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[Sweden]: Call to South Korea


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

A telephone call is made to the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or equivalent department, by the Ambassador for Sweden to South Korea, Jakob Hallgren.
This telephone call is made in line with the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995, which also covers telephonic communication, causing a 'CONFIDENTIAL' encryption level to be appended.


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Deputy Director-General of European Affairs Division, Gye Mi-Cha would answer the phone from the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden in the Republic of Korea. Deputy Director General Gye would receive the call in her office inside the Foreign Ministry. In line with the National Security Act of 1948 and the 1997 Communications Acts, the conversation would be an official call and be given encryptions for a secure call. The Deputy Director-General would be joined by her team, being a specialist in Western European Affairs herself, with a Korean translator fluent in Swedish. Once confirming the call from the Ambassador, Mr. Hallgren, the Deputy Director-General would take the call.

"Ambassador Hallgren. Thank you for the call. I hope things are proceeding well inside your Embassy." Deputy Director Gye said as she looked over minute notes from the Foreign Ministry regarding interactions with Sweden in the past few months.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
In former conflicts the use of unrecorded telephonic communications were used against the Swedish with deception, manipulation and lies to confuse the international community - eager to avoid such a political nightmare again the National Security Office would record the telephone call as a matter of procedure. It was not personal and there was no known ill-intent by the South Koreans however mistakes are made to be learned from. As previously stated the call was also encrypted inline with provisions of the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995.

"Deputy Director-General, I don't think we've had the pleasure to speak to one another previously. Let me first thank you for taking my call which I think is long overdue and we clearly have much to discuss. The embassy is running smoothly, thank you for asking. I trust you are keeping well?"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"No we have not Ambassador Hallgren. However, I had the pleasure of knowing some of your predecessors amongst the many we have received here in Korea." She waited as the Translator relayed her words before proceeding again. Looking down at her own notes of what was being said she proceeded, "Yes, things are going well here. Busy as usual. But, I know that Ambassadors do not call to discuss what the weather is like on the tenth floor of the Ministry. Shall we proceed with your business Ambassador Hallgren?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Ambassador raises her eyebrows at the sass received but nonetheless claws back to her agenda.

"Well, if you want to put it like that, I've called to discuss the situation in South Africa and clarify our position. Perhaps you wouldn't mind by beginning with telling me what you've heard about our position in South Africa and why you immediately sought resolution in the Global Assembly rather than speaking directly to us? I have to be honest we considered you a close partner..."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Deputy Director-General would sigh in her mind as the Swedish Ambassador deceptive remarks growled behind her head. Nonetheless, sticking to dialogue to be kept spinning. "I believe that consideration was mutual Ambassador, and we continued to believe as such. Unless your Government has other views on the status of our bilateral relations. With regards to emergency resolution, Korea submitted the resolution in response to the illegal annexation of South Africa and appointment of a colonial administration under the autopsy of the former Ambassador to South Africa as Governor-General. Such a brazen act of unilateral annexation warranted an emergency resolution which we submitted as soon as possible to the Global Assembly. I believe that I must ask as well then, why Sweden took unilateral action without consulting other countries or receiving a mandate from the Global Assembly."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Deputy Director-General, we occupied South Africa with the permission of the incumbent government and the overwhelming support of the South African people. Both of which we remain accountable to. I ask you a very clear and honest question, who is Korea and who is the United States of America to decide what decisions, made by the civilians that live there, are and are not correct decisions? That's the very definition of oppression Deputy Director-General.

We took action to defend our nation and now have ultimately taken action to ensure the people of South Africa live by the ethics and values promoted by the Global Assembly - ethics and values they were denied of through the apartheid regime. Where was your resolution in the Global Assembly then?"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Did your government ask for permission with the threat of a thousand blades at their neck Ambassador? Because. As far as the globe is concerned, Sweden has not yet produced any evidence to this claim. While on this subject, Ambassador, what exactly has your Government done to remove the institutions of the illegitimate apartheid regime. As far as we have seen, you have only annexed the country and used its resources. I would say that this is the very definition of injustice Ambassador. Please help me to understand your government's plans and actions thus far.

While your Government was perfectly fine being a privileged minority in the Apartheid regime and hosting an Embassy, Korea was not. We would never open an embassy in such a vile regime, and yet, your Government seemed unfazed by having an embassy n a regime contrary to your values. While we believed that boycotting and not engaging with trade would crumble the regime, your government clearly was fine with diplomatic legitimization of the regime. Perhaps it is better to ask where was your resolution then?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"No, we didn't, and from our past together you know that your comments are frankly unbelievable. I should be very clear Deputy Director-General that whilst we are cooperating with our commitments to the Global Assembly, we do not have to product evidence, we remain accountable to the South African people and the South African people only - it is their right to choose. Not yours, not mine, not the 'globe'. Your comments are unfounded and materially unsupported, we have not used any South African resources for our own gain whatsoever. Please, keep this conversation civil and remain with the facts; or at least provide the evidence to support your claims.

Unfortunately Deputy Director-General we've found no evidence of you closing your embassy in South Africa and from what I can see you have held a diplomatic relationship with South Africa since at least 1992. If you are going to condemn our decision to have diplomatic missions around the world then perhaps you'll echo this to your own allies that also retain embassies in these locations.

You cannot spin my own question back onto me. You claim you were disgusted with this vile regime, so I ask you again, where was your resolution during the regime?

You're claiming your commitment is to the police of South Africa but so far I am seeing an overwhelming amount of evidence supporting the legitimacy of the Swedish presence and a damning amount of information which suggests, and I must stress this is only a suggestion, that perhaps some of your claims are less than factual."


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