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GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020

Marynarka Wojenna
War Navy

Minister of Defense

Antoni Macierewicz

Chief of the General Staff

Henryk Szumski

General Commander

Franciszek Gągor

Inspector of the Land Forces

Jarosław Ziemiański


Information Below is Secured, Encrypted, and Security Clearance of Secret

Active Personnel: 13,000

Planned Personnel: 13,000




PZL W-3RM Anakonda10/10

Kaszub Class, Project 620 Corvette; OKP Kaszub


Dokdo-Class Amphibious Assault Ship

Wasp-class Amphibious Assault Ship1/1

Sohn Wonyil-Class Submarine


Yi-sun-sin-class Destroyer


Orkan-Class Fast Attack Ship


F123 Brandenburg-Class Frigate


ORP Iskra


Gardno-Class Minesweeper


Lublin-Class Minelayer-Landing Ship


Piast-Class Rescue/Salvage Ship

Zbyszko-class Salvage and Rescue ship

Amsterdam-class Replenishment Oiler

Mercy-class Hospital Ship2/5
Celestial-class Frigate10/10
Unidentified Fleet Replenishment Ship
Nawigator-Class Reconnaissance ship
Unidentified Survey Ship
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GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020

Information Below is Secured, Encrypted, and Security Clearance of Secret

3rd Ships Flotilla (Gdynia-Oksywie, Personnel: 4,000)
1st Ships Flotilla (Świnoujście, Personnel: 4,517)
8th Coastal Defense Flotilla(Świnoujście, Personnel: 740)

Gdynia Naval Aviation Brigade(Gdynia-Babie Doły, Personnel: 0)

Naval Support Flotilla(Gydania, Personnel: 3,350)

OKP Huragan; Dokdo-Class AAS(330)
OKP Baltyk; Amsterdam-class Replenishment Oiler(160)
OKP Kaszub; Kaszub-Class Corvette(67)
OKP Taratul; Kaszub-Class Corvette(67)
OKP Ślązak; Kaszub-Class Corvette(67)
OKP Generał Kazimierz Pułaski; Brandenburg-Class Frigate(219)
OKP Gardno; Yi Sun-sin-Class Destroyer(300)
OKP Bukowo; Yi Sun-sin-Class Destroyer(300)
OKP Dąbie; Yi Sun-sin-Class Destroyer(300)
OKP Jamno; Yi Sun-sin-Class Destroyer(300)
OKP Mielno; Yi Sun-sin-Class Destroyer(300)
OKP Orzel; Sohn Won-Yil-Class Submarine(27)
OKP Sęp; Sohn Won-Yil-Class Submarine(27)
OKP Dzik; Sohn Won-Yil-Class Submarine(27)
OKP Sokół; Sohn Won-Yil-Class Submarine(27)
OKP Orkan; Orkan-class Fast Attack Craft(33)
OKP Piorun; Orkan-class Fast Attack Craft(33)
OKP Grom; Orkan-class Fast Attack Craft(33)
OKP Nawigator; Nawigator-class Reconnaissance Ship(40)
OKP Hydrograf; Nawigator-class Reconnaissance Ship(40)
OKP Osa; Wasp-class AAS(1,070 Personnel; 1,687 Marines)
OKP Anioł Michał; Celestial-Class Frigate(140)
OKP Konstelacja; Celestial-class Frigate(140)
OKP Mgławica; Celestial-class Frigate(140)
OKP Galaktyka; Celestial-class Frigate(140)
OKP Kwazar; Celestial-class Frigate(140)
OKP Gwiazda; Celestial-class Frigate(140)
OKP Kometa; Celestial-class Frigate(140)
OKP Pulsar; Celestial-class Frigate(140)
OKP Gwiezdny; Celestial-class Frigate(140)
OKP Gwiazdozbiór; Celestial-class Frigate(140)
OKP Lublin; Lublin-Class Minelayer-Landing Ship(37)
OKP Krakow; Lublin-Class Minelayer-Landing Ship(37)

To Be Established

OKP Iskra(14 Personnel)
OKP Miej Litość; Mercy-class Hospital Ship(1,277 Personnel)
OKP Daj Komfort; Mercy-class Hospital Ship(1,277 Personnel)
OKP Bystry; Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel(40)
OKP Dzielny; Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel(40)
OKP Dziarski; Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel(40)
OKP Sprawny; Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel(40)
OKP Szbyki; Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel(40)
OKP Odważny; Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel(40)
OKP Odporny; Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel(40)
OKP Zetempowiec; Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vesse
OKP Zbyszko; Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel(40)
OKP Bitny; Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel(40)

