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[P.W. Botha]: Message to Israel


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
An encrypted and classified message would be sent to Israel.

"Dear Israeli Government,

I am currently in exile in Turkey. Their government has gratiously taken me in and give me the uptmost hospitality. However I can't but feel like this place is too...... Muslim, for my liking. They're like blacks but a bit more into culture. I don't particularly like it. I only went here because they were the only country to lend their support to South Africa in our trying time of need against Sweden, so it was the only resort. I would like to, however, given my deep appreciation for the Jews, take up residence in Israel. In hiding of course, from the Swedish Government who no doubt want to persecute me. I'm only a short hour flight away from Tel Aviv.

Yours Sincerely,
Pieter Willem Botha,
Former State President of South Africa."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
An encrypted reply would be made to the Former State President of South Africa.

"Dear P. W. Botha,

I would like to thank you for your message, albeit a very surprising message to hear that you're in Turkey. I would advise leaving Turkey by any means necessary if it is safe to do so. Israel does not have any diplomatic missions in Turkey so we cannot harbour you at one of our embassies. The Ministry of Aliyah and Integration is giving full support and I am coordinating my office with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will allow you to claim asylum upon arrival in the country. I wish you all the best.

Pnina Tamano-Shata
Minister of Aliyah and Integration."



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The State President after shaking hands with the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey would kiss him good bye. "Its been lovely meeting you my friend but I must go now to.... um...... Samoa."

Him and his wife would board his South African Airways 747 again which would take off and head south towards Israel. A very short while later it would approach Tel Aviv.

"Tel Aviv Tower, this is Springbok 1, requesting approach."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Israel Defence Force had been drafted in and deployed a singular F-16D "Barak" Fighting Falcon to escort the South African Airways Boeing 747 to Palmachim Air Force Base where it would be cleared to land. The aircraft would be ordered to taxi to a stand away from public view in a secure part of the base. Waiting by would be Mossad officials and would greet the former President and his family before driving off in a three-car blacked out motorcade and would head directly for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and would enter through an underground carpark entrance to avoid any publicity.

"Welcome to Israel, Mister President, please follow me." A senior official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

He took the former President and his family into an elevator, up to a floor in a building and through a variety of corridors before arriving at a meeting room where the former President and his family were to wait. Refreshments were laid out on the table as Shin Bet agents stood guard on the door.



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Upon landing and making his way to the office the State President would take a sip of some tea.

"Tastes like shit" He would say to his wife in Afrikaans.

They would look out the window to the developed and prosperous Israel.

"This is a fantastic success story of a country I must say" He would say to his wife.



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Pnina Tamano-Shata, Minister of Aliyah and Integration would enter the room after being informed of the arrival of the former President and his family. She was carrying a briefcase containing various documents. She made her way over to the table and spoke through the means of a translator.

"I am the Minister of Aliyah and Integration, I am here to help you today. In coordination with local authorities and the Jewish Agency, my Ministry is responsible for helping new immigrants find employment and accommodation, and gives advice on education, planning and social issues, as well as setting up the "immigrant basket" of benefits. What is your end goal here in Israel?"



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"Get this Kaffir out of my face." He would say to the advisors around her as he noticed she was of the Black variety.

"I wish to speak to a real Jew, thank you." He would sit there with his arms crossed.



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Oh, you want to play like that do you Mister President?" The Minister would exit the room and a short time later, six Shin Bet agents dressed in blacked out military fatigues would enter the room, slamming the former President and his wife to the floor as they pointed their loaded M4 carbines towards the pair before they were swiftly taken into custody, handcuffed and marched back out through the way they came into, placed into the blacked out motorcade and back towards Palmachim Air Base where they would use a secluded building within the compound of the base to ensure that nobody caught wind that P.W Botha was ever in Israel.



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"Get your hands off of me you dirty bastards!!"

"LEAVE MY WIFE ALONE!" The State President would exlaim as they were taken into custody.

Once in custody he would begin sobbing in his cell.


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