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[Poland]Diplomatic Communications to New Zealand


GA Member
May 22, 2020
To: Phil Goff; Minister of Foreign Affairs
Subject: Diplomatic Relations
Security: Secured and Encrypted SECRET by POSP
Minster Goff,

First let me offer my congratulations for your administrations recent win in the New Zealand elections and express our hope in Poland that our two nations can establish a long lasting friendship.

I am currently reaching out to you to formalize relations between our two nations by establishing embassies in our respective nations for the other to better promote open and transparent talks that lead to bilateral agreements that will help citizens of both of our nations. I am hoping these talks can establish areas of mutual understanding in areas of political, economic, cultural, and security-related issues. We are also keen on exploring collaboration in areas such as trade, education, industry and defense cooperation between our two great nations.

I am looking forward to working closely with you to build a foundation of trust and friendship between our two nations that will last for many generations to come.

Asia Dudek
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Poland


GA Member
May 24, 2024

Encrypted, Secure - Official

Recipient: Dep. Minister of Foreign Affairs Dudek, Kingdom of Poland
Sender: Minister of Foriegn Affairs Hon. Phil Goff
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Dep. Minister Dudek,

Thank you for your kind words. We also wish to formalise relations and agree that a New Zealand embassy in Warsaw, and a Polish embassy in Wellington, is best for bilateral discussion, trade and general relations between our two nations.

Currently, my Ministry is busy with establishing relations with several other governments, including the Thai, Australian and Russian, but we will move on and focus on other governments, inluding yours, briefly.

Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Commonwealth of New Zealand


GA Member
May 24, 2024

Encrypted, Secure - Official

Recipient: Dep. Minister of Foreign Affairs Dudek, Kingdom of Poland < ManBear >
Sender: Minister of Foriegn Affairs Hon. Phil Goff < >
Date: 8 August, 2004
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Greetings, and thank you for waiting. It has been a busy period in New Zealand, re-establishing relations with much of the international community.

We would be glad to host a Polish embassy in Wellington, for mutual exchange, and we hope you will recieve the recently-appointed New Zealand Ambassador to Poland, Matewa Piripi, to establish an embassy in Warsaw. I would like to affirm my interest in those topics you have outlined, and the subsequent discussion of them between our two governments. Would you prefer a delegation from one of our nations visits the other to start the discussion, or would you rather we communicate through email or phone?

I hope we can work together to improve relations and our peoples. Thank you,

Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Commonwealth of New Zealand


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GA Member
May 22, 2020
To: Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs basedcnt
Subject: Diplomatic Relations
Security: Secured and Encrypted Secret by POSP
Hon. Phil Goff,

Thank you for getting back to us in regards to establishing formal diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Poland and the Commonwealth of New Zealand. I understand the hectic times your administration is facing and we would be glad to host a New Zealander embassy within Warsaw and would be honored to establish our own within Wellington.

In regards to establishing a discussion for the previously mentioned topics, might I suggest an in person meeting within Wellington between one of our deputy ministers and the chosen ambassador to New Zealand as well as a National Defense attache as well as members from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Economy and the Ministry of Education and Physical Fitness.

I look forward to your response.

Asia Dudek
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Poland


GA Member
May 24, 2024

Encrypted, Secure - Official

Recipient: Dep. Minister of Foreign Affairs Dudek, Kingdom of Poland < ManBear >
Sender: Minister of Foriegn Affairs Hon. Phil Goff < >
Date: 15 August, 2004
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Thank you for agreeing to recieve the New Zealand Ambassador. We will dispatch Ambassador Piripi to Poland on an Air New Zealand Airbus A320-200, along with a dimplomatic team to man the Embassy.

I like the idea of a Polish delegation to New Zealand. As such, the New Zealand government offers that same A320 to transport the Polish embassy staff and diplomatic delegation to Wellington, if needed.

Thank you,

Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Commonwealth of New Zealand


GA Member
May 22, 2020
To: Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade basedcnt
Subject: Re: Diplomatic Relations
Security: Secured and Encrypted Secret by POSP
Hon. Phil Goff,

Thank you for agreeing to a meeting with a Polish delegation. Provide the arrival time for the honorable New Zealand Ambassador to Warsaw and we can provide a small police detail to escort them to the embassy.

