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[Project] Ukraine - Stepovyi Vovk-class Armoured Train


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
TYPEResearch & Development
PROJECTStepovyi Vovk-class Armoured Train
PROJECT COST625,000,000.00
PROJECT INFORMATIONThe Stepovyi Vovk-class (Steppe Wolf) is the name given to a series of armoured trains being developed by the People's Railway Guard.

The trains are led by two TEP70 locomotives and are made up of 8-14 wagons. The autonomy of the train ranges from 72-126 hours, depending on the number of wagons it is pulling. Each of the wagons are equipped with bulletproof windows, its floor and roof panels reinforced to withstand explosions—with the floor panels being resistant to mines. Their walls armoured in three layers: a first layer of 10mm of rolled steel, rubber panels as the second layer, and a third layer of 8mm of rolled steel. Each wagon can also be additionally reinforced with sandbags supported against the walls by wooden panels.

The trains will have a length of 176-348.8 meters, depending on the number of wagons the locomotives are pulling. The speed is also dependent on the number of wagons, fluctuating between 95-115 km/h whilst traveling. But this speed falls to 60-70 km/h in combat scenarios for both safety and operational control.

The crew size is expected to number 71-120 people, depending on the configuration.

Each wagon is roughly 40 feet long, with a width of 9.35 feet, and a height of 14.76 feet.

The train is expected to cost roughly $40,000,000.00.

Here are the following types of wagons:
  • Autocannon Wagon: for a ZU-23-2 with firing ports for NSV heavy machine guns and AGS-30 automatic grenade launchers.
    Troop Transport Wagon: carrying infantry, railway engineers, and security personnel. Includes firing ports for small guns. Personnel are equipped with MANPADs.
  • Command & Communications Wagon: houses secure radio communication and electronic warfare equipment. Provisions to use hand-launched UAVs for battlefield surveillance.
  • Logistics & Supply Wagon: transports ammunition, medical supplies, rail tracks, and spare parts. Includes a fuel storage section with fire-prevention systems and a field workshop. A small kitchen is also located here to feed the train's crew.
  • Flatbed Wagon: to transport a BMP-2 w/ATGMs, BTR-82, or a BTR-40 for additional mobility.
  • Artillery Wagon: equipped with 2 MO-120-RT fixed mortars for indirect fire, alongside 4 M69 mortars for dismounted positions. Can carry hundreds of mortar rounds.
  • Self-Defence Wagon: equipped with MANPADs, a Zu-23-2, RPGs, and PKM machine guns. Acts as rear security.
  • Armoured VIP Wagon: a heavily fortified wagon for high-ranking officers. Features secure satellite communication, encrypted radio links, and war room facilities. Serves as the mobile headquarters.
  • Amphibious Assault Wagon: a flatbed used to transport a PTS-3 amphibious carrier. A small cab is also present to hold various engineering equipment. Designed to help engineers cross rivers in fast deployments.
  • Urban Combat Wagon: a wagon equipped with troop transportation facilities and storage for RPO-A Shmel rocket launchers for building/fortification clearance.
  • Prisoner Transport Wagon: reinforced with steel bars and locked compartments to comfortably hold 12 prisoners, though could hold many more.
  • Field Hospital Wagon: equipped with medical beds, surgical equipment, and life-supported systems. Can provide triage and emergency care for wounded soldiers.
  • Rail-Mounted SAM Wagon: carries a mounted Strela-10 short-range air defence system. Defends against drones, helicopters, and low-flying aircraft.
  • Decoy Wagon: fake cargo or passenger wagon to deceive enemy forces. Sometimes left empty to focus fire and attention.
  • Radio Station Wagon: equipped with HF, VHF, and UHF radios for short-range and long-range communications. Satellite communication systems, alongside encrypted communication systems. Equipped with backup power systems and radio relays.
  • Crane Wagon: equipped with a large crane to offload and onload materials.
  • Scout Wagon: equipped with optical and thermal imaging cameras to scout ahead and to the sides of the train for ambushes. Also equipped with a
    Kamysh M4K electronic warfare system. The wagon also carries various mine detection and mine-clearing systems for on-board engineers to use. A heavy roller is mounted at the front of the wagon to trigger mine.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
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