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President Robinson Dead


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
President Mary Robinson was leaving her residence and entered her vehicle that her driver Mark Kelly brought to the front of her house. President Robinson’s destination was Trinity College to speak with the students. The presidential convoy came to a stop at the intersection of Chancery St. and Ormond Square, just past Four Courts.
A protest blocked the convoy. Nearly all the protesters where wearing masks. A member of the crowd was seen walking toward the Presidential Car, carrying an object in his hand. The lone crowd member threw the object at the hood of the Presidential Car. A large explosion went off. Dublin Police and Garda Síochána cordoned the area.
President Mary Robinson was found dead in the back seat of her Presidential car along with Mark Kelly. Three other individuals were found dead including the individual who threw the bomb. The terrorist was not identified. An estimated 50 protesters are injured. Witnesses heard the bomb thrower yell “UP THE RA” as he threw the bomb.
This is truly a sad day, as a nation morn for their loss of a genuinely great leader. The funeral is to be held on the 15th of January. President Robinson is survived by her loving husband Nicholas Robinson.


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The Prime Minister and Governor-General of Australia would send their condolences to the people of Ireland and Mary Robinson's family. The Prime Minister would unequivocally condemn this attack and has vowed that terrorism everywhere must be stamped out. He would offer the help of the Australian Federal Police to the investigation into the bombing. The travel advisory for Ireland would be updated to Reconsider your need to travel to the entire country. The Australian Government would also ask if it could deploy 20 Australian Federal Police officers to the Embassy in Dublin to protect it.


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
John Bruton, Taoiseach and on behalf of Pat Rabbitte, Minister of State, and Seán Barrett, Minister of Defence have accepted the request of the Prime Minister and Governor-General of Australia. The Australian Feder Police have been given access into the investigation of the death of Former President Mary Robinson. Also as requested 20 Australian Federal Police Officers will be approved to the Embassy with registered firearms at Customs.


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Presidential elections to be held in June 1997! Former President Robinson Funeral to be held 1 February 1997.


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Australia has been authorized an additional 20 security personnel for their embassy as well as to send Federal Police to investigate the assassination of Former President Robinson.

Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
Albert II, King of The Belgians hereby sends his heartfelt condolensces to the family of the deceased taoiseach Robinson. The Kingdom of Belgium shall send a delegation of four to Dublin to attend the funeral in state.