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[Poland]Official Communications with Japan


GA Member
May 22, 2020
To: Miyamoto Su, Minister of Foreign Affairs Tokugawa
Subject: Diplomatic Relations
Security: Secured and Encrypted Secret by POSP
Minister Miyamoto,

I would like to first congratulate you on your appointment as Minister of Foreign Affairs within the Empire of Japan. I understand that this will be an incredibly busy time for you as you join everyone else on the international stage of diplomacy.

Japan and Poland have a long history of mutual friendship and understanding against common enemies. As far back as 1771 when Maurycy Beniowski escaped from Siberia to the 1900's when Japan helped finance Polish resistance movements against the Soviets. The Bolshevik revolution led the Japanese Red Cross to help children who had been brought to Siberia be reunited with their families. Even during World War II, despite being allied with Nazi Germany, Japan did not support the German invasion of Poland and even assisted the Polish Government-in-Exile.

It is our hope that we can continue this level of friendship by working together and establishing a permanent framework of mutual cooperation and respect between our two great nations. It is in this hope of establishing a framework I wish to extend an invitation for a delegation from the Empire of Japan to travel to Warsaw to enter into diplomatic talks with me personally. Poland is eager to expand its economic ties with Japan further as well as help Japan establish itself militarily in a region that has faced tensions in the last few years.

I look forward with working closely with your government in the coming years and truly establish a friendship that will continue stand the test of time, much like it already has.

King Stanislaus Grabowski
Kingdom of Poland
Święty Król Polski


GA Member
Jun 10, 2024



Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Empire of Japan

From: Her Excellency Su Miyamoto, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Japan
To: His Majesty Stanislaus Grabowski, King of Poland ManBear

Classification: Confidential
Encryption: Camellia 128 Bit Block Size 256 Bit Key Size 24 Rounds

Subject: Re: Diplomatic Relations

Your Majesty,

Thank you for your kind message and well wishes. The Polish and Japanese nations have indeed had a relationship that was both as remarkable as it was close. It gladdens me and Her Imperial Majesty that you too would like to see this relationship continue.

While the current reconstruction efforts preclude the Empress or Prime Minister from leaving the country, we still feel commencing the process of building relations cannot wait until stability has returned. For that purpose I would like to propose that Her Excellency Izumi Nishiyama meet with you. While her official rank as Ambassador may be below your station, as a niece to the Empress she has the ear of Her Imperial Majesty and can commit with the same confidence a any other official the Japanese state to any agreement that may be reached.

Once the state of emergency ends Her Imperial Majesty would also like to make Warsaw her first European destination.

Kind regards,
Su Miyamoto

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