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[Project] Commonwealth of New Zealand - Expansion of Naval Base Devonport


GA Member
May 24, 2024
CLIENTCommonwealth of New Zealand
PROJECTExpansion of Naval Base Devonport
PROJECT COST1,500,000,000.00
PROJECT INFORMATIONDue to the increased port capacity required by the Royal New Zealand Navy, the New Zealand Government would purchase a large amount of land to the west of Devonport.
(Please DM me if the link doesn't show everything I have mentioned here)

The entire area would be concreted, and Cliff Road would be extended along the entire facility. The facilities installed on the almost 90k square meters of land would include an additional 2 storage warehouses, a drydock capable of handling ANZAC-sized vessels, 4 wharves, cranes for transferring cargo, an administrative/logistics building with helipad, a small indoor recreation/PT facility, and a security building with a large underground command and control room. Some security upgrades would also take place, and the installation of in-establishment housing.

Each warehouse would be 2 stories tall, and have an area of about 5 thousand meters squared. That means that each would be able to house 115 TEUs per floor, or equivalent. Each would be able to house 15 of those securely, if containing weapons.

The drydock would be able to house a single ANZAC-sized ship, or smaller, and conduct major refits, upgrades, long maintenence and major repairs. This facility would be an improvment to the one in Whangārei, to the north.

Each wharf would have road access, 1 crane servicing each side for Whaves 1 and 2, and 2 cranes per side for wharves 3 and 4.

The administrative/logistics building would house a number of NZDF logistical and administrative personnel, who would support the Navy operations at Devonport and when deployed. There would be a helipad on the roof for Fennec- and Sea Sprite - sized aircraft. The building would also have 4 meeting/board rooms and a C2 room that the Maritime Component Commander could use to control forces. An attached, but seperate, building would be for secuirty/defence/military police use, and would have an armoury, quarters for 25 men, and a large, underground command, control and security room.

Base housing would be created, which would include mess areas, showers, recreational areas, in-door PT areas, and other facilities such as a postal office. It would be able to house around 400 NZDF personnel.

The security of the base would also be enhanced with NV/FLIR cameras (connected to security room) and barbed wire fencing. The NV/FLIR cameras would be facing out to sea and would be watching all major choke point and entrances.

There would also be install points for future RADAR systems, and the admin/logis building would be served by JTIDS, Link 16, Link 11, and Link 9 Tactical Data Links.
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World Power
Jul 12, 2018
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