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Preparations for a Special Visit


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Security Classification:

To: President Al Gore Odinson
Subject: State Visit Invitation

Dear President Al Gore,

I am writing to extend a formal invitation to you and your family to visit the United Kingdom for a 3-day State Visit in February 2004.

We will make all necessary arrangements to ensure your comfort and convenience during your stay and accommodation shall be provided; security services will be on hand in cooperation with your own security detail.

Providing you are able to attend, I will arrange to have the itinerary sent across and planning can begin; if you could please advise of the best person to discuss the finer details with, I will contact them directly.

I have also been informed that in anticipation for a state visit, former Prime Minister Andrew Evans has been cleared to meet with you at Neist Point Lighthouse for one of the afternoons which will be designated in the itinerary.

Please let us know at your earliest convenience if you are able to accept this invitation, and if there are any specific requirements or preferences you have.

Kindest Regards,

Emma Ryan | Foreign Affairs Secretary |



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018



TO: Emma Ryan, Foreign Affairs Secretary of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( Jamie )
FROM: Duncan Nicholas, Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff

Foreign Secretary Ryan,

On behalf of President Gore and the First Family, I extend their greatest thanks for the invitation from the Prime Minister for a State Visit in the United Kingdom. The President and the First Family cheerfully accept and cannot wait to come to the United Kingdom in February of next year. As the President's Chief of Staff, I would be happy to handle all preparations for the visit including any other questions you may have. As I am sure you know, the recent attack on the Canadian government - which was disturbingly reminiscent to what happened in Washington years ago - is still fresh in the memory of the American People and the government. The security of the President domestically, and abroad, is one of the top priorities of the Federal Government. Security measures for the President and the First Family's visit will be similar to the last time the President came to London - I would be happy to have the Director of the Secret Service get in touch with your office after we have finalized all other details.

I can confirm that the President would be delighted to meet with former Prime Minister Evans at Neist Point Lighthouse - this is something that the President has been wanting to do for some time.

I would be happy to see whatever itinerary your office has prepared for the State Visit. Traditionally, state visits of a head of state include a meeting or dinner with the head of state of the host country. Would there be such a meeting between the President and Her Majesty the Queen at Buckingham Palace? Additionally, I know that the President has some foreign policy and defense matters that he would like to discuss directly with Prime Minister Adams. Would it be permissible for Secretary of State Jackson Fitzgerald and Secretary of Defense John Glass, as well as possibly other representatives from the Defense Department, to be present for that meeting? President Gore strongly supports the Treaty of Washington and he hopes that he and Prime Minister Adams can strengthen it together.​

Best regards,

Duncan Nicholas
Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Security Classification:

To: Duncan Nicholas Odinson
Subject: Re: State Visit Invitation

Dear Mr Nicholas,

Thank you for your response, I am thrilled to hear that the President has accepted the invitation to participate in the State Visit in February. To answer your queries and to give an idea of what is expected, please find the itinerary and current security brief below. Please note that these are subject to change and act as our initial talking points ahead of the visit. We would also be happy to receive the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defence along with any other members of staff you deem fit.


Day One, Morning​
  • Arrival at RAF Brize Norton.
  • Transfer via Helicopter to Buckingham Palace (Marine One).
  • Ceremonial Welcome at Buckingham Palace inc. meeting with Her Majesty The Queen.
  • Check-in to guest accommodation at Buckingham Palace.

Day One, Afternoon​
  • One-to-One audience with Her Majesty The Queen
    • Informal audience carried out on a walk through St James's Park.
  • State Banquet.

Day Two, Morning​
  • Breakfast with Her Majesty.
  • Audience with the Prime Minister, Defence Secretary and Foreign Affairs Secretary at Buckingham Palace.

Day Two, Afternoon​
  • Transfer via Helicopter to Portree Helipad, Scotland
    • Car Transport will be required to Neist Point Lighthouse to meet former Prime Minister, Andrew Evans. Can be provided by the UK if preferred.
    • Prince Charles has requested to join the President on the visit to Neist Point.

Day Three, Morning​
  • Observe the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace & flypast.
  • Transport via Helicopter to RAF Coningsby for an unveiling of a new squadron.
    • Prime Minister Lawrence Adams will also be present.

Day Three, Afternoon​
  • Transfer via Helicopter to RAF Brize Norton.


Locations expected to be visited by the US President are limited to minimize risk, these include Buckingham Palace, St James's Park, RAF Coningsby, RAF Brize Norton, Neist Point Lighthouse and No. 10 Downing Street.
Although it is expected that the US will submit its own vehicles for transport, such as aircraft to identify as Marine One, the Royal Air Force or local security services can provide transport if required.
The Secret Services role is limited to the direct protection of the US President and his family or aides. Wider security shall be overseen by MI5, the Royal Air Force and Met Police.​

Please let me know if you have any further questions at this time.

