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[Sweden]: Call to Nigeria


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

A telephone call is made to the Nigerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or equivalent department, by the Ambassador for Sweden to Nigeria, Carl Michael Gräns.
This telephone call is made in line with the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995, which also covers telephonic communication, causing a 'CONFIDENTIAL' encryption level to be appended.


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995


Sep 4, 2021
A phone call would be received through the National Intelligence Agency. The phone call would be encrypted to ensure that whomever spoke on the phone, their answers could not be recorded or transcribed. Once ensured that the phone call was private and confidential from his security staff, Foreign Minister Ochuko Bonny would quickly turn to his Pentium II 400 laptop that had been recently purchased for the entire diplomatic corps.

He would check the websites for CNN and the BBC for news about the GA Assembly's Resolution concerning the Swedish occupation of South Africa. Thinking back to the stories his mother told him of the British occupation of Nigeria, he decides to indulge in a habit. He opens a drawer from his desk and pulls out a pack Marlboro Reds and hits the intercom button to ask his secretary for an ashtray. After she has brought to him and left his office, he lights up, taking a deep drag and then exhales a a cloud of nicotine.

He hits the red blinking button on his phone.

"Good day," he would bellow into the receiver of his phone. "This is Foreign Minister Ochuko Bonny. How may I be of help?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The phone call would be made from an encrypted telephone that of course, as standard procedure for diplomatic calls, would have been encrypted by the National Security Office prior to the Ambassador speaking. The call was made in confidence within the Ambassador's private office as he sat with a memorandum from Stockholm before him. Running through the agenda provided he would soon roll his eyes at the diplomatic drivel given by central government and toss the paper to the side, opting for a personal touch.

"Foreign Minister, please first let me thank you for accepting my call - I trust I have reached you at a good time? My name is Carl Michael Gräns, I am the Ambassador for Sweden to Nigeria; I think first are foremost our relationship has been neglected by our government and I'd very much like to extend the hand of friendship and gauge how we can better cooperate in the very near future. Let me start by asking, how are things in Nigeria?"



Sep 4, 2021
"Ambassador Grans, it is good to hear from you. I hope you are doing fine in the May Nigerian heat. Well, it is as you know always hot and humid in Nigeria, but with the rainy season soon to be upon us, I hope you do not have to venture outside for too long.

But I will say no apologies are necessary for neglecting our diplomatic relationship. Our new government has only taken office this month so there is much to do. We have not even assigned an Ambassador to your great nation, but we will be doing so I assure you quickly."

Minister Bonny punches up his computer, even though he knows much of the data already, he dials in and tries a search looking at Swedens GDP and major exports and trading partners.

"Ambassador Grans, despite your population size, Sweden punches above its belt in nearly every economic category there is. I was an Economics major myself, has always marveled at your economy. I hope we can discuss opening trade and economics ties on this call."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Haha, Minister I am keeping myself nice and cool in my office at the moment but the glorious sunshine here in Nigeria is better than the Arctic temperatures we suffer in Sweden! It has to be said, Minister, that we do owe you an apology as Sweden has long missed opportunities with African states, something we endeavour to change and what better way to begin than with Nigeria.

Sweden has been a front runner in the economic field for some time now, in fact since around 1996 we reached the accreditation of the richest nation on earth and have remained there ever since. We have one of the largest investment portfolios which puts our net worth at over one-hundred billion dollars. This has given us great opportunity to assist those around the world, we've made billions of dollars of donations to nations within the Nordic Council for infrastructure work, security and defence investment and we continue to do so with other schemes in place like the Citizen Focus Program in South Africa.

It would be a great pleasure to begin trading with Nigeria, Minister, what exports do you prioritise at the moment?"



Sep 4, 2021
"Well Ambassador, like I said we, the government of Nigeria, and I as a student of Economics have studied your growth as a nation as something to emulate. However when you bring up the Citizen Focus Program in South Africa, it sounds like a euphemism for something more sinister or devious. And it is happening on our continent. The details with your war with South Africa remain sketchy to us. And before we can talk about trade we must acknowledge that you have troops in Africa as we speak."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I am saddened to see the situation in South Africa has tarnished your opinion of Sweden, evidently quite significantly. Our programs in South Africa have no ill-will whatsoever - the country collapsed as their President abandoned ship, law enforcement began to turn on one another and the apartheid regime resulted in an immediate blame being placed on those of black or ethnic minority groups. We have stepped in with law enforcement and medical personnel to prevent this spiraling into civil war and to assist in the reconstruction of a democratically elected government of South Africans, for South Africans.

