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Saudi Arabia/Turkey- Phone Call


Apr 8, 2021
Marshal Fayyadh Al Ruwaili of the Saudi Arabian Armed forces would contact Foreign Minister for an secret Phonecall to discuss the matters transpiring in Israel/Palestine.


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Minister of State Yıldırım Aktuna would answer the call On a private and encrypted line within NIO HQ. Special care would be made to prevent any foreign nation from picking up on the conversation.

”This is Minister of State Aktuna Filling in for Minister Cem, who am I am speaking with today?”



Apr 8, 2021
“This is Marshal Fayyadh Al Ruwaili of the Saudi Arabian Armed Forces, I’m calling the Turkish government today to discuss the ongoing situation in Israel. From the information we have gleaned from the international press it seems like things are quickly going south i regards to the Turkish-Israeli Relations and it seems from the messages you have copied us on that Turkey intends to begin an Armed conflict with Israel. While Saudi Arabia believes that Israel is indeed a menace, military action would have to be justified and it is becoming increasingly clear to his excellency and the Administration that in Order for Saudi Arabia to join any military operation we would need just cause. Siding with Turkey at the moment would be costly for Saudi Arabia especially after it seems like the Turkish Air Force just shot down an airliner carrying a former head of state.”

“Please simply describe to me why we should involve ourselves and explain why an 747 was in the past few days was shot down by Turkish Air Force Jets.” Axis12


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
”Marshal, the 747 was carrying an international fugitive who was trying to flee to who knows where and was breaking international law, They refused to respond to our messages and many in the Intelligence community Belived that the aircraft could potentially be taken over by terrorists. We didn’t even know that it was carrying the former South African head of state until the South African Government released a report later in the week And so we made the decison to save the lives of Turks. Saudi Arabia is a key partner in the region and as one of the most influential nations in the Arab world, it wold look extremely good for all Arabs if your government joined us. Especially to the Egyptian people who could see their government as turning their back on the Arab Palestinians, even after they fought numerous wars just a few years earlier in support of the Palestinian people.“


Apr 8, 2021
“This Makes Much More Sense…. Now, you make good points and I see no reason not to support Turkey. I will deliberate with the King and we will decide soon if we should send our military towards the Israeli border. I’m sure that Jordan would allow us to enter their territory and then we could set up multiple Armored Divisions to intimidate the Israelis. Further, would Turkey like to use our Air Bases? After the recent American exclusion zone it seems like Turkey can’t get into Israeli Airspace though we could provide a place to station Turkish Aircraft which would render the American Zone Useless. They can’t patrol the entire region and to be honest they have no right to even be in the Middle East.” Axis12


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“This is excellent, I will inform the Ministry of Defense immediately of this and make the necessary arrangements for Turkish aircraft to land in Saudi Arabia. We will inform the Iraqis through it is necessary to know the Air Force Base that these aircraft will be deployed too. Additionally would Saudi Arabia allow Turkish Reaper Missiles to be installed at the Airport? These would bolster the air defense capabilities of the airport and allow for Turkish Aircraft to have little danger from a surprise attack while aircraft are on the ground. Additionally we would like to deploy around 100 Security for the AFB, not that Saudi Security is bad but we would like to have our own forces guarding our own aircraft to take the burden off Saudi Security.”


Apr 8, 2021
We will allow for the SAMs and Aircraft but security, I can assure you is taken care of. There’s nothing capable of damaging your aircraft except for a dust storm and I can guarantee that. Additionally, I just wanted to inform you that Saudi Arabia has made a purchase of Turkish Weaponry and that we will be transferring the required funds over shortly. I apologize on the behalf of the Ministry of Finances that this was not done sooner.”

“Diving off course, I would like to discuss a more private matter… Would the president like to join the King in the Gulf for his upcoming birthday? It will be on the King Abdulaz Superyacht and would be the biggest celebration in the Middle East with lavish decorations and the best food. This would be excellent to strengthen bonds between Saudi Arabia and Turkey in a more, festive way per say.”


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“Thank you for the offer but the President is in no position to come at the moment, I was actually just about to speak to you this. The president has been out of the spotlight for some time now as I’m sure you’ve noticed and we would like to tell you that unfortunately the president is fighting a loosing battle with heart disease. He is currently unable to govern and the security council has been given full power within the nation, and there’s a looming political crisis. The National Assembly is split and we are close to a full collapse of the government, the people are with the MHP and there’s nothing we can do. This is a recent development and most thought the president was still in power, be aware that we may be in a new administration very soon but still with the same ideals.
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