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[POR] Message to France


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


To: Empire of France, Prime Minister: Marie Lefebvre Alexander
Subject: Trade Deal - Por-Fra

Allow me to begin by reflecting on the longstanding historical and cultural ties that have united Portugal and France over the centuries. Our nations have not only shared a rich heritage but have also forged strong diplomatic relations that have led to numerous collaborative efforts in various fields. In recent years, our cooperation has seen significant advancements! This proposed Treaty Between the Portuguese Republic and the French Empire seeks to build upon these achievements by formalizing and enhancing our bilateral relations.

Attached to this email, you will find a draft proposal outlining our vision for further strengthening economic ties, promoting sustainable growth through tariff reduction strategies, and fostering educational and professional exchange opportunities between our citizens. We highly value the input and expertise of your delegation in shaping this treaty to best serve the interests of both Portugal and France. Your feedback on the attached document is crucial, and we look forward to engaging in constructive discussions to refine and finalize the treaty.

Please let us know a suitable time for a meeting or conference call to discuss any amendments or additions you may propose. We are committed to working closely with your team to ensure that the final agreement reflects our shared commitment to mutual prosperity and cooperation.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I eagerly await your response.

Best regards,
Department of Trade and Commerce,
Secretary of Trade and Commerce,
Alberto Martins



The Portuguese Republic and the French Empire, hereinafter referred to as the Parties,
Recognizing the longstanding cultural, economic, and diplomatic ties between the two nations,
Committed to enhancing bilateral trade, economic cooperation, and cultural exchange,
Have agreed upon the following provisions:

Article I - Gradual Tariff Reduction

  • The Parties agree to gradually reduce tariffs on selected goods to promote bilateral trade.
  • Portugal will implement phased tariff reductions on:
    - Portuguese wine and olive oil entering the French market.
    - Portuguese seafood exports.
    - Textiles and apparel manufactured in Portugal.
  • France will implement phased tariff reductions on:
    - French luxury goods entering the Portuguese market.
    - French cheese and dairy products.
    - Automobiles manufactured in France.
  • The tariff reductions shall be implemented over a period of four years, with equal annual reductions until the tariffs are fully eliminated.

Article II - Debt Reduction Mechanism

  • Recognizing France's current financial challenges, the Parties agree to a debt reduction mechanism.
  • Portugal will provide financial support through:
    - Purchasing French government bonds up to a specified amount over a designated period.
    - Allowing French financial institutions increased access to the Portuguese banking sector.

Article III - Work and Study Exchange Program

  • The Parties agree to facilitate temporary work and study opportunities for nationals of both countries.
  • Portugal will:
    - Streamline visa processes for Portuguese nationals seeking temporary work in France, particularly in sectors requiring specialized skills.
    - Promote exchange programs allowing Portuguese students to study in French universities and technical institutes.
  • France will:
    - Simplify visa procedures for French nationals seeking temporary work in Portugal, focusing on industries where there is a demand for French expertise.
    - Support exchange initiatives enabling French students to pursue academic studies in Portugal, with a focus on fields of mutual interest such as marine sciences and renewable energy.

Article IV - Implementation and Review

  • Each Party shall designate a coordinating authority responsible for overseeing the implementation of this Treaty.
  • Regular consultations shall be held between the designated authorities to monitor progress and address any issues arising from the implementation of tariff reductions, the debt reduction mechanism, and the exchange program.

Article V - Duration and Amendment

  • This Treaty shall enter into force upon signature by both Parties and shall remain in effect for an initial period of ten years.
  • Either Party may propose amendments to this Treaty, which shall be agreed upon through mutual consent and in accordance with the constitutional procedures of each Party.

In Witness Whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Treaty.

Done in duplicate, in the Portuguese and French languages, both texts being equally authentic, at [Place], on [Date].​