Minister, we have been in South Africa for months now, without a single shot fired. The Prime Minister and his cabinet are South African, and we are working with the Israeli Defence Force, Royal Thai Armed Forces and the Egyptian Armed Forces to ensure our local programs continue to develop to assist in the rollout of free health care for vaccinations, immunisations and minor medical matters.

Whilst I understand the resolution presented by South Africa and the United States in the Global Assembly has likely caused immediate concern.... but take it from the horses mouth that this resolution is nothing other than scaremongering and an attempt to have some credit for a program they presently play no part in.

I cannot be clearer Minister, at present we have the South African publics support, they want us there. The presence of peacekeepers from countless Armed Forces will reduce trust, tarnish relationships and fracture the work we have done to rebuild a fair government.

There is no need for peacekeepers. The country is in a state of peace and reconstruction. Something we are working with partners to continue.

May I ask your opinion on the emergency resolution?"



Sep 4, 2021
Foreign Minister Ochuko Bonny, listens intently to each syllable and even intonation of Ambassador's grans answer. He asks his secretary for his fourth iced coffee of the afternoon.

'Mister Ambassador, I took the call with an open mind. And let me first iterate that the image of Swedish peoples or the government has not been tarnished as you said. It is my job to ask the questions of my people and government and to get them the answers.

I will take you at your word, that you are working with a coalition of governments, although why the Israeli and Thai Governments are concerned about Nation-building in South Africa, is, shall I say, beyond my comprehension of imagination. But I guess everyone has to pick their own fights.

If you say not a shot has been fired, then I will believe you. If you state, peacemakers are not needed, then I believe you, to a certain extent.

Can you explain to me outside of the GA's purview what are the goals of your Citizen Focus Program in South Africa and how you aim to achieve them?"


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"That is reassuring to hear Foreign Minister.

Our work in South Africa was always going to be controversial, primarily because many immediately presume ill-intent when it comes to the occupation of foreign soil. That is not the case with South Africa however but nonetheless we sought a vast range of views and opinions by inviting a nation from each continent, or substantial region, for example we have seen Thailand join us from Asia, Egypt from Africa and Israel from the Middle East. We are working closely with friends and partners in the Americas to see their collaboration too... primarily to keep Sweden accountable for its actions but also to assist in the distribution of humanitarian aid through our Citizen Focus Program.

The Citizen Focus Program at the moment is the establishment of two major militarily-run healthcare centres located on secure Air Force Bases in both the eastern and western sides of the country where we are able to provide advanced healthcare professionals, including doctors, for the provision of minor medical treatment as well as nurses and auxillary staff to provide immunisations and vaccinations. Free of charge. The plan is for the the program to expand substantially once the Global Assembly resolution is over to incorporate heavy investment in local hospitals and staff training. Our immediate focus was to ensure those of black and ethnic minority groups formally disgraced by the apartheid regime get the same treatment as people of white ethnicity. But, eventually, the Citizen Focus Program will expand to focus on local infrastructure, public transport, law enforcement and education amongst other primary focuses.

As we've already discussed, Sweden is one of few countries with the economy capable of for filling this goal... and up to now we have the support of the South African people."



Sep 4, 2021
Minister Bonny has been chain-smoking Marlboro Reds the entire conversation. He is nervous. Bonny cannot actually agree to South Africa's subjugation. But he also cannot face the fact that the Swedish Government would obviously be an upgrade from the former government. He stubs out his last cigarette. He is done listening and ready to talk. He cannot have another colony on his doorstep.

"Ambassador Grans," he would bellow into the receiver of his telephone. 'Ambassador Grans, you have sold your sales pitch around the world, as being the richest country in the world. And that you are only here to help the South African people. Correct? I would like to ask when did the people of South Africa call and ask?