In regards to the offer for transportation, Poland will have to respectfully decline though we do appreciate the offer. We will have a delegation arriving on a governmental Bombardier Challenger CL-604 MMA. I have I have attached at the bottom of this message a prospective itinerary for our visit. Please feel free to include any changes you wish to make to the itinerary or mention things that will not be possible to partake in during this initial visit.

I would like to mention, alongside our delegation, a team of six Office of State Protection agents will be accompanying the delegation and they will be armed with sidearms and submachine guns to provide adequate protection during the visit. We, of course, are willing to discuss restrictions in regards to armed foreign agents within your nation.

Asia Dudek
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Poland


GA Member
May 24, 2024
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Encrypted, Secure - Official

Recipient: Dep. Minister of Foreign Affairs Dudek, Kingdom of Poland < ManBear >
CC: Minister of Civil Defence and Police Annette King < >
Sender: Minister of Foriegn Affairs Hon. Phil Goff < >
Date: 19 August, 2004
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Certainly. The embassy team will leave from Wellington on the 10th of October, at around 10am. They will take a considerable amount of time to get to Warsaw due to the A320's 6500km range.

Your proposed itinerary is appreciated, and I have no wish to change to it. Furthermore, I must insist that the Polish OSP agents not bring any automatic weapons, including sub-machine guns, into New Zealand. New Zealand Police Diplomatic Protection Squad officers will always be with your delegation to ensure your security while in New Zealand, and they are armed with rifles and pistols.

Thank you,

Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Commonwealth of New Zealand


GA Member
May 24, 2024
The ANZ A320-200 would take off from Wellington International Airport at 1005 on the 10th of October, 2004. It would fly from RE->RF->QF->QG->PG->PH and land at Darwin International Airport to refuel. While flying through foreign territory, the A320 would follow all rules, laws and regulations, and the MFAT would have submitted the aircraft's flight path to all appropriate foreign organisations beforehand. After refueling in Darwin (Owen), it would take off again and fly to Chang Mai International Airport in Thailand (Bossza007), route PH->PI->PJ->OJ->OK->OL->NL and refuel. It would then take off again and fly to Kazan International Airport (Jay), route NL->NM->MM->LM->LN->LO and refuel. Once finished, it would take off again and fly the rest of the distance to Warsaw, Poland, route LO->KO.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
To: Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade basedcnt
Subject: Re: Diplomatic Relations
Security: Secured and Encrypted Secret by POSP
Hon. Phil Godd,

We will await their arrival at Warsaw International Airport where a diplomatic protection detail will escort them to the Embassy.
I appreciate the approval of the itinerary and completely understand the hesitation towards having an armed security detail with submachine guns. We will comply with the security detail not having submachine guns but I would feel remiss to inform you that, pursuant to the GA Resolution on International Diplomacy Article 1.1.B.III the Embassy itself will maintain a small stockpile of firearms that will include submachine guns and rifles as protection for the Embassy grounds itself. Also, Pursuant to the same Article explosives will not be present on embassy grounds nor will the ever be without express written permission from the New Zealand government. We will also import cars for the use of the Embassy and will require the designated vehicles to receive diplomatic plates for use by the Ambassador and their family. We, of course, will provide the same towards your own Ambassador and their family.

The Polish delegation will depart from Warsaw International Airport and arrive in Auckland International Airport.

Asia Dudek
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Poland


GA Member
May 24, 2024
mfat image.png

Encrypted, Secure - Official

Recipient: Dep. Minister of Foreign Affairs Dudek, Kingdom of Poland < ManBear >
Sender: Minister of Foriegn Affairs Hon. Phil Goff < >
Date: 19 August, 2004
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Thank you, we appreciate the transparency in this diplomatic communique.

Due to the Polish Embassy being Polish soverign territory, as per International Diplomacy Article 1.1.A., the weaponry would be on soverign Polish territory. Furthermore, the aforementioned request is specifically for the security team of the delegation, not the embassy security itself. I apologise for any miscommunications due to my ommision of that important fact.

Is it possible for your government to give the NZP ( a time for the arrival of the delegation and embassy team? This will be to organise a Police escort with proper timing.

