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Remnant Factions | Juárez Cartel


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

The North Korean factions had kept a low profile after the Russian Civil War. They had succeeded in raising the communist factions viability to wage a guerrilla war. After months, they had begun to return back to their northern mountainous bases after completing training of the Stalinist factions of Russia's Civil War. Now, the Korean Communists had grown tired and lowered in moral. Their triumvirate needed some positive news for the movement. To that, the movement looked to Mexico where rumors marred their channels of the complexities the Cartels were placing on the State. The previous Mexican Government quickly fell after its promulgation. There was some possibilities of a healthy relationship between the North Koreans and the Cartels to develop a financial relationship. The Communists were running low on their financial reserves and with an arsenal of weapons and ships, they could perhaps offer some thing of service to the Cartels.

The old North Korean embassy was dilapidated and overgrown. Weeds sprawled over the premises. Long had the mission been abandoned as many others across the globe. Their mission members had joined the South's embassies across the world where they existed or in places where the South had no presence, raised the Taegukki and joined the ranks a unified Korea's foreign service corps. The premise in Mexico was abandoned and scheduled for deconstruction, but, the paper work fell in the cracks when the previous Mexican government collapsed. Now, inside, five of North Korea's former RGB returned after spending the past week surveilling a low level courier.

The RGB agents would keep their distance as they watched the courier they suspected of being one of many delivering message back and forth between the Cartel's leaders and his Buchon's across the state. One of the RGB Agents would slip into his courier bags a letter. Watching as the courier traveled away and possibly exchanged letters with many other courtiers, the RGB agents awaited a response.


The letter would contain phrases from The Communist Manifesto which encoded a message. Once the reader looked at the second word in every sentence. They would see it read out, "Our leaders would like to arrange a meeting. Pick a place and time, we will be there." Instructions were also given on how to respond. Leave your response in Zocalo Square at 11:30, under the blue tent. We will be waiting.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
The message would be recieved by a man only known as Pablo "Carnicero" Gerbera. He was well renown throughout Mexico. He was loved, hated and above all else feared. Known in english as the Butcher. He was in the inner circle of Vicente Carrillo Fuentes (Leader of the Juárez Cartel). Carnicero would deliver the message to Fuentes and stand by idlily. Fuentes would open the message, and would looked puzzled at the words.

"Communist stuff, I don't get it." He would spend hours looking at the message, asking questions as to who sent it and why. Finally he would decipher the message.

He would write his own letter. The letter would be sealed.

31°44'41.3"N 106°28'57.0"W
me alone, no weapons

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GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Koreans hired a local contact from the farming community of Socialists who had previously risen up against the American puppets in Mexico City. At 12:30 when the square got busy with workers leaving for their lunch break, the Koreans moved to take the letter. The man picked up the letter discreetly and handed it to the Korean woman inside a frequented bar. The man if any tails picked him up would've been lost in the crowded bar. Ryu Seonja would read the letter and memorized its contents before discarding the letter inside the ladies room, making sure to tear the letter beyond recognition before doing so.

She joined the team leader and other RGB officers inside their hideout at the former DPRK Embassy. They agreed to send Ryu and another RGB Officer, Kim Sokmin, equally proficient in Spanish, but more importantly, aware of the Supreme Leader's goals. The two would arrive at the location the Cartels men said to meet them at. They arrived a few hours later, the woman had her sidearm holstered in her jeans while the man had his holstered beneath his leather jacket. They arrived untracked and secretly entered the place they were told to enter. They didn't come unarmed, in the event they would need it. Still, if the Cartel insisted, they would hand it over, they of course trained in various martial arts, would have their bodies as lethal weapons if tempted.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

Juárez, Mexico
Translated into English
The Korean Officials would arrive at a suburban area, people would be out and about their daily lives. The location seemed rather dull with a brown metal fence and concrete walls. The doors would slide open and 4 armed men with 2 AR-15s and 2 AK-47s would come out. They would be wearing normal civilian clothing but have bandanas around their face. They would grab the Korean Officials and throw a bag over their face, they would then drag them inside the compound and close the gate. They would be patted down for weapons and have their weapons stripped from them. They would then be pushed and shoved in the direction the men with guns wanted. They would be yelling in Spanish for them to "Hurry Up!" Once inside they would be brought to their knees and the bags would be removed from their faces. They would see a warehouse with what would appear to be drugs and trucks for transportation. A man would be sitting on the bed of one of the trucks in front of them. He was wearing a blue collared button up shirt and blue jeans, the sleeves on his shirt would be rolled to his elbows. Around his neck would be a gold cross with Jesus on it. His shirt was tucked into his pants and on his back was a pistol strapped inside his jeans. He would also be smoking a fresh cigarette.

