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United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
On the night of 31 Dec 1996 (New Years Eve) peaceful protest turned into riots in the streets of Dublin. The rights were brought on by back and forth tweets between @TheTruthIsOutThere and @TheRealIRA. Minister of State Pat Rabbitte gave a statement early this morning "The Irish Government does not support acts of violence. These deviants will be prosecuted with the fullest extent of the law." The Irish Republican Army as well as the British Government have yet to respond. Rabbitte went on to say "The government does not back the IRA or the lone tweeter. We want a peaceful resolution and to negotiate open borders with our counterparts across the channel. Open acts of violence, especially on our own people will not solve anything, let the diplomats talk." Police arrived on scene soon after and began rounding up the rioters. The first arrest were made just after the new year at around midnight.

The aftermath of the riots was as followed: 5 injured, 0 dead, and more than $10,000,000 worth in damages. Citizens began cleaning and rebuilding the next morning. News anchor on the ground during the protest/riots, Michael O'Hare, spotted many men wearing masks and dressed in camouflage as well as carrying an assortment of weapons. He said one man was shouting anti-British sentiments through a megaphone, stirring up the crowd. O'Hare proclaimed that once these men arrived the crowd turned from a peaceful protest into a violent riot. At around 6:00 A.M. the crowed began to dissipate and O'Hare noticed that the men in camouflage where no were to be found.