Thank you,

Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Commonwealth of New Zealand


GA Member
May 22, 2020
To: Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs basedcnt
Subject: Re: Diplomatic Relations
Security: Secured and Encrypted Secret by POSP
Hon. Phill Goff,

I would also like to apologize for the miscommunication with our prior communication. We can understand the confusion in regards to our statement regarding the security of the embassy and the question of the armed security for the delegation. Let me plain regarding the issue. We understand the hesitation for the security detail to be armed with submachine guns and will not be allowing the security detail to carry submachine guns outside of the embassy location. We were simply hoping to maintain transparency in regards to the aforementioned weapons be located within the embassy.

I will pass a message along to the NZP informing them of the estimated arrival time of the delegation and embassy staff.

Asia Dudek
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Poland

Subject: Polish Delegation
CC: Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs - New Zealand
Security: Secured and Encrypted Secret by POSP
To Whom it May Concern,

We have been requested to inform you of the estimated arrival time of 10am for the Polish Diplomatic Delegation to New Zealand. They will be arriving at Auckland International Airport aboard a Bombardier Challenger CL-604 government aircraft flying under tail number PG-006. The aircraft will have 19 souls on board including crew members.

Asia Dudek
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Poland

The Bombardier Challenger would be inspected by ground crews to insure the aircraft was flight worthy before the aircraft we refueled and restocked with refreshments for the flight. The flight crew would insure they were well rested for the fly to Cairo International Airport(Kelly the Mad) before refueling and taking on fresh refreshments and allowing crew to rest before flying to Bangkok. Once there they would refuel, restock, and rest before continuing to Brisbane International Airport to repeat the previous requests. Once they finished in Brisbane they would fly the final leg to Auckland international airport. The flight crew would be put up in the same hotel as the rest of the delegation and given permission to enjoy the amenities of the hotel.



GA Member
May 24, 2024
mfat image.png

Encrypted, Secure - Official

Recipient: Dep. Minister of Foreign Affairs Dudek, Kingdom of Poland < ManBear >
CC: Minister of Civil Defence and Police Annette King < >
Sender: Minister of Foriegn Affairs Hon. Phil Goff < >
Date: 20th of August, 2004
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

We will make sure that a New Zealand Police escort is available to you at the time provided.

Thank you,

Hon. Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Commonwealth of New Zealand


GA Member
May 22, 2020
The government Bombardier would contact the New Zealand ATC upon reaching the appropriate distance to begin landing procedures for the aircraft. They pilots would work closely with the ATC to bring the aircraft to the ground while also repeating the instructions back to the ATC to insure there was little miscommunication due to a language barrier. Once the aircraft was safely on the ground, the Pilots would taxi the aircraft to the designated parking spot before beginning shutdown procedures while the rest of the flight crew began making preparations for the delegations departure. Once the aircraft was successfully shutdown and everyone was ready, the flight attendants would open the stairway and the area would be secured by two of the OSP Agents assigned as a protective detail. Each member would have their passport on their person should it be requested. Each of the agents assigned to the protective detail would have a gen 3 Glock 19 in inside the waistband holsters alongside three spare magazines. Each agent would also have a secure and encrypted radio with earpieces allowing them to communicate effectively with each other. If the area was deemed safe, the lead agent of the two outside would speak into the microphone located in his sleeve to let the delegation know it was safe to disembark the aircraft. The extraction plan for the delegation should some incident occur would be to fall back to the embassy where the security agents would arm themselves with body armor and automatic rifles to begin their exfiltration plans to the airport.

Upon leaving the aircraft the delegation would have their documents out and ready for inspection should it be decided they were required. The agents would declare their firearms to the customs enforcement or law enforcement should they be inquired. The Polish delegation would be polite and all have some level of competency of English for the visit.



GA Member
May 24, 2024
New Zealand - based ATC would contact the Polish Government Aircraft (PGA) on 129 freq once it entered NZZO, and would direct it until hand off to NZAA on 123.9 for routing around Auckland, and again to a RNZAF ATC for landing procedures at RNZAF Base Auckland. When the aircraft would go to final approach, the passengers and pilots would be able to see a New Zealand Sea Sprite helicopter providing site overwatch, security and, if needed, transport.

