment pool of the Yakuza, young persons, the law also imposes a requirement for any person below the age of 20 without a high school diploma to be registered at a public or private school. Authorities will send two warnings to parents if a person is found to not be registered and after the second warning may remove the person from their parents' custody. The law also imposes a curfew that allows the police to detain any person below the age of 18 to their home if found on the street after 22:00.

The Law on the Prevention of Terrorism allows authorities to arrest any person suspected of terrorism without charge for up to 2 months before being required to present them in front of a Court. The law also allows for special warrants to tap into communications of suspected terrorists. Finally, the law also imposes a mandatory death penalty for anyone convicted of committing an act of terrorism in which a person died or a mandatory life sentence for attempted terrorism or committing an act of terrorism in which no one died. .

While the first to laws can be considered sticks, the final law is a carrot to provide members of criminal organizations a pathway back into society. Any member of a criminal organization who has not been involved in further criminal activity may report to law enforcement to receive a certificate signifying that they are no longer a member of a criminal organization. The certificate and additional provided identity card allows individuals to show that the state has forgiven them and that they are no longer subject to the aforementioned law. If done within thirty days of an organization being declared criminal they will only need to agree to report back to their nearest police station once a week for three months and agree to enhanced surveillance for a year, during this time they may not leave Japan. If done after thirty days, the reporting period is extended to one year and the surveillance period to five years, these individuals must also agree to a 60 day educational course. The law also grants amnesty for any crimes that would normally carry a sentence up to one year of imprisonment. While members of a criminal organization convicted of more severe offenses will need to face punishment for their crimes, they are immediately eligible for the special status after their imprisonment ends.

The law also provides a range of social services for former members of a criminal organization. The government will pay for any procedure to have Irezumi removed and individuals will be provided support in finding employment, housing and education to successfully reintegrate back into society.

Opponents of the laws can be categorized into two camps, those who feel the laws go too far and those who feel they don't go far enough. The former argue that the increased surveillance, draconian punishments, and low barrier to declare organizations criminal or have businesses dissolved will grant the state a hammer it can use long after criminal organizations stop being a threat to Japan and that they go against civil rights guaranteed by the Constitution and imposed following World War 2. The latter believe that sentences should be harsher and that the Law on the Rehabilitation of Bandits in its entirely should not have been passed and that anyone should face the full force of the law even for just being a member.

Special concern has been raised by ChildFund Japan who feel the forced return of children to their homes will encourage an already worsening epidemic of domestic violence in Japanese households.

Despite the opposition raised, the laws still passed with comfortable majorities in the Diet and were immediately signed by the Empress when delivered to the Imperial Residence.

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GA Member
Jun 10, 2024

Thailand's State Visit to Japan Has Begun

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra of Thailand

Tokyo - With the arrival of the Thai Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense, Thailand's state visit to Japan has officially begun. Thailand was one of the first states in general and the first Asian state in particular to reach out to Japan following the succession of Empress Aimi to the Chrysanthemum Throne. The Thai delegation was immediately escorted to the Imperial Residence in Tokyo where they were received by Her Imperial Majesty and Her Imperial Highness the Crown Princess. Following the landing of the Thai governmental plane the General Affairs Division of the Imperial Household Agency released a press statement that Her Imperial Majesty 'Looks forward to developing close relations with Thailand as both a fellow Asian country and Asia's only current world power, that has often shown itself a friend of the Japanese people'.

The Republic of Thailand in the past decade has rapidly risen to the highest status in world politics and is considered an important element in maintaining Asian independence. In the past Thailand had also helped Japan following the New Years Massacre and in general shown itself friendly to the then State of Japan. The presence of so many high ranking government officials in the Thai delegation is considered by experts a strong indication that Thailand also has high hopes for this visit. The state visit is expected to take several days, for their security the Thai delegation will be hosted at the Imperial Residence, it is not standard for visiting governments to be allowed to stay under the same roof as the Empress and it is believed that too has in part been done to show Thailand the sincerity of Japan's interest in a close relationship.

Due to the assassination of the late Crown Prince by a reporter from the Asahi Shimbun press is not currently allowed to be in the same room as the Empress, Crown Princess and the Thai delegation, however cameras will be set up in the area usually intended for joint press conferences and the General Affairs Division of the Imperial Household Agency has committed to actively reporting any developments to the press before themselves releasing public statements.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that the renewed interest in relations with Japan by so many foreign powers is a welcome indicator that confidence from the international community in the Japanese state is returning and that Japan may begin repairing her historic position of regional significance.


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