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Socialist Causes to Russia | Office


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation> Jay
From: <>
Subject: Application for the Establishment of NGO in Moscow, Russia
Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0

To the Ministry of Justice of Russia

The Socialist Causes is seeking to establish its branch office in Moscow as a not-for-profit organization in Moscow, Russia. We are an independent, globally-minded non-governmental organization dedicated to fostering a peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism worldwide. Our vision is a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive in a society that values social justice, economic democracy, and environmental sustainability.

At Socialist Causes, we are seeking to expand our presence internationally. This reason is why we are reaching out to you to explore how can legally establish our branch office in Moscow, Russia.


Socialist Causes
Bangkok, Thailand

Thai Electronic Mail Service (T-EMS)​


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Минюст России
Ministry of Justice
Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Socialist Causes Bossza007
Ministry of Justice, Russian Federation < >
[Subject]: [Non-Confidential]RE: Application
Dear whom it may concern,

Federal Law No. 255-FZ and 481-FZ establish the basis of the Russian Government’s Foreign Agent Registration Laws (FARL). The FARL requires certain agents of foreign principals who are engaged in political activities or other activities specified make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities. Disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the Russian people of the activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents. The FARL Unit of the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section (CES) in the National Security Division (NSD) of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of FARL.

The central purpose of FARL is to promote transparency with respect to foreign influence within the Russian Federation by ensuring that the Russian government and the public know the source of certain information from foreign agents intended to influence Russian public opinion, policy, and laws, thereby facilitating informed evaluation of that information. FARLs fosters transparency by requiring that persons who engage in specified activities within Russia on behalf of a foreign principal, or in political activities in favor of foreign authorities, register with and disclose those activities to the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry of Justice is required to make such information publicly available.

Amendments to the Federal Law No. 481-FZ define Political activity as any influence to public opinion including publications in social media and public policy including a sending a requests and petitions. Receiving funding from foreign sources and/or carrying out activity in favour of foreign and international authorities, organizations, citizens and stateless persons are both sufficient to meet the criteria of a Foreign Agent. Individuals declared "foreign agent" are obliged to make special reporting and are not permitted to hold public office in Russia. In addition under Federal Law No. 19-FZ "On RF President Elections," of January 10, 2003, Article 58(6); Federal Law No. 51-FZ "On RF State Duma Deputies Elections," of May 18, 2005, as amended, Article 64(7)) you are prohibited from making donations to political candidates but not from lobbying or other politically-related activities.

Noncompliance with FARL may result in monetary fines or jail time. Individuals who willfully violate statutory FARL provisions or associated regulations are subject to fines up to $60,000 and imprisonment up to five years. If the Ministry of Justice determines that registration or disclosure materials do not comply with the law, registrants are generally given the opportunity to file an amended statement prior to legal action being taken.

FARL requires the Minister of Justice maintain a public database of registration statements. This database is publicly available on the MOJ Foreign Agents website. The database provides the ability to search by document type (e.g., registration statement) or by a descriptor, such as a specific foreign country, a foreign principal, or an individual foreign agent.

In line with Federal Laws No. 255-FZ and 481-FZ Socialist Causes must register as a Foreign Agent for the purposes of the FARL. Registration shall be made publically available following Socialist Causes submission and digital verification. Socialist Causes may then proceed to form a legal entity within the Russian Federation as a NCO under the NCO Law.

The Socialist Causes will be prohibited from the following activities:
* Carrying out educational activities for minors or in state and municipal organizations;
* Producing information products for minors;
* Procuring goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs;
* receiving state financial support, including in the implementation of creative activities;
* Carrying out the operation of significant objects of critical information infrastructure and activities to ensure its security;
* Participating as an expert in the state environmental assessment; and
* Making donations to election funds of political candidates and political parties.

Socialist Causes must be aware that pursuant to the NCO Law Article 15 and Law on Public Associations Article 19, while foreign citizens and stateless persons who are legally residing in the Russian Federation may be founders, members, or participants in NCOs or in public associations certain persons may not become founders, members, or participants, including:
* Foreign citizens or stateless persons whose presence in Russia is deemed “undesirable;”
* Persons appearing on a money laundering and anti-terrorist financing watchlist maintained by the Russian government;
* Public associations and religious organizations that have been suspended under the Federal Law on Countering Extremist Activities (Law No. 114-FZ, of July 25 2002);
* Persons found by a court decision to show signs of participating in extremist activity;
* Persons who are currently incarcerated as a result of conviction of a crime;
* Persons who do not meet the requirements provided by federal laws for the founders, members, or participants of NCOs; and
* Persons who previously held position of the head, or part of the governing body of a public or religious association or other organization, the activities of which were suspended by a court, according to Federal Law "On Countering Extremist Activity" or the Federal Law "On Countering Terrorism," may not be the founder or participant of the nonprofit organization for ten years from the date of the court decision’s enforcement.

As a registered NCO your company will be able to excempt certain types of income. Specifically income derived from “donations” and “grants.” Criteria for transactions to be recognized as such are defined in both tax and civil legislation. With eighty-nine territorial jurisdictions, regional laws may provide benefits to NCOs beyond those offered under federal law. It would also be prudent to review the regional and local legislation where your prospective grantee will be registered, in order to obtain a full understanding of the applicable regulations.

Mariyam Shukurova
Deputy Director for National Security Division
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation> Jay
From: <>
Subject: RE: Application for the Establishment of NGO in Moscow, Russia
Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0

To the Ministry of Justice of Russia

The Socialist Causes NGO appreciates the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation's efforts in providing guidelines to legally establish our office in Moscow, Russia. After reviewing the relevant Russian laws and the excerpt provided by the Ministry, we are pleased to accept all provisions to comply with local regulations. Additionally, Socialist Causes will explicitly include its commitment to compliance with any relevant local laws in our submitted statutes (Articles of Association).

Socialist Causes has coordinated with the necessary local authorities in Russia, including but not limited to the Federal Tax Service, to obtain our tax identification number (INN). We are pleased to inform the Ministry that Socialist Causes now has a legal organizational presence in Russia. We have been working closely with our designated Head of the Moscow Office, Burtsov Semyon Borisovich, to find a suitable and compliant location for our operations in Russia. We are pleased to inform the Ministry that we have secured an agreement with SUMMIT Business Center to establish our Moscow Office at Tverskaya Street, 22, second floor, Moscow, Russia.


Socialist Causes
Bangkok, Thailand

Thai Electronic Mail Service (T-EMS)​