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[Project] Thailand - Prachathipatai E-Government Superapp


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
PROJECTPrachathipatai E-Government Superapp
PROJECT COST248,538,011.70
PROJECT INFORMATIONPrachathipatai E-Government Superapp

Project Title: Prachathipatai E-Government Superapp
Project Code: TH-EGS-001
Date of Approval: January 31, 2005
Version: 1.0

Approval and Endorsement Authorities
  • National Assembly of Thailand
    Approval Date: December 1, 2004
    Approval Margin: Supermajority (82%)
  • Community Assemblies
    Approval Date: December 15, 2004
    Approval Margin: 75% of Assemblies in Favor
  • Federation of Worker Council Unions of Thailand
    Approval Date: December 18, 2004
    Approval Margin: 90% Approval
  • Unions of Regional Consumer Councils
    Approval Date: December 20, 2004
    Approval Margin: 90% Approval
  • National Economic Planning Board
    Approval Date: December 25, 2004
    Approval Margin: Consensus Achieved (100%)

Project Overview
  • Project Lead: Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
  • Project Coordinator: Suttawan Suban Na Ayuthaya, Minister of Digital Economy and Society
  • Project Duration: 3 Months (February 2005 – May 2005)
  • Development Agency: Digital Transformation Cooperative of Thailand (DTCT)
  • Collaborating Bodies:
    • Ministry of Justice
    • Ministry of Labor
    • Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
    • National Institute of Technological Advancement (NITA)
    • Green Thailand Environmental Council
Funding and Resource Allocation
  • Total Budget: 8.5 Billion Baht
  • Funding Sources:
    • National Budget Allocation: 60%
    • Worker Cooperatives Digital Fund: 25%
    • Regional Digital Infrastructure Fund: 15%
  • Resource Contributions:
    • Open-source Software Development: 35%
    • Public Sector Expertise and Volunteers: 20%
    • AI and Machine Learning Systems: 30%
    • Infrastructure and Hardware: 15%
Compliance and Ethical Oversight
  • Compliance Certifying Authority: National Ethical Oversight Board (NEOB)
  • Ethical Review Status: Approved (Unanimous)
  • Data Privacy and Security: In full compliance with the People’s Digital Privacy Act (PDPA 2004)
  • Public Transparency: All project documents and source codes available on the National Digital Archive
Citizen Participation
  • Citizen Feedback Sessions: 250 Sessions Nationwide
  • Digital Polling and Surveys: 2 Million Responses Collected
  • Public Forums and Debates: Conducted in All Major Regions
Expected Impact and Outcome
  • Citizen Participation Increase: Expected rise by 45% in digital governance engagement
  • Economic Planning Efficiency: Predicted 30% increase in resource allocation efficiency
  • Social Equity Enhancement: Targeted reduction in digital divide by 50% within 2 years
Post-Implementation Review
  • Scheduled Review Date: January 15, 2006
  • Reviewing Authorities:
    • National Audit Office
    • Independent Citizen Review Committee (ICRC)
    • Participatory Democracy Research Institute (PDRI)
The Thai Socialist E-Government Superapp, named “Prachathipatai” (ENG: Democracy), represents Thailand’s attempt to take a revolutionary leap in digital governance by seamless integrating the principle of collectivism, participatory democracy, and economic equality into a single, unified platform. This superapp is designed to be the digital backbone of the Socialist Republic of Thailand, embodying the nation’s core ideals and serving as an indispensable tool for the citizenry’s active participation in all aspects of social, economic, and political life. In doing so, it aims to set a global standard for what a truly democratic and egalitarian digital governance system can achieve.

Through this superapp, citizenry will be empowered by placing decision-making tool directly in the hands of the people, facilitating deep and meaningful participation in both local, regional, and national governance. The app is designed to function as a key instrument for managing the cooperative-based economy, enabling transparent, decentralized economic planning and ensuring that resources are distributed equitably. Additionally, the superapp will act as a unifying force, fostering a sense of community and collective identity, which is crucial for the success of the socialist project. The superapp also serves as a model for other socialist nations and movements, demonstrating the potential of technology to advance the goals of socialism and discourage imitation by capitalist states.

Features and Functionalities

The app will enable every citizen to participate in community assemblies, policy discussions, and voting processes, ensuring that decisions reflect the collective will. Voting mechanisms are secure, transparent, and designed to prevent manipulation, embodying the principle of one person, one vote. Citizen will be able to engage in the budgeting process at all levels of government (Digital Participatory Budgeting), from local to national. The app provides a platform for submitting proposals, debating opinions, and allocating resources according to the principle of democratic socialism. Virtual spaces are available for discussion and debate on various issues, from local concerns to national policies, ensuring that every voice is heard and considered in the decision-making process.

The app integrates a comprehensive management tool for worker cooperatives, allowing them to coordinate production, distribution, and pricing in aligning with national economic plans. These tools are designed to ensure that all economic activities are democratically controlled and aligned with the broader goal of socialism. Citizens and cooperatives can access and contribute to the national economic planning process. The app uses AI-assisted dynamic pricing model to adjust resource allocation in real time, ensuring that economic decision reflect collective needs and environmental consideration. A digital labor token system is embedded within the app (Socialist Manifesto reference), reflecting the time and effort contributed by each worker. This system can be used to replace traditional currency, ensuring that value is directly tied to labor and that wealth is distributed according to contribution.

The app will provide access to all universal basic services, including but not limited to healthcare, education, housing, and legal aid. Each service is seamlessly integrated into the app, ensuring that every citizen can access essential resources without barriers. Citizens can personalize their access to service based on their needs and provide real-time feedback to improve service delivery. This approach is aimed to ensure that services are responsive to the evolving needs of the population and reflect the principle of substantive equality.

The app will include a dedicated interface for the Ethics Board, allowing them to review cases where individual rights intersect with collective well-being. This is to ensure that all decisions are transparent and in line with the ethical standards of the socialist state. There dashboards will provide real-time data on government actions, economic planning, and service delivery. Citizens can track the performance of their representatives and hold them accountable through participatory mechanisms.

The app also features a unique system that tracks and reward community cultural activities, promoting balanced work-life dynamics (Cultural Time Bank; Socialist Manifest reference). This feature will ensure that cultural contributions are recognized and valued within the socialist framework. Citizen can propose, vote on, and participate in art projects through the app (Cultural Aspiration; Socialist Manifesto reference). This will foster a culture of collective creativity and ensure that art reflects the values and aspirations of the community.

The app integrates tools for monitoring environmental impacts, ensuring that all economic activities are aligned with sustainability goals. Citizens can access real-time data on environmental performance and participate in discussions on sustainable practices. Recognizing the importance of mental and social well-being, the app includes features for scheduling regular digital detox periods (Cultural Aspiration; Socialist Manifesto reference). This will help combat the negative effects of technology and promotes a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Security and Sovereignty Considerations

As the superapp has an integral role in the functioning of the Thai state, its security architecture is paramount, implementing all aspects of NSST 1.0 and 1.5 Architectures. This app is built on a secure, decentralized infrastructure, ensuring that no single entity can compromise the system. The app’s open-source elements are shared only through the facial and fingerprint identification of the Thai citizens, ensuring that its innovation benefit the global socialist movement without being co-opted by capitalist or neoliberal regimes.​

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