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Socialist Causes to Egypt | Office


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Ministry of Social Solidarity of Egypt> Kelly the Mad
From: <>
Subject: Application for the Establishment of NGO in Cairo, Egypt
Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0

To the Ministry of Social Solidarity of Egypt,

The Socialist Causes is seeking to establish its branch office in Cairo as a not-for-profit organization in Cairo, Egypt. We are an independent, globally-minded non-governmental organization dedicated to fostering a peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism worldwide. Our vision is a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive in a society that values social justice, economic democracy, and environmental sustainability.

At Socialist Causes, we are seeking to expand our presence internationally. This reason is why we are reaching out to you to explore how can legally establish our branch office in Cairo, Egypt.


Socialist Causes
Bangkok, Thailand

Thai Electronic Mail Service (T-EMS)​

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Upon reading the E-Mail, Egyptian staff would promptly file it and ignore its existence, as it originated from a terrorist state.

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