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Phonecall to China


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Ryabkov, would use an encrypted phone line to contact the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the hopes of opening bileteral relations between the Russian Empire and the People's Republic of China.

Sep 28, 2021
Type: Encrypted

As minister Liang Jiayi walks towards the door to his office, his beautiful secretary waived at him, shugged her head as a sign that he has something important to attend to in his office, he then noticed that he suddenly hearing a phone call, afterwards the minister briskly walked towards his office, opened the door and closed it, which he then picked up the ringing phone that says "Encrypted."

He then said in english, "chinese foreign ministers office."

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Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Good day, Minister," the Russia would say, sipping at his water, "I hope all is well. I have been tasked by my government to contact you in the hopes of opening bilateral relations between the Russian Empire and the People's Republic of China. It is good to see China once again being an active member of the international stage and Russia hopes to keep the positive relations that our two nations have had in the past. But first, I imagine you have all heard of what is currently going on in Russia? If you have any questions or worries, I can answer them now."

Sep 28, 2021
The minister was resting in his office when he suddenly hears a call from on the office phones, he then confidently picked it up and answered.

"Good day to you too minister, I am glad you called, based from what I am hearing right now, we sure have a lot discuss, and when I mean discuss, I really want to know what is going on over there, based from my sources, which I won't reveal, there are multiple factions vying for power over there, currently, I do not know why and how it happened, all I know that your country, ambassador, is quite divided right now, there are also rumors stating the downfall of your government is inevitable, and that would be, really shocking, for you and your allies. Well then, lets get to it then shall we, you and I know you are a busy person, so perhaps It would be wise to summarize what is actually going on, in detail please."


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"I'm unsure where you've heard these rumors, Minister, but they are factually incorrect. The Russian government is in no threat of downfall and it is certainly not 'inevitable'. The military backs us, the people back us, the Church backs us. The 'unrest' is nothing more than terrorists taking arms and before long, these terrorists will be dealt with to the full extent of Russian law. But the explanation you ask for: would-be communists wage terrorism throughout Siberia, disorganized and and at each other's throats; Islamic terrorists have waged attacks in the Caucasus regions; and in the far-east, democracy reigns in Vladivostok - their resistance strong.

Does that answer your question, Minister?"

Sep 28, 2021
"of course, we are satisfied with your answers minister, there are no further questions on our part, we wish you good luck in all your endeavors."


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Likewise, Minister. Goodbye."

The Russian would hang up the call.

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