3rd Ships Flotilla Aircraft(Gdynia-Oksywie, Personnel: 150)
1st Ships Flotilla Aircraft(Świnoujście, Personnel: )8th Coastal Defense Flotilla(Świnoujście, Personnel: 0)
Gdynia Naval Aviation Brigade(Gdynia-Babie Doły, Personnel: 0)

Naval Support Flotilla(Gydania, Personnel: 0)

10x PZL W-3A Multipurpose Helicopter
10x PZL W-3W Armed Multipurpose Helicopter
10x PZL W-3RM Anakonda SAR
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GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
3rd Ships Flotilla
Secured and Encrypted
Full Name: 3rd Ships Flotilla (3. Flotylla Okrętów)
Country: Kingdom of Poland
Branch: Polish Navy (Marynarka Wojenna)
Type: Naval Combat Flotilla
Role: Maritime Defense, Power Projection, Naval Warfare, Amphibious Operations, Reconnaissance
Headquarters: Gdynia-Oksywie, Poland

Command Structure:
  • Commander of 3rd Ships Flotilla: [Insert Name]​
  • Deputy Commander: [Insert Name]​

Fleet Composition:
  • OKP Huragan – Dokdo-Class Amphibious Assault Ship (330 Personnel)​
  • OKP Baltyk – Amsterdam-Class Replenishment Oiler (160 Personnel)​
  • OKP Kaszub – Kaszub-Class Corvette (67 Personnel)​
  • OKP Taratul – Kaszub-Class Corvette (67 Personnel)​
  • OKP Ślązak – Kaszub-Class Corvette (67 Personnel)​
  • OKP Generał Kazimierz Pułaski – Brandenburg-Class Frigate (219 Personnel)​
  • OKP Gardno – Yi Sun-sin-Class Destroyer (300 Personnel)​
  • OKP Bukowo – Yi Sun-sin-Class Destroyer (300 Personnel)​
  • OKP Dąbie – Yi Sun-sin-Class Destroyer (300 Personnel)​
  • OKP Jamno – Yi Sun-sin-Class Destroyer (300 Personnel)​
  • OKP Mielno – Yi Sun-sin-Class Destroyer (300 Personnel)​
  • OKP Orzel – Sohn Won-Yil-Class Submarine (27 Personnel)​
  • OKP Sęp – Sohn Won-Yil-Class Submarine (27 Personnel)​
  • OKP Dzik – Sohn Won-Yil-Class Submarine (27 Personnel)​
  • OKP Sokół – Sohn Won-Yil-Class Submarine (27 Personnel)​
  • OKP Orkan – Orkan-Class Fast Attack Craft (33 Personnel)​
  • OKP Piorun – Orkan-Class Fast Attack Craft (33 Personnel)​
  • OKP Grom – Orkan-Class Fast Attack Craft (33 Personnel)​
  • OKP Nawigator – Nawigator-Class Reconnaissance Ship (40 Personnel)​
  • OKP Hydrograf – Nawigator-Class Reconnaissance Ship (40 Personnel)​

Equipment & Capabilities:
  • Advanced anti-air, anti-ship, and anti-submarine warfare capabilities​
  • Amphibious landing and power projection assets​
  • Integrated replenishment and logistical support for extended operations​
  • Submarine warfare capabilities with stealth and ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance) assets​
  • High-speed attack craft for rapid-strike operations​
  • Electronic warfare and naval reconnaissance assets​

Motto: "Siła mórz, tarcza narodu" (Strength of the Seas, Shield of the Nation)
Notable Operations:
Operation Cooperative Poseidon - 2001

Operation Hurynowicz - 2003-Present
Operation Watchtower - 2003
Operation Amber Sentinel - 2003-2004​
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GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
1st Ships Flotilla
Secured and Encrypted
Full Name: 1st Ships Flotilla (1. Flotylla Okrętów)
Country: Kingdom of Poland
Branch: Polish Navy (Marynarka Wojenna)
Type: Naval Combat Flotilla
Role: Maritime Defense, Power Projection, Naval Warfare, Amphibious Operations, Reconnaissance
Headquarters: Świnoujście, Poland

Command Structure:

  • Commander of 1st Ships Flotilla: [Insert Name]
  • Deputy Commander: [Insert Name]

Fleet Composition:

  • OKP Osa – Wasp-Class Amphibious Assault Ship (1,070 Personnel; 1,687 Marines)
  • OKP Anioł Michał – Celestial-Class Frigate (140 Personnel)
  • OKP Konstelacja – Celestial-Class Frigate (140 Personnel)
  • OKP Mgławica – Celestial-Class Frigate (140 Personnel)
  • OKP Galaktyka – Celestial-Class Frigate (140 Personnel)
  • OKP Kwazar – Celestial-Class Frigate (140 Personnel)
  • OKP Gwiazda – Celestial-Class Frigate (140 Personnel)
  • OKP Kometa – Celestial-Class Frigate (140 Personnel)
  • OKP Pulsar – Celestial-Class Frigate (140 Personnel)
  • OKP Gwiezdny – Celestial-Class Frigate (140 Personnel)
  • OKP Gwiazdozbór – Celestial-Class Frigate (140 Personnel)

Equipment & Capabilities:

  • Amphibious warfare and rapid marine deployment capabilities
  • Advanced anti-air, anti-ship, and anti-submarine warfare systems
  • Naval escort and fleet defense operations
  • Long-range naval reconnaissance and power projection
  • Multi-role frigates capable of fleet integration and independent operations

Motto: "Morska potęga, narodowa siła" (Maritime Power, National Strength)
Notable Operations:
Operation Watchtower - 2003
Operation Amber Sentinel - 2003-2004
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GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
8th Coastal Defense Flotilla
Secured and Encrypted

ull Name: 8th Coastal Defense Flotilla (8. Flotylla Obrony Wybrzeża)
Country: Kingdom of Poland
Branch: Polish Navy (Marynarka Wojenna)
Type: Coastal Defense Flotilla
Role: Coastal Defense, Amphibious Operations, Mine Warfare, Maritime Security
Headquarters: Świnoujście, Poland

Command Structure:

  • Commander of 8th Coastal Defense Flotilla: [Insert Name]
  • Deputy Commander: [Insert Name]

Fleet Composition:

  • OKP Lublin – Lublin-Class Minelayer-Landing Ship (37 Personnel)
  • OKP Krakow – Lublin-Class Minelayer-Landing Ship (37 Personnel)

Equipment & Capabilities:

  • Coastal defense and amphibious support operations
  • Mine warfare capabilities, including minelaying and minesweeping
  • Rapid deployment of amphibious forces for coastal security
  • Support for logistics and military transport along the coastline
  • Integration with naval and land-based coastal defense units

Motto: "Twierdza Wybrzeża" (Fortress of the Coast)
Notable Operations:
Operation Amber Sentinel - 2003-2004
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GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
Gdynia Naval Aviation Brigade
Secured and Encrypted
Full Name: Gdynia Naval Aviation Brigade (Brygada Lotnictwa Marynarki Wojennej Gdynia)
Country: Kingdom of Poland
Branch: Polish Navy (Marynarka Wojenna)
Type: Naval Aviation Brigade
Role: Maritime Patrol, Anti-Submarine Warfare, Search and Rescue, Aerial Reconnaissance, Naval Support
Headquarters: Gdynia-Babie Doły, Poland

Command Structure:

  • Commander of Gdynia Naval Aviation Brigade: [Insert Name]
  • Deputy Commander: [Insert Name]

Aircraft Inventory:

  • Maritime Patrol Aircraft: [Insert Aircraft Type]
  • Anti-Submarine Warfare Helicopters: [Insert Helicopter Type]
  • Search and Rescue Helicopters: [Insert Helicopter Type]
  • Naval Transport and Support Aircraft: [Insert Aircraft Type]

Equipment & Capabilities:

  • Maritime surveillance and reconnaissance operations
  • Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) operations using advanced sonar and torpedo deployment
  • Search and rescue (SAR) missions in coastal and open-sea environments
  • Aerial transport and logistical support for naval operations
  • Integration with the Polish Navy’s surface fleet for coordinated operations

Motto: "Na Straży Mórz" (Guardians of the Seas)
Notable Operations: [Insert operations if applicable]
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GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
Naval Support Flotilla
Secured and Encrypted

Full Name: Naval Support Flotilla (Flotylla Wsparcia Okrętów)

Country: Kingdom of Poland
Branch: Polish Navy (Marynarka Wojenna)
Type: Naval Support Flotilla
Role: Medical Support, Rescue and Salvage Operations, Humanitarian Assistance, Logistical Support
Headquarters: Gdynia-Oksywie, Poland

Command Structure:​

  • Commander of Naval Support Flotilla: [Insert Name]
  • Deputy Commander: [Insert Name]

