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[POR] Progressive and Republican Campaigns


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Aníbal Cavaco Silva's Campaign in Algarve:


The sun was high in the sky, bathing the charming Algarve coast in a warm glow and illuminating the charming city of Faro. Thousands of fans flocked to a sizable outdoor arena, where Portuguese and Republican Party flags fluttered in the light wind, creating an electrifying scene. The Atlantic Ocean served as the backdrop for the expansive lawn where the stage was set up. The Republican Party's logo was displayed on the podium in the middle of the stage, while big screens on either side displayed Aníbal Cavaco Silva pictures and campaign slogans.

The location was heavily guarded, with plainclothes and uniformed police officers subtly placed throughout. To make sure everyone was safe, there were metal detectors and bag checks at the doors. VIP visitors had rows of chairs set up in front of the stage, and the general audience occupied the standing space behind. Anxiously, the audience displayed signs and banners in favor of Cavaco Silva. Families, small-town merchants, and farmers from all over the Algarve had gathered to hear the seasoned politician discuss his plans for the nation and the region.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva:

"Thank you for the warm greeting, ladies and gentlemen of the Algarve! Being here in our wonderful country's southern region is always a delight. The Algarve is a bright example of Portuguese pride and success, with its breathtaking coastline and thriving tourism economy. I have a vision for a more secure and powerful Portugal as I stand before you today. There are many obstacles facing our country, but if we work together, we can overcome them and create a better future for everyone!

Let's start by discussing our economics. The Algarve depends heavily on tourism, but we must make sure that every resident benefits from this wealth. In order to support small companies and draw in additional capital, my approach is centered on lowering taxes and regulations. We can fully realize the business energy of the Algarve by removing bureaucracy. It is imperative that we provide backing to our fishing and agricultural sectors to safeguard and improve our customary means of subsistence. Let's talk about security next. Being a doorway to the world, Algarve's coastline requires constant watchfulness against potential threats. To secure our borders and maintain the safety of our communities, my administration will make investments in cutting-edge security measures and work with international partners. We'll make sure our law enforcement organizations have the tools necessary for fighting crime!

Algarve, you are the heart of our nation's tourism industry. Together, we can ensure that this region continues to thrive and that every citizen shares in its prosperity. Let's work together to build a stronger, safer, and more prosperous Portugal.

Thank you, and may God bless Algarve and our great nation!"

Aníbal Cavaco Silva's Campaign in Alentejo

A day after Aníbal Cavaco Silva's campaign rally reached the Alentejo State, the medieval walls and Roman temples of Évora served as a magnificent background. The ceremony took place in a large town square, and the historic buildings gave the celebration a serious air. Behind the podium was a vast stage that was adorned with the Republican Party's insignia and a large Portuguese flag. There was a significant amount of protection, with private security companies assisting local police in controlling the fervent throng. Everyone in attendance was guaranteed safety by barriers and checkpoints. Local leaders had reserved VIP seating near the stage, while the remainder of the square was crowded with people interested in learning about the candidate's intentions for their community. As they waited for Cavaco Silva to approach the stage, supporters waved flags and carried banners. Families from the neighboring countryside, together with small business owners and farmers, had gathered, their faces glowing with curiosity and optimism.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva:

Good evening, Alentejo! It is an honor to be here in Évora, a city rich in history and culture, and a testament to the enduring spirit of our great nation. Alentejo, with its vast landscapes and hardworking people, embodies the heart and soul of Portugal. Today, I am here to share my vision for a future where Alentejo and all of Portugal thrive. Our region faces unique challenges, but with strong leadership and clear policies, we can turn these challenges into opportunities. Alentejo is known for its agriculture and wine production. We must support our farmers and producers by reducing taxes and regulations that hinder their growth. My administration will work to open new markets for Alentejo's products, both domestically and internationally. We will invest in modern agricultural technologies to increase productivity and sustainability, ensuring that our traditions are preserved while embracing innovation.

Security is another priority. Rural areas like Alentejo must not be overlooked! We will ensure that law enforcement has the resources needed to keep our communities safe. By enhancing rural security measures, we can protect our citizens and their livelihoods from crime. Alentejo's connectivity needs improvement to support economic growth, my administration will prioritize the construction and maintenance of roads, railways, and digital infrastructure. By doing so, we can ensure that Alentejo is well-connected to the rest of Portugal!

Alentejo, your hard work and dedication are the backbone of our nation. Together, we can build a future where every citizen has the opportunity to succeed. Let's unite for a stronger, more prosperous Portugal.

