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Strategic Partnership Between Thailand and New Zealand Signing - Press Brief and Questions


GA Member
May 24, 2024

Polish (ManBear ), American (Odinson ), Thai (Bossza007 ), Australian (Owen ), British (Jamie ) and Russian (Jay ) news agencies would be invited to ask questions of the Thai and New Zealand representatives. As such, any foreign journalists and their New Zealand counterparts would be in a large press brief room. Once Director Pitsuwan and Minister Goff would walk out through the doors, they would be standing behind two podiums, the New Zealand and Thai flag hanging above them. There would be an audible chatter, and once the Minister of Foreign Affairs would step up to his podium, the talk would gradually die off. Minister Goff would then lean toward the microphone and say, "The New Zealand Government would like to announce the signing of the Strategic Partnership Treaty between Thailand and New Zealand. This is a monumental occasion for us all." He would turn to the Director, who would say a few words before Minister Goff would allow questions to be asked, from the foreign press first.

Maxim Kirillovich Grushanin from the Russian News Agency Izvestia would raise his hand after and once called upon would ask the following question.

"Thank You." He said with a nod to the person who handed him a microphone. "Your Excellencies my name is Maxim Grushanin with Izvestia. I have two questions and I hope that Minister Goff can address them.

"Minister Goff, could you elaborate on the specific economic and military aspects of the Strategic Partnership Treaty between Thailand and New Zealand? Are there any military or strategic collaborations that could impact the broader geopolitical landscape, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region? As you are aware Thailand and Australia have cut diplomatic ties following a geopolitical rift. Australia is an important and historic ally of New Zealand, would you say this is a pivot by your government to align with Bangkok over Canberra?"

Secondly, can you provide details on how this treaty will affect trade and investment between Thailand and New Zealand? Are there any new sectors or industries where significant collaborations or investments are expected?""

"For Director Pitsuwan how does this treaty influence regional security dynamics in Southeast Asia and the Pacific? There are concerns about the increased presence and influence of Thailand in Oceania. Do you believe there are legitimate concerns about Thailand's activities or do you think that those concerns are illegitimate?"

Natasha Andreevna Tatarova from the Russian News Agency RIA Novosti would raise her hand after Maxim and once called upon would ask the following question.

"Thank You. Your Excellencies Natasha Tatarova with RIA Novosti, Russia." She said as she looked down at her notes before asking her question. "There are concerns about the transparency regarding this significant economic and security pact between Thailand and New Zealand. Will the full agreement be released to the public or will portions of the agreement be kept classified from public viewing.

Secondly, I'd like to ask if you can build up on your response to my colleague Maksa from Izvestia, there are concerns that Thailand has become a rogue actor. For Minister Goff, does New Zealand agree with that assessment, and if not, have you spoken with traditional New Zealand allies Australia and the United States who have had political fallout with Thailand in recent years?

For Director Pitsuwan do you agree with the view that Thailand is a rogue power, and if not, what reassurances do you have for the globe that Thailand is a power for good not evil. Thank you both."

Minister Goff nod towards Mr. Grushanin as he raised his hand. Once the Russian newsman had asked the first question, Minister Goff would smile and say into the microphone, "Thank you for the question, Mr. Grushanin. I hope my answer will be suitable." He would pause. "The Strategic Partnership will, once ratified, create a number of working groups that will tackle economic co-operation and trade. In regards to the military aspect, it will create a working group to co-ordinate on mutual defence issues, which includes a mutual defence clause. As to your question about Australia over Thailand, or vice versa; my government is trying to work with more governments to better New Zealand. That does not mean choosing one over the other, and that is not what we have done."

He would pause while the Russian would ask his second question. He would then answer with, "Sure. Areas of cooperation include manafacturing and technology, but keep in mind that this is not a final, definitive list."

Minister Goff would then pause while the Thai diplomat would respond to the question. Once finished, Minister Goff would call upon Ms. Tatarova. He would respond to her questions before the Director-General, saying, "I think 'rogue actor' is a lable, applied by those who may not have New Zealand's best interest at heart." He would finish answering the questions posed by the 2 Russian journalists.

Director-General Surin Pitsuwan maintained a calm and approachable demeanor during the press conference, engaging with the media earnestly. He seemed to genuinely enjoy answering questions, a quality likely appreciated by many journalists. After Minister Goff addressed the first two inquiries, Surin took the stage and responded with measured confidence.

“Thank you for your question, Mr. Grushanin from Izvestia. This treaty marks a significant deepening of the military relationship between Thailand and New Zealand—one that is unprecedented in our shared history. For the first time, both nations are fully committed to providing mutual defense assistance that goes beyond traditional military doctrine. This agreement enables us to confront shared threats more effectively, fostering a partnership that benefits both our countries. While it is natural for some to express concern about the shifts in power dynamics that may arise from this development, I want to stress that this treaty is based on the principle of sovereign equality. It is not about expanding Thailand’s sphere of influence, but rather about two nations coming together as equal partners to enhance security in our respective regions. Thank you.”

After another round of questions, Surin once again took the podium following Minister Goff. His tone remained steady yet firm. "Thank you, Ms. Andreevna from RIA Novosti. I must respectfully disagree with the characterization of Thailand as a 'rogue state.' Such a label typically applies to nations that openly defy international law and sovereignty—like Egypt, with its controversial Interaction Zone. That said, I do understand the concerns that Thailand could be perceived this way. Thailand believes that every nation has its own priorities, which may or may not align with those of others. Our agenda is clear: we seek to foster a world order based on equality, justice, and human dignity. Naturally, when our goals diverge from those of other nations, it may lead to misunderstandings. But being seen as a 'rogue state' is not a reflection of our values—it's a consequence of differing worldviews. Thank you again for your thoughtful questions." He concluded with a measured nod.

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