Kindest Regards,

Emma Ryan | Foreign Affairs Secretary |



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018



TO: Emma Ryan, Foreign Affairs Secretary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( Jamie )
FROM: Robert Carter, Director of the United States Secret Service

Secretary Ryan,

Mr. Nicholas asked that I contact your office directly regarding the President's visit to the United Kingdom. Security measures set forth by the Secret Service and the United States Air Force will be almost identical to the measures taken at the Defense & Security Conference which was held in the United Kingdom several years ago.

I thought that the simplest way to explain this would be to go over the proposed order of arrival for the aircraft and personnel on our end, as well as a brief description of their purpose. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to have any changes made. The Secret Service, first a foremost, has the President's and First Family's safety as our chief concern. We also, however, want to work smoothly with local police, your intelligence services, and any involved military personnel to ensure that this event works smoothly, so please feel free to add any notes to what I am writing below.


Day Zero - Some time in the evening before "Day One"

First, an E-4B and a C-40 Clipper will land at RAF Mildenhall. The E-4B will have an Air Force flight crew who will be restricted to RAF Mildenhall. The E-4B is a modified 747 that always travels to any country when the President or Vice President is being hosted there so that in the event of an emergency it can be used as a hardened alternative to the VC-25 that typically serves as "Air Force One." The C-40 Clipper will contain 25 Air Force Security Forces (for on-the-ground protection of the E-4B), 10 Secret Service special officers (for on-board security in case the aircraft has to be used), and 20 special forces operators for additional protection. If everything goes according to plan, all of these additional forces at RAF Mildenhall will be totally redundant. An additional note is that it is critical that the E-4B is located at an alternative air base to where the VC-25 (Air Force One) will be for the duration of the trip, which is why I have designated RAF Mildenhall.

Next, a C-5B and a C-40 Clipper will land at RAF Brize Norton. The C-5B will transport Marine One, Two, and Three. The C-40 Clipper will transport 75 Air Force Security Forces (for on-the-ground protection of the American aircraft at RAF Brize Norton), 20 special officers of the Secret Service (for direct protection of the President), and the 12 Marines (the flight crews for Marine One, Two, and Three). These personnel will ensure that the Marine Corps helicopters are unloaded and prepared for flight.

U.S. Air Force refueling aircraft based at RAF Mildenhall will likely be used for air-to-air refueling either north or south of Ireland before these aircraft arrive. The RAF will be kept in the loop and informed of every move that these aircraft make so that there are no incidents or misunderstandings.

Day One

A VC-25 (acting as Air Force One) will arrive at RAF Brize Norton. On board the VC-25 will be a flight crew as well as members of the press, the President's staff, and special officers from the Secret Service. The VC-25 will land at RAF Brize Norton as you have asked. Throughout the President's visit to the United Kingdom, the Secret Service will directly protect POTUS. Logistically (and because we are operating in your country) I understand that we cannot control the entire security operation that involves conducting this visit, but I hope that UK police and protective services can work with us as they have before so that we are all on the same page and working together as a cohesive unit.

Day Two

A C-17 will land at RAF Lossiemouth. On board of the aircraft will be the primary elements of the President's motorcade as well as a limited number of special officers from the Secret Service and a handful of Air Force personnel. The limousines will be unloaded and checked. Then, they will be driven by the Secret Service to Portree Helipad to await the arrival of the President - it is requested that the Police Service in Scotland provide an escort for the motorcade at all times while it is on the road. The motorcade will then take the President to Neist Point Lighthouse.


That would conclude the arrival of new American aircraft/personnel to the United Kingdom. I have taken the liberty of adding RAF Mildenhall and RAF Lossiemouth to our plans - again I hope that this was not too forward of me, and I am open to any adjustments that you may see as necessary.​

Very respectfully,

Robert Carter
Director of The Secret Service


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Security Classification:

To: Robert Carter Odinson
Subject: State Visit Invitation

Dear Mr Carter,

Thank you for your email, I have discussed this with our security chiefs for the visit and are satisified with all the contents of your email.

Please note that the presence of the US Air Force Security Forces at Brize Norton is acceptable but their presence must strictly be limited to been around the US Aircraft at their aprons.
E.g., They will not be able to carry out patrols around the base, with the only accepted movement been to and from accommodation and the mess which will be provided.

Local Police Services are already involved in the planning and any movement of the President will see a significant presence of police constables. Air security is provided by the Quick Reaction Alert forces that consists of the Eurofighter Typhoon for any air threats.

I have made the Royal Air Force aware of the intention to use RAF Mildenhall, which is no problem.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kindest Regards,

Emma Ryan | Foreign Affairs Secretary |


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