Thank you, and may God bless Alentejo and our great nation!

Pedro da Gama's Campaign in Vila Real


The campaign rally in Vila Real was set against the backdrop of the majestic Douro Valley, known for its vineyards and rolling hills. The event took place in a spacious public park, with the stage positioned to offer a panoramic view of the stunning landscape. The podium, adorned with the Progressive Party's logo, was flanked by large screens displaying Pedro da Gama's image and campaign messages.

Pedro da Gama:

Good evening, Vila Real! It's a privilege to be here in the heart of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, a region renowned for its natural beauty and resilient spirit.

I would like to talk to you today about the future that we can create together! a prosperous, inclusive, and innovative future. I address the issues we encounter as a candidate with a pragmatic mindset and a new perspective. Vila Real has enormous potential, which we must utilize to generate work and opportunity for everybody. My strategy calls for making investments in regional companies, especially those in the vital industries of tourism and agriculture. We can guarantee Vila Real's financial success by promoting sustainable practices and creating new markets.

A basic right is access to healthcare! AND ALWAYS WILL BE! To make sure that no one in Vila Real is left behind, my administration will seek to increase access to top-notch healthcare. To reach even the most remote locations, we will invest in telemedicine and expand support for rural healthcare facilities. We will give priority to public health efforts and preventive care in order to maintain the health of our communities.

Another area where we will have a big influence is infrastructure! The Guterres Infrastructure Plan will be carried out, with an emphasis on creative and sustainable projects. All citizens' quality of life will be improved and Vila Real will become more appealing to investors with improved roads, public transportation, and digital connectivity. I also intend to revive the Railway! which the 1980s took away from you! This will bring jobs and new opportunities for Vila Real!

We must ensure that every citizen has the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background. This means addressing income inequality, promoting gender equality, and protecting the rights of all individuals. My administration will work tirelessly to create a fair and just society.

Vila Real, together we can build a brighter future. Let's embrace innovation, inclusivity, and progress. Let's work together to ensure that every citizen has the opportunity to thrive.

Thank you, and may God bless Vila Real and our beautiful nation!

Pedro da Gama's Campaign in Coimbra

Pedro da Gama's campaign rally was the ideal location for the medieval university city of Coimbra, which is renowned for its rich cultural legacy and academic distinction. The ceremony was held in the city's main square, which was encircled by historic structures dating back hundreds of years. The Progressive Party's colors and emblem were clearly displayed behind the podium on the tastefully built stage.

The location was well-secured, with police and private security guards conspicuously stationed nearby. The event was safe and well-organized since attendees went through security checks at the entrances. Local authorities and notable visitors were given VIP seating near the front, while supporters of da Gama crowded the square and waved flags and carried banners.

Pedro da Gama:

Good evening, Coimbra! It's an honor to be here in this historic city, a beacon of knowledge and culture in our beloved Portugal. Coimbra, with its rich academic heritage and vibrant community, stands as a testament to the power of education and innovation when done right!

I have a vision for a better future that capitalizes on our assets and confronts our problems head-on, and I hold it before you today. I address the problems we confront as a candidate with pragmatism and a new perspective. First, let's talk about education, which is central to Coimbra. From early childhood to higher education, my administration will make significant investments in our educational system. We'll see to it that our educational institutions have what they require to offer top-notch instruction. This entails bringing technology into the classroom, assisting with teacher preparation, and lowering the cost and increasing the accessibility of higher education. Our objective is to equip our pupils to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century and beyond.

Another essential right is healthcare. We will make sure that everyone has access to high-quality healthcare and that nobody is left behind. This entails spending more on preventive care, cutting wait times, and boosting financing for public healthcare. In order to enhance patient outcomes and guarantee that healthcare is available and affordable to everybody, we will also make use of technology. Infrastructure is essential to our development. Portugal as a whole and the rest of the world need to be well-connected to Coimbra. The Guterres Infrastructure Plan will be carried out, with an emphasis on creative and sustainable projects. Increasing public transportation is part of this! Portugal's third-biggest city is Coimbra! And it deserves its own underground subway, as you've all asked! investing in green technologies and modernizing our energy infrastructure. By enhancing our infrastructure we will create jobs, boost the economy, and enhance the quality of life for all residents.

Coimbra, together we can build a brighter future. Let's embrace innovation, inclusivity, and progress. Let's work together to ensure that every citizen has the opportunity to thrive.

