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[RW] A Phone Call to South Africa.


The Ethiopian Federation
Oct 20, 2019
Paul Kagame, the honorable chancellor of Rwanda, has a plan to ease racial tensions and potential civil war in the country. He has a private and encrypted phone call with the South African leader Pieter Willem Botha. The phone rings until the leader answers.
Hello President Botha, I have some plans that could potentially make both of our nations happy."


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The State President would pick up the phone in his meeting with the Vietnamese.

"'Allo?" President Kagame would begin rattling off.

"Ehhh, whom am I speaking to?"


The Ethiopian Federation
Oct 20, 2019
“The leader of the Rwandan people, Paul Kagame. This meeting is rather urgent. So I believe that once you return from your meeting with the Vietnamese, I would like to have my advisor talk to you. It’s about a plan I have.” The leader is rather confident, if a little too sure about the plans success.


The Ethiopian Federation
Oct 20, 2019
"It's about your population and crime rates. As we see, the nation is at the brink of collapse. The crime rate is high as the Afrikaners and black Africans fight each other everyday. I have a plan to possibly fix this horrible issue. Something that you would most likely be interested in. We may continue this call upon your return. Goodbye."


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"Nothing is on the brink of collapse, the crime is merely between the black populations. White South Africans live prosperous and peaceful lives, we do not in anyway endorse any inter-racial violence and we do not see it either. This is mainly intra-racial violence and it isn't a concern for us, that is a matter for the homelands."


The Ethiopian Federation
Oct 20, 2019
"Well, I have a solution for your black African problem. Trust me, it would be good for both of our nations. It might solve your black African problem."


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"What solution could possibly be better then seperate development?"


The Ethiopian Federation
Oct 20, 2019
“Another option for black Africans. One that could possible lead to a nation with a large majority of white Afrikaners. An immigration agreement that could help the ones who want to leave. We will talk more in detail later. Goodbye.” He hangs up and sighs. This is going to be a long negotiation.


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"Well that's exactly what our seperate development policy aims to create, nation-states for black people and a South Africa for white people. Any immigration agreement you want to settle with the Blacks would have to go to the governments of the homela-" Suddenly the State President was cut off at the President of Rwanda hang up.

"Fucking hang up, haven't ya? Fucking hoity-toity fucking..."

"Hey buddy, enough with the curse words alright?" The Vietnamese Crown Prince would say.

"Kiss my sweaty balls you fat fuck."

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