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[POR] Message to Japan


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


To: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miyamoto Su Tokugawa
Subject: Open Relations

On behalf of the Portuguese Republic, I extend a warm and sincere welcome to you as you assume your significant responsibilities on the international stage.

The relationship between Portugal and Japan has a rich and illustrious history, dating back to the 16th century when Portuguese explorers first arrived on Japanese shores. This initial contact marked the beginning of a longstanding friendship characterized by mutual respect and cooperation. Over the centuries, our nations have collaborated in various fields, including trade, cultural exchange, scientific research, and technological innovation.

In light of our shared history and the promising future that lies ahead, I would like to invite the Japanese Ambassador to Portugal for a meeting with me. This meeting will provide an excellent opportunity to discuss how we can further strengthen our bilateral relations and explore new avenues for cooperation. Moreover, I believe there is significant potential for a mutually beneficial trade agreement between our countries. Portugal is eager to expand its economic ties with Japan, and I am confident that there are numerous sectors where we can collaborate effectively. In addition to trade, we are also interested in exploring opportunities for Portuguese investments in Japan. Our nation has a wealth of expertise in various industries, and we are keen to contribute to Japan's economic growth and development.

I look forward to the possibility of working closely with you and your team to build upon the strong foundation of our bilateral relationship. Please inform us of a convenient time for the Ambassador to meet, and we will make the necessary arrangements.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I eagerly anticipate the positive developments that our enhanced cooperation will bring.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Secretary of State of the Portuguese Republic,
Jaime Gama


GA Member
Jun 10, 2024



Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Empire of Japan

From: Her Excellency Su Miyamoto, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Japan
To: His Excellency Jaime Gama, Secretary of State of the Portuguese Republic Bruno

Classification: Confidential
Encryption: Camellia 128 Bit Block Size 128 Bit Key Size 18 Rounds

Subject: Re: Open Relations

Your Excellency,

Thank you for your kind message and well wishes. As the Empire of Japan rises like a phoenix out of the ashes of recent crises the rebuilding of relations with likeminded nations is a top priority of Her Imperial Majesty's Government. To that goal I welcome your outreach. It is our intention to send Sakura Takahashi as the official ambassador from Her Imperial Majesty to the Portuguese Republic this week. Upon her arrival and accreditation she will gladly meet with you to discuss the proposed topics.

Kind regards,
Su Miyamoto


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


To: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miyamoto Su Tokugawa
Subject: Open Relations

Your excellency,

It is truly heartening to witness the resilience and resurgence of the Empire of Japan, and we are honored to be part of this significant journey. Portugal shares Japan's commitment to rebuilding and strengthening international relations, and we are eager to explore the myriad opportunities for cooperation between our nations.

We look forward to welcoming Ambassador Sakura Takahashi this week. Her arrival marks a new chapter in our bilateral relations, and I am confident that our discussions will lay a solid foundation for future collaboration. We are particularly excited to delve into the proposed topics of trade agreements and potential Portuguese investments in Japan, areas where we see great potential for mutual benefit.

Please extend my warmest regards to Her Imperial Majesty's Government. We eagerly anticipate a fruitful and enduring partnership.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

Secretary of State of the Portuguese Republic,
Jaime Gama


GA Member
Jun 10, 2024
After landing in Lisbon Sakura would be picked up by a Lexus LS from the Japanese embassy to take her first to her residence so she could freshen up and change into more appropriate clothes to meet with the Portuguese than the comfortable plane clothes she was wearing right now. After freshening up and changing she would step back immediately into the same black Lexus and have it take her to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic. Once there the 30 year old woman would step out of the car and identify herself with any security present, or the reception desk if there was no security, and ask to be taken to the Secretary of State.


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