Thank you, and may God bless Coimbra and our beautiful nation!


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Election Night Live Updates November

7:00 PM - Polls Close Across Portugal

As the clock strikes 7:00 PM, polling stations across Portugal officially close, and the country enters the final stretch of this high-stakes election night. The mood is tense as voters and party officials await the first results. Exit polls suggest a strong turnout, with many citizens voting early in the day. This election is widely regarded as one of the most critical in recent memory, with the future direction of the country hanging in the balance.

7:15 PM - Early Results Show Progressista Lead in Lisbon District

The first results are in from the Lisbon District, the political and economic heart of Portugal. With 20% of the votes counted, the Progressista Party's Pedro da Gama holds an early lead, securing 60% of the vote. The district is crucial for both parties, and this initial lead gives the Progressistas a strong start. Supporters gathered in the iconic Praça do Comércio are already celebrating what they hope will be a decisive victory.

7:30 PM - Progressistas Gain Momentum in Central Portugal

As more votes are tallied, results from central Portugal, including the Leiria and Santarém districts, begin to trickle in. Here, too, the Progressista Party is showing strong performance, with da Gama capturing 58% of the vote in Leiria and 61% in Santarém. These regions, known for their agricultural and industrial bases, are traditionally more conservative, making these early results a promising sign for the Progressista campaign.

8:00 PM - Progressistas Secure Lisbon District with a Commanding 62%

The final count from the Lisbon District is in, and Pedro da Gama has officially secured the district with 62% of the vote. This victory in the capital is a significant indicator of the broader national trend, signaling widespread support for the Progressista platform of economic reform, social justice, and modernization. Crowds in Lisbon erupt in celebration as the district is called for da Gama.

8:15 PM - Southern Districts Report In: Progressistas Take Setúbal and Faro

The southern districts of Setúbal and Faro, both critical for a nationwide win, have just been called for the Progressista Party. In Setúbal, a key industrial and coastal area, da Gama has won with 65% of the vote. In Faro, the gateway to the Algarve and a major tourist hub, the Progressistas have secured 59%. These victories in the south solidify the Progressista Party's path to a national win.

8:30 PM - Braga and Porto Fall to Progressistas

Attention now turns to the north of Portugal, where the major cities of Braga and Porto have reported in. Braga, known for its rich cultural heritage and historical significance, has voted 58% in favor of da Gama. Meanwhile, Porto, the country’s second-largest city and a key economic center, has delivered a resounding victory with 63% of the vote. These results confirm the Progressista Party’s dominance across urban centers, further boosting their chances of a landslide.

9:00 PM - Progressistas Dominate in Central and Northern Portugal

As the evening progresses, more districts in central and northern Portugal continue to fall into the Progressista column. Coimbra, with its prestigious university and young electorate, reports a 64% vote share for da Gama. Aveiro, a key district with a strong industrial base, also swings Progressista with 61% of the vote. These results reinforce the growing momentum for the Progressista Party, as they continue to sweep through the country.

9:30 PM - National Tally Update: Progressistas Lead with 58% of the Vote

With over half of the votes counted nationwide, Pedro da Gama is leading with 58% of the total vote. His nearest rival, representing the Conservative Republican Party, trails significantly with just 39%. The Progressista Party's lead is becoming insurmountable, as even traditionally conservative districts are showing a strong shift toward da Gama’s progressive platform. Analysts are beginning to speculate that this could be a historic landslide.

10:00 PM - House of Representatives Secured: Progressistas Gain a Majority
In addition to their strong performance in the presidential race, the Progressista Party has secured a majority in the House of Representatives. With 90% of the seats declared, the Progressistas are well above the threshold needed for a majority. This victory ensures that Pedro da Gama will have the legislative backing to pursue his ambitious reform agenda.

10:30 PM - Simple Majority in the Senate: Progressistas Achieve Narrow Win
The race for the Senate has been closely watched, with early results indicating a tight contest. However, the Progressista Party has now secured a simple majority in the senate. While the majority is slim, it will still allow da Gama to push through key legislative initiatives, particularly with the strong mandate from the House of Representatives.

11:00 PM - Final Call: Progressista Victory with 60% of the Vote

As the final votes are tallied, the election is officially called in favor of Pedro da Gama and the Progressista Party. With 98% of precincts reporting, da Gama has won the presidency with 60% of the popular vote. This overwhelming victory gives the Progressistas a powerful mandate to implement their platform of economic growth, social equity, and modernization.