"Good Evening."
Takes a puff. "So why did you seek me out?" The man would say.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Agents Ryu and Kim would see the doors suddenly open, when the men with guns stepped forth, Agent Ryu would look as though she would reach for her sidearm, before Agent Kim interjected, knowing this from many of the western movies he watched undercover in Texas hunting dissidents, he would tell her it was okay. Agent Ryu would mentally keep their steps tracked in the event they needed a hurry out of the area. After they were bagged and taken inside and patted, their sidearms confiscated. As they were dragged, and taken in front of the man, after their huts were taken off, Agent Kim would be the one to speak in Spanish, meanwhile, Agent Ryu took a look around their surroundings as Sokmin spoke in Spanish. She was conversational, but, not fluent enough to take on the conversation.

Kim Sokmin: "In my country. We are much more courteous to foreign guests." He said looking at the man. Before responding to him. "Why did you want to listen to us?"

From a distance, Agent Pak would see through his binoculars while Agent Son looked through his rifle as they saw Agents Ryu and Kim taken inside. Considering it all part of the plan, they went alone as they radioed back to the Colonel. "They are in."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Translated into English
The man would chuckle.

"Sorry but never can be to careful. But welcome to Mexico, this isn't your country, it's mine." He would look as his men. "Well don't be rude help them up." He would puff his cigarette. He would offer them a cigarette each. Another man would bring in a bottle of tequila and 3 shot glasses. He would pour the 3 shots and offer one to each of the Koreans and the last to his boss. The boss would grab his and drink it, then handing it back. "I am the leader of the Juárez Cartel. I wanted to hear you out. Though if I'm being honest I wasn't expecting Asians. So why send the letter in the first place? Are you looking for help, or offering help? What is it that you want?" He would say and finish his cigarette and lighting another one.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"You never can be." Agent Kim said in agreement as he was picked up by the men around them. Taking the offered cigarette, he would have it lit by the man in front of him before stepping backwards. Agent Ryu just stood back, Agent Kim would take her shot for her, enjoying the two drinks, downing them before taking a huff of the cigarette, then speaking. Agent Ryu took a glance at the neckless of Jesus and thought how primitive it was...religion she huffed in her mind. "You are well known around these parts. If I may get to the point of your question, I am here to ask how we can help you." He said before adding on. "Our Supreme Leader hopes you will with our cooperation, take the care to the working peasants in the agricultural sector and leave them alone." He paused... and then said, "We're willing to help by offering to send trainers from our special forces group to train your men and also supply a cargo ship to help you in smuggling drugs abroad. We have a wide array of weapons and men to help you become the dominate cartel in Mexico. Expanding your enterprises into Asia. We would only take a cut of the profits and also be compensated for providing training to your men. No doubt, our military experience in killing US and Korean soldiers would be of use to your." He said, taking another puff of the cigarette before waiting for a response.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Translated into English

He would put his cigarette out.
"Hmm.... The agricultural sector is where our workers come from, they make more from us than the government. We do have guards posted in those area's, however they are for their protection. I see no need to mess with workers. I would welcome the training and weapons, along with the supplies, however how big of a cut are we talking? I still have many people that need to get paid. The other issue is that we don't currently own a port. All the other Cartels do, which is why we aim to take them over."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Agent Kim thought for a second as he listened in on the Cartel leader's words. Then responding. "We are thankful for your protection of the working people. Before we talk money, we can also provide advisors to help you seize the ports. We have had experience undercutting the former United Nations and United States and their sanctions and interference in our affairs. Skills which can when acquiring a port, allow us to help you export globally." He took a puff of the cigarette. "For the services of our training, we would look for a modest amount. $20 million for sending 20 skilled men for a six month training mission. We will also provide 18 men to assist you with seizing the ports for an additional $15 million. With that a supply of weapons would be exchanged." He took another puff and exhaled. "It is a small investment. Once you take over the ports. You will be making much more revenue."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Translated into English
"An interesting offer, and a much needed one. However very costly. But I like hard numbers, rather than percentages. You got a deal." He would whistle. After a few minutes a man would walk out with 3 metal crates. He would open one of them, to reveal $10 million in USD. "This is the cash on hand at this site. $30 million USD, all unmarked and nontraceable. The remaining $5 million will be given to you once your men arrive. I think that seems fair. I think this deal is much to both of our benefit."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"This looks appropriate." He said looking at Agent Ryu. "We can have it sent to an account in Seoul. We can direct all our commercial relations through Jong-One Consultancy in the future." Agent Ryu would inspect the crates as she lifted them up. "We will send a message back to our leadership and we'll return here in a week or two our comrades." He handed him an old looking cellphone. "We can use this to communicate. You can check it yourself, it is clean."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Translated into English

He would take the cell phone and give it a good look over, taking the back off and checking the components. He would then put it back together and put it in his pocket. He would extend his hand to the Koreans and shake their hands if accepted.

"Everything seems to be in order. I await your response."

He would then whistle again. His men that escorted them in the compound would escort them out but this time without bag. They would receive their weapons and anything else taken inside the gate. Once all items where returned they would open the gates for the Koreans. The men would carry the heavy crates to the gate, and place them on the ground.

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