Fleet Composition:​

  • OKP Iskra – Support Vessel (14 Personnel)
  • OKP Miej Litość – Mercy-class Hospital Ship (1,277 Personnel)
  • OKP Daj Komfort – Mercy-class Hospital Ship (1,277 Personnel)
  • OKP Bystry – Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel (40 Personnel)
  • OKP Dzielny – Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel (40 Personnel)
  • OKP Dziarski – Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel (40 Personnel)
  • OKP Sprawny – Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel (40 Personnel)
  • OKP Szbyki – Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel (40 Personnel)
  • OKP Odważny – Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel (40 Personnel)
  • OKP Odporny – Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel (40 Personnel)
  • OKP Zetempowiec – Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel (40 Personnel)
  • OKP Zbyszko – Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel (40 Personnel)
  • OKP Bitny – Zbyszko-Class Salvage and Rescue Vessel (40 Personnel)

Equipment & Capabilities:​

  • Medical Support: Equipped with advanced hospital facilities, including operating rooms, ICUs, and trauma units, capable of treating both military personnel and civilians.
  • Salvage & Rescue: Specially designed for shipwreck recovery, underwater salvage, and personnel rescue operations. Features deep-diving capability and high-endurance support equipment.
  • Humanitarian Assistance: Capable of delivering aid and providing medical care during natural disasters, war zones, and maritime crises.
  • Logistical Support: Provides essential resupply and transport capabilities for other naval units, ensuring the sustained operation of fleets.
  • Advanced Communication Systems: Features state-of-the-art communication and navigation equipment to support extended operations in remote areas.
  • Emergency Response: Equipped to respond quickly to emergencies such as oil spills, vessel breakdowns, and search-and-rescue missions.

Motto: "Pomoc na morzu, bezpieczeństwo na ladzie" (Assistance at Sea, Security on Land)
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GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
Polish Royal Marines
Secured and Encrypted

Full Name: Royal Marines of the Kingdom of Poland (Marynarka Królewska Polski)​

Country: Kingdom of Poland
Branch: Polish Navy (Marynarka Wojenna)
Type: Amphibious Assault
Role: Amphibious Warfare, Rapid Response, Coastal Defense, Reconnaissance
Headquarters: Gdynia-Oksywie, Poland

Command Structure:​

  • Commander of Royal Marines: [Insert Name]
  • Deputy Commander: [Insert Name]
  • Regiment Commanders: [Insert Names for different regiments, if applicable]


  • Total Personnel: 5,000
    • Infantry Units: 4,500
    • Logistics & Support: 500

Capabilities & Equipment:​

  • Amphibious Warfare: Specialized in executing amphibious landings, storming beachheads, and securing coastal territories.
  • Rapid Deployment: Capable of rapid deployment by sea, air, or land, offering flexibility for both national defense and international peacekeeping missions.
  • Coastal Defense: Tasked with securing Poland's extensive coastline and providing defense in case of amphibious threats.
  • Naval Integration: Works in close coordination with Polish Navy and other military branches for joint operations, particularly with Polish amphibious ships and naval task forces.
  • Advanced Weaponry: Equipped with modern rifles, machine guns, anti-tank weapons, and specialized equipment for amphibious and coastal combat scenarios.
  • Specialized Vehicles: Including amphibious assault vehicles, all-terrain transport, and fast raiding craft for swift coastal operations.

Key Units:​

  • 1st Amphibious Assault Regiment
  • 2nd Coastal Defense Regiment
  • 3rd Marine Logistics Regiment

Training & Selection:​

  • Basic Training: All personnel undergo intense basic training focused on physical fitness, amphibious landings, and combat scenarios.
  • Amphibious and Coastal Defense Training: Emphasis on beach assaults, establishing beachheads, and securing coastal infrastructure.
  • Selection for Amphibious Operations: Marines are selected and trained to perform in maritime environments, operating under challenging coastal conditions.
  • Joint Exercises: Regular joint exercises with NATO allies and other international military units, enhancing interoperability in multinational operations.

Operational Areas:​

  • National Defense: Providing coastal defense and responding to maritime threats against Poland's sovereign waters.
  • Global Operations: Deployed in various international missions, including humanitarian aid, peacekeeping, and disaster response operations.
  • Maritime Security: Supporting Polish naval operations and maritime security across the Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea, and international waters.

Motto: "Mocna ręka na morzu, odwaga na lądzie" (Strong Hand at Sea, Courage on Land)​

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