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[South Africa]: Message to Ukraine


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018


"Dear President Oleksandr Kuzmuk,

We have been monitoring the situation in Ukraine for a while now. We had serious concerns for a long time that Russian Communist factions were arming organisations such as the African National Congress, the South African Communist Party, the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania and the South West Africa People's Organisation to launch attacks against our government. We're afraid Ukrainian Communist elements may also be attempting the same. We want to reassure you and your government that you have the full support of the South African Government and we are willing to assist in a range of material, political and other support. We recognise your legitimacy of governance over Ukraine. We will also pull some strings to make sure Bophuthatswana, Transkei, Ciskei and Venda also support your government's legitimacy. They are after all... puppets. We would appreciate Ukrainian support in some of our own endeavours, including toppling the SWAPO regime in Namibia and ridding South Africa of communist elements.

Yours sincerely,
Pik Botha,
Minister for Foreign Affairs."



Apr 5, 2020

To: Roelof Botha

From: Oleksandr Kuzmuk

Cc: Ihor Lutsenko

Subject: Re: Establishing Relations

Security: Private and Encrypted

Minister Botha,

We are elated to hear you support the true, legitimate government of Ukraine. The Republic of Ukraine would like to commends South Africa’s fight against the tyranny of communism. We shall offer you support in this righteous cause once my administration is more secure in its position.

Currently, we are attempting to subdue communist riots in the east. We must also place numerous politicians on trial for treason and corruption. The Russians are the architects of these issues—I’m not surprised to hear they are funding dangerous and provokative groups in South Africa.

If possible, please contact Ihor Lutsenko. He will soon be appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs. I would call you myself, but unrest in our capitol unfortunately requires my immediate attention.

The security of free republics like South Africa is our greatest concern. We would like to discuss how our countries can most efficiently support each other. It seems the ‘great’ countries we might normally turn to for aid are not as supportive of liberty and justice as they claim to be.

Hoping you are well,
Oleksandr Kuzmuk
President of Ukraine
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