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[Red Beacon] Phone Call to Japan


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
A private phone call was placed from the current headquarters of the Red Beacon Guild to Tarō Kōno, the Foreign Minister of the State of Japan. Waiting on the line was Jacob Falzon, CEO of the Red Beacon Guild. Jacob was on the second floor of a private bar in Valletta with a handful of other senior members of the Guild.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Since Tarō Kōno was unavailible, the call would be directed to the International Cooperation Bureau, a branch within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a senior adviser would answer the call within the confines of his office, the call was encrypted on the Japanese end.

"Good afternoon, you are through to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Japan, the call has been directed to the International Cooperation Bureau, my name is Toshihiro Nikai, how may I help you today?"



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Good afternoon, it's very nice to hear from you. I am Jacob Falzon, the CEO of the Red Beacon Guild in Malta. The guild deals with construction and defense sales, and we are currently designing a next-generation cutter as one of our first new products. We're interested in using a Japanese weapons system - the Type 90 missile - on the cutter, and we would like to negotiate this with Japanese officials. Would this be possible?" he asked.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The call would be diverted to the office of the Chief Executive Officer of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries who would be informed about the deal.

"Good afternoon sir, you are through to the Chief Executive Officer of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, my name is Seiji Izumisawa and I have been informed of your intention to purchase the Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile, if this is correct then we would be willing to sell this for $1,100,000.00 per weapons system."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Good afternoon, Mister Izumisawa," Jacob said. "My name is Jacob Falzon. I am the Chief Executive Officer of the Red Beacon Guild. Thank you very much for taking my call. We were actually interested in purchasing a domestic production license for the Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile, including the launcher. We have an offer. I'll have my staff send over a copy of the agreement we've written..."

The agreement was privately sent over to the office of the CEO.

Construction & Defense Sails

Contractual Agreement Between

Mistubishi Heavy Industries

Red Beacon Guild
1. The purpose of this contractual agreement between Mistubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Red Beacon Guild (RBG) is to provide an exchange of production rites for the Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile and launching platform in return for monetary compensation.

The following words/phrases shall be defined after the hyphen "-" placed after it.
1. Mitubishi Heavy Industries - Abbreviated "MHI", is the company issuing the Production License for the Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile and launching platform.
2. Red Beacon Guild - Abbreviated "RBG", is the company purchasing the Production License for the Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile and launching platform.
3. Production License - Abbreviated "PL", is a license which shall permit RBG to produce, maintain, sell, and equip the Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile and launching platform (as defined below) without any additional costs, fees, or conditions other than what is stated in this contract. Therefore, MHI will issue a copy of the blueprints for the Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile and launching platform to RBG which may be used for the duration of the PL. The PL is not a separate contract or document or agreement, but instead is a consequence of this contract.
4. Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile - Abbreviated "Type 90" from hereon, is the "Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile" produced by MHI; this includes the engines, guidance systems, and all necessary equipment and parts (including launching platforms) for the missile to properly function and perform its intended purpose.

Terms & Conditions
1. MHI shall issue a PL for the Type 90 to RBG.
2. The PL that is issued to RBG is exclusive and may not be sold or transferred to any other entity, organization, or country without the permission of MHI.
3. This contract shall be a valid agreement between MHI and RBG through at least the last day of February 1996, thus the PL shall be valid at least through at least the last day of February 1996; thereafter MHI and RBG both have the following options: do nothing; terminate this contract; renew this contract; or terminate this contract and renegotiate this contract.
4. To terminate this contract after the aforementioned conditions have been met, either MHI or RBG must provide a written notice one month in advance of termination.
5. RBG shall compensate MHI with a one-time lump sum of $75,000,000.00 (United States Dollars).
6. This contract will be considered valid and binding after the following have occured: the Chief Executive Officers of both MHI and RBG sign a copy of this contract, and RBG fulfills its financial commitment listed in: Terms & Conditions, "4." which is the issuing of $75,000,000.00 to MHI.

Signed For Red Beacon Guild

Jacob Falzon

Signed For Mistubishi Heavy Industries


Last edited:


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Construction & Defense Sails

Contractual Agreement Between
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Red Beacon Guild
1. The purpose of this contractual agreement between Mistubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Red Beacon Guild (RBG) is to provide an exchange of production rites for the Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile and launching platform in return for monetary compensation.

The following words/phrases shall be defined after the hyphen "-" placed after it.
1. Mitubishi Heavy Industries - Abbreviated "MHI", is the company issuing the Production License for the Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile and launching platform.
2. Red Beacon Guild - Abbreviated "RBG", is the company purchasing the Production License for the Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile and launching platform.
3. Production License - Abbreviated "PL", is a license which shall permit RBG to produce, maintain, sell, and equip the Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile and launching platform (as defined below) without any additional costs, fees, or conditions other than what is stated in this contract. Therefore, MHI will issue a copy of the blueprints for the Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile and launching platform to RBG which may be used for the duration of the PL. The PL is not a separate contract or document or agreement, but instead is a consequence of this contract.
4. Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile - Abbreviated "Type 90" from hereon, is the "Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile" produced by MHI; this includes the engines, guidance systems, and all necessary equipment and parts (including launching platforms) for the missile to properly function and perform its intended purpose.

Terms & Conditions
1. MHI shall issue a PL for the Type 90 to RBG.
2. The PL that is issued to RBG is exclusive and may not be sold or transferred to any other entity, organization, or country without the permission of MHI.
3. This contract shall be a valid agreement between MHI and RBG through at least the last day of February 1996, thus the PL shall be valid at least through at least the last day of February 1996; thereafter MHI and RBG both have the following options: do nothing; terminate this contract; renew this contract; or terminate this contract and renegotiate this contract.
4. To terminate this contract after the aforementioned conditions have been met, either MHI or RBG must provide a written notice one month in advance of termination.
5. RBG shall compensate MHI with a one-time lump sum of $75,000,000.00 (United States Dollars).
6. This contract will be considered valid and binding after the following have occured: the Chief Executive Officers of both MHI and RBG sign a copy of this contract, and RBG fulfills its financial commitment listed in: Terms & Conditions, "4." which is the issuing of $75,000,000.00 to MHI.

Signed For Red Beacon Guild
Jacob Falzon

Signed For Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Seiji Izumisawa



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Thank you for agreeing to this contract with us, Mister Izumisawa. We will be receiving our funding soon and will immediately issue the money to Mitsubishi," he said. If his Japanese counterpart had nothing else to said, then he would hang up the phone and inform those at the Guild that the contract had gone through. The signed contract would be put on file and a copy would be sent to Mitsubishi.



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
A copy of the domestic production rights would be sent to Red Beacon as per the above agreement.

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