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[South Africa]: Message to Zaire


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

"Dear Mr. Mobutu Sese Seko,

It is with great pleasure that I extend the hand of friendship out to the Republic of Zaire. Whilst we in South Africa do not have many friends in this continent, it has always been our policy to reach out to our neighbours and create friendships so much as they are willing and do not use themselves as springboards for attacks against our nation by designated terrorist organisations. We have no intelligence to suggest the ANC, the PAC or any other group are using Zaire for such purposes and that your government has adopted a strong anti-Communist stance in Africa. We welcome this and we believe our two nations can come together to stamp them out once and for all. I wish to visit the Republic of Zaire at a date convenient to you.

Kind Regards,
Frederik Willem de Klerk,
Vice State President of the Republic of South Africa."



Aug 2, 2018




Classified and Encrypted​

Mr Vice President,

I must assure you that your message has been well received by my father. My father is no fool and recognizes the strength of your nation and the role you have to play on our great continent. He also recognizes that we do indeed have similar interests. However, with that being said, my father does have some reservations.

The current sentiment of our government towards South Africa is conflicted. Many do not know what your true intentions and agenda is. There is a general feeling of distrust. We believe in African Unity and oppose any roots of colonialism that remain on the continent. You must understand where we are coming from.

My father understands that a positive relationship could be mutually beneficial and is willing to find common ground. However this relationship will only proceed if there is mutual transparency, trust and respect. We must be seen as equals. We would be more than happy to invite you to the Republic, however my father would like your Head of State to invite him personally to South Africa and be well received. This will show the people of Zaire that we have a friend in Mr. Botha.

We hope that this is the beginning of a mutually beneficial alliance.

Nzanga Mobutu,
Vice President and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Zaire


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

"Dear Mr. Naznga Mobutu,

The State President will be delighted to host you, however he is currently pre-occupied with the Crown Prince of Vietnam. Our goal is seperate development, a South Africa for white people and homelands for the Bantu groups of South Africa to develop. African Unity is impossible. African groups hate each other, in fact we Afrikaners are probably the most peaceful group as we do not hate anyone. We cannot co-mingle the Tswana, the Sotho, the Zulu and the Xhosa. It just would not work. We want everyone to be independent and have the right to self-determination. South Africa is a country for Afrikaners and Anglo South Africans to have the right to self-determination and we have set up Homelands for the self-determination of the other groups. This is our policy and our agenda.

Kind Regards,
Frederik Willem de Klerk,
Vice State President of the Republic of South Africa."



Aug 2, 2018





Mr Vice President,

The President is ready to depart for your capital at your convenience.

Nzanga Mobutu,
Vice President and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Zaire


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Preparations would be made at AFB Waterkloof outside of Pretoria for the arrival of Mobutu. The State Presidents Guard would form an honour guard and the Vice State President, F.W. de Klerk would be awaiting with his wife, the Second Lady, Marike de Klerk. Pik Botha, the Minister for Foreign Affairs would also head over from the meetings between the State President and Vietnamese. The Zaireans would be informed to proceed with the visit.


Aug 2, 2018
The President would depart for Pretoria via plane. President Mobutu would be accompanied by the Vice President and the Defense Minister. The South Africans would be told the flight details.


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
At AFB Waterkloof, the Vice State President would be standing at the end of a red carpet with Pik Botha. They would watch the plane land and come towards them, parking. The stairwell would go up and attach itself to the aircraft to allow Mobutu to step out. Once down the bottom of the stairwell, de Klerk would shake hands with Mobutu.

"Mr. President, It's my pleasure to welcome you to South Africa we're very delighted to have you, this is my wife, Marike." He would introduce her.

"And this is Mr. Pik Botha, Minister for Foreign Affairs." He would introduce him to Pik, they would shake hands.

They would walk down the red carpet together inspecting the State President's Guard lined up.


They would hop into a pair of Mercedes, driving to the Union Buildings in Pretoria. They would get out, walk up the stairs into the office wing. They would see other Mercedes parked out front with the Vietnamese flag on them. The Vice State President would take Mobutu through to his office. They would sit down on the chairs around the coffee table. The press would not be allowed entry and it would be strictly private and confidential. The State President was down the hall meeting with the Crown Prince of Vietnam.

"Mr. Mobutu, it's a pleasure to have you here. I hope you enjoy your stay in South Africa. Mr. Botha is currently in another meeting with the Vietnamese, so I do apologise. I'm sure he will come pop in when he can."


Aug 2, 2018
Upon arriving the President and his entourage would greet the South Africans. He would take part in the arrival formalities.

President Mobutu would follow the Vice Presidents lead.

" And it is a great pleasure to be here. I am glad that we have found common ground to begin discussions. Lets get straight to business."


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"What is your country's current stance on our policies of Apartheid and seperate development?"


Aug 2, 2018
"I'm going to be very honest with you. We do not agree on your policies of Apartheid. However we do believe in self determination. I believe that there is a lot we can offer each other. We have our own plans for Africa, and Im sure you do too for the South. We want to rid the continent of any communist or western influence.

What are your plans for the neighboring nations might I ask? "


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"We need to eradicate the Communists in those countries and not to allow them to use them as springboards. Whatever this entails, we will work out."

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