You brought up Peacekeepers, but why? I thought your Citizen Focus Program had the pulse of the people. As a former colony, this just feels ugly."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Minister, there is no sales pitch. I answered your questions regarding our economic success. We approached South Africa following the declaration of war and the realisation of the extent the apartheid regime hindered true democracy and true freedom. In fact the apartheid regime went against every moral and ethical fibre in our countries bones and there was no sign of former President Botha backing down from his torrent of irrational and frankly dangerous political stunts which would've undoubtedly escalated further. The second our wheels touched the ground in Cape Town we have had an overwhelming amount of support from the people of South Africa - support we continue to see in towns, villages and communities from one side of South Africa to the other.

I didn't bring up Peacekeepers, but I am glad we are on the same wavelength - South Korea brought up peacekeepers in their resolution, but why? Peace has been restored. The Global Assembly will disrupt the peace and investment brought to Africa - as history as consistently ensured.

I am saddened to see the Korean propaganda is reaching even Nigeria. We are not colonising South Africa. There is a government in place of South Africans for South Africans. Not a single Swede in that cabinet. South African law remains in place. South African troops remain employed. I cannot be clearer, South Africa remains South Africa. Do not allow the Global Assembly to fool you, Minister!"



Sep 4, 2021
"Ambassador Grans," Minister Bonny would say cooly, but obviously perturbed, but not the Ambassador. "Ambassador Grans, I am trying to meet you halfway. I give credence to your words over the phone, but I must confirm them with results on the ground. IRC workers should be speaking to the world's press. The world's press should be seeing what you are telling me." Minister Bonny would take a quick breath and continue.

"I am the foreign minister of Nigeria. I am Nigerian. I know colonization. I know corruption. I know how it rottens the core of the populace. If we were not a new government, I guarantee you we would have boots on the ground in South Africa. Not to oppose you, I might add. We would have taken that rotten government out ourselves."

Minister Bonny exhales again.

"I am the representative of a new nation. I am trying to right the wrongs of colonization and corruption. I hear all of what you are saying. How can you involve Israel in this? They have their own occupation problem.

"I want to be on the side of right."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"We had to remain accountable for our actions, Minister, and to do that we sought a coalition with a nation from every region on the globe hence our introduction of Thailand representing Asia and Israel representing the Middle East. We have also liaised closely with Egypt to represent Africa and an invitation was sent to the United States of America who, despite their eagerness for a heavy-handed approach initially appear to have backtracked to an extreme opposition. We have tried, at every step in the road, to remain peaceful through a delicate process. Through our current coalition we have sought to remove the ideaology of 'war' and opt for a peaceful, welcoming approach affording each and every person the respect and dignity they deserve and were formally deprived of throughout the apartheid regime.

...the resolution presented to the Global Assembly, in its current form, will demolish our work and blast the nation into complete confusion. At present, we have the support of the South African people - who is Korea to deny South Africans their own voice in what happens in their own country?"



Sep 4, 2021
"Mister Ambassador. I am not saying, Korea is allowed to deny South Koreans their own voice. What i am saying is that this situation is that situation is quite complicated. Be that as it may, Nigeria is willing to listen to both sides," there would be a long sigh. "Mister Ambassador, will there be a representative of the South African people at the Global Assembly? I should hope there should several to at least represent the several ethnic and regional interests of all South Africans."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"In honesty Minister the resolution presented to the Global Assembly, in its current form, does not meet the requirements or powers of the chamber. It is a long standing fact, as realised during the Resolution on Antarctica, that the assembly cannot remove sovereignty from another state; that couple with the fact they are suggesting the use of a peacekeeping force during peacetime is completely barbaric to the very foundation of the Resolution for Peacekeeping.

Similar to if Sweden decided tomorrow that we wanted Nigerian forces in Sweden. That is our right. That is our decision. No nation or body how that power to say that decision is incorrect. South Africans want us in South Africa. That is abundantly clear throughout reconnaissance missions.

We are in the process of gaining a delegation consisting of key members of the black, white and ethnic minority groups and should they wish to we will fly them out to the Global Assembly to present for themselves."


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