The Air Force ground controllers at Auckland would direct the PGA to taxi to outside a large hanger on the far side of the airport. Once there, and the Polish aircraft had powered down, an airway would be rolled up to the door and a 6-man RNZAF Guard of Honour would form at the either side of the airway, on the ground. A Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade delegation would wait behind the Air Force group. Air Force Military Police and New Zealand Police would work with the now-disembaked Polish OSP agents to ensure and keep the security of the area.

Once the Polish delegation had started coming down the stairwell, the Air Force commander would call, "Guard, attention! Guard, present arms!" Once a member of the Polish delegation would walk through the Guard of Honor, Minister Sutton would welcome them to New Zealand individually, then the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade would say his welcome. Once all members of the delegation were off the aircraft and had been greeted, they would be invited inside by Minister Sutton. They would then go inside, into a meeting room, to go through customs. Each Pole would have their passports given a cursory look, and all would be handed them back after a few seconds.

The CO of RNZAF Base Auckland would offer the OSP agents part support for their Glocks and maintenance support for the Polish aircraft. The Polish delegation would also get to meet their New Zealand Police CPP team, comprised of 10 Diplomatic Protection Squad officers, who would stay with them for the entire duration of their stay in New Zealand.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
The Polish delegation would offer their own warm greetings to their New Zealander counterparts before following them through the customs terminal and undergoing the brief security checkpoint. As each member of the delegation passed through the passport inspection they would offer their thanks to the customs official for doing their job so diligently before following Minister Sutton towards the arranged transportation.

The OSP agents would greet the CPP agents and offer a handshake with their non-dominate hands, allowing them to maintain control of their own firearms should they require it during the brief embrace. The Agents would give a brief description of the protected and introduce themselves using their last names preceded by Agent. The OSP agents would insure that either the CPP officers and themselves were operating on an encrypted radio frequency that would allow the two groups to communicate effectively during the visit.

The delegation would be following Minister Sutton and would offer simply pleasantries and small talk as they travelled. "You have a beautiful country, Minister. There is something mystical and fantastical about the rural areas as we flew over them."



GA Member
May 24, 2024
The New Zealander CPP would shake the hands of the Polish delegation with whatever hand was offered, as they were without firearms at the time due to being on an Air Force base. They would retrieve them as soon as they would leave, however.

Minister Sutton would be grateful for the praise. "Thank you. You probably flew over the filming areas for the latest Lord of the Rings movie. We have awesome scenery here, and I think that was exploited to the max in that movie."

Upon reaching their motorcade, the NZP DPS personnel would don L-II armour and their sidearms. The Polish delegation would then be driven to the Hilton Hotel for rest.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Once the Polish delegation arrived at the Hilton Hotel, the group would check into their rooms that should be adjoining each other for ease of protection. Once the rooms were checked in and baggage stowed, the group would order food from room service for lunch before the meetings would begin. Upon finished breakfast, the delegation would travel downstairs to meet the NZP DPS officers who would assist in transporting them to the Government House for the initial meeting.

Each member of the delegation would be dressed in business attire, carrying either a briefcase or a messenger bag containing legal pads, writing utensils, cellular phones, and memos authorized to be shown to the New Zealanders(amongst other useful items for the diplomatic meeting). Each OSP agent would be similarly dressed, however each would have body armor under their dress shirts and each would be carrying their pistols on their inside-the-waistband holsters.



GA Member
May 24, 2024
The Poles would be served fresh and tasty food, as ordered. Waiting downstairs would be Superintendent John MacKillop, a seasoned officer of 26 years with the New Zealand Police. He would be assigned the all-day protection of the diplomats, and would have a 15-person protection team on top of the DPS' 10-man team.

Upon arriving at Government House, the Polish delegation would be warmly recieved by 8 representatives, from different parts of the New Zealand government. These would include Minister Sutton, the Secretary of Defence Graham Fortune, and the Secretary of Foriegn Affairs and Trade Simon Murdoch.

The Polish diplomats would be invited inside to a large meeting room, and offered various drinks and biscuits. There, the 8 representatives would individually shake each Poles' hand, and greet them before sitting down.

Likewise, the regular New Zealand Police officers would be in normal uniform, with all lethal and non-lethal devices available. The Diplomatic Protection Squad officers, however, would be obviously heavily armed to disuade attacks. 2 would have, on their person, MP5s plus their regular Police devices and weapons, and all would have AR15s and M870s within their vehicles.


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