11:30 PM - Nationwide Celebrations: Progressista Supporters Take to the Streets

Across Portugal, jubilant celebrations are breaking out as Progressista supporters take to the streets. In Lisbon, Praça do Comércio is packed with thousands of people waving flags, singing, and cheering. Similar scenes are unfolding in Porto, Faro, and Coimbra, as citizens celebrate what many are calling a new era for Portugal. The atmosphere is electric, with fireworks lighting up the sky and car horns blaring in every city.

12:00 AM - Victory Speech: Pedro da Gama Addresses the Nation

Pedro da Gama takes the stage in Lisbon to deliver his victory speech. Speaking to a sea of supporters, he expresses deep gratitude for the trust placed in him by the Portuguese people. "This victory belongs to every Portuguese citizen who believes in a future built on progress, unity, and justice," da Gama declares. "Together, we will transform our country and ensure that every person has the opportunity to thrive."

He outlines his vision for the future, promising immediate action on key issues such as economic reform, healthcare expansion, and environmental sustainability. "The work begins now," da Gama asserts, vowing to fulfill the promises made during his campaign. The speech is met with thunderous applause, and as da Gama steps down from the stage, the crowd continues to cheer long into the night.

1:00 AM - Reflection: The Road Ahead for the Progressista Government

As the nation celebrates, political analysts begin to reflect on the significance of this election. The Progressista Party's sweeping victory, with a commanding 60% of the vote, a majority in the House of Representatives, and a simple majority in the Senate, marks a dramatic shift in Portugal's political landscape. With this strong mandate, Pedro da Gama and his party are now tasked with delivering on their ambitious agenda.

In the coming weeks, attention will turn to the formation of the new government, the appointment of key ministers, and the introduction of legislation. The challenges are significant, but the Progressista Party's overwhelming victory suggests that they have the support of the nation to tackle them head-on. The President elect is set to take office in January 12th.

Final Election Results:

  • Presidential Election: Pedro da Gama (Progressista) - 60% of the vote
  • House of Representatives: Progressista Majority - 200 out of 230 seats
  • Senate: Progressista Simple Majority - 13 out of 22 seats

This election has ushered in a new era of leadership for Portugal. With a clear mandate from the electorate, the Progressista Party is poised to lead the country toward a future of progress, inclusivity, and justice. The work begins now, and the nation watches with hope and anticipation.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Pedro da Gama Acceptance Speech

"Good evening, Lisbon! Good evening, Portugal!"

Cheers erupt from the crowd, filling the historic square with energy.

"Tonight, we have made history together. Tonight, Portugal has spoken loud and clear. You have chosen hope over fear, unity over division, and progress over stagnation. This victory belongs to every single one of you – to every worker, every student, every mother and father, every young person dreaming of a brighter tomorrow."

The crowd cheers wildly, waving flags and chanting da Gama’s name.

"This moment is not just about our campaign; it’s about the countless stories, struggles, and dreams of the Portuguese people. From the bustling streets of Lisbon to the tranquil shores of the Algarve, from the mountains of Vila Real to the plains of Alentejo, we have come together as one nation, united in our determination to build a better future."

"I am deeply honoured and humbled by the trust you have placed in me. But tonight is not just about celebrating, it’s about rolling up our sleeves and getting to work. Together, we will create a Portugal where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, where our economy is strong and sustainable, where our children receive the education they deserve, and where healthcare is a right, not a privilege."

The crowd roars in approval as da Gama outlines his vision.

"We will invest in our small businesses, support innovation, and ensure that Portugal remains a leader on the global stage. We will protect our environment, because we owe it to future generations to leave them a world that is not just liveable, but flourishing."

"But most importantly, we will stand together as one people. We will reject the politics of division and hatred. We will fight for justice, for equality, for the rights of every citizen, no matter who they are, where they come from, or who they love. This is our promise. This is our mission."

The crowd’s energy reaches a fever pitch, with chants of “Pedro! Pedro! Pedro!” echoing across the square.

"I want to thank my incredible team, my family, and every volunteer who knocked on doors, made phone calls, and believed in this movement. You are the heart and soul of this campaign, and I am forever grateful for your tireless dedication."

"To those who did not support us, I say this: I will be a president for all Portuguese. I will listen to your concerns, I will work to earn your trust, and I will strive to bring us together, because we are stronger when we stand as one."

The crowd falls silent, listening intently as da Gama concludes his speech.​

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