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[Project] Portugal - Braga Hospital


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
PROJECTBraga Hospital
PROJECT COST500,000,000.00
PROJECT INFORMATIONThe New Hospital in Braga project aims to enhance healthcare infrastructure and service delivery in the region by constructing a state-of-the-art medical facility, Braga has continued to develop at a fast pace thanks to the proximity of Porto, because of this, its population as been steadily increasing. This initiative involves the design and construction of a comprehensive hospital complex equipped with modern medical technology, advanced diagnostic and treatment facilities, and specialized departments to cater to a wide range of healthcare needs. Key components of the project include the development of emergency services, inpatient and outpatient departments, surgical suites, intensive care units, maternity and pediatric wards, and specialized centers for oncology, cardiology, and neurology. The hospital will also feature advanced imaging and laboratory facilities, as well as telemedicine capabilities to support remote consultations and treatments.

The New Hospital in Braga is expected to significantly improve access to quality healthcare for residents in Braga and surrounding areas, reducing the need for patients to travel long distances for specialized medical services, i.e travelling to Porto for medical aid. By providing a comprehensive range of medical services under one roof, the hospital aims to enhance patient outcomes, reduce waiting times, and improve overall healthcare efficiency. The facility will be designed with patient comfort and safety in mind, incorporating sustainable building practices and energy-efficient technologies. Additionally, the project will focus on workforce development, including the recruitment and training of medical professionals and support staff to ensure high standards of care. Through community engagement and collaboration with local health authorities, the project will address local healthcare needs and priorities, promoting a healthier and more resilient community.

The €0.5 billion cost, includes expenses for land acquisition, architectural and engineering design, construction, procurement of medical equipment, and installation of advanced healthcare technologies. Additionally, costs associated with regulatory compliance, staffing, training, and initial operational expenses would be included in the overall budget.

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