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[Sweden]: Call to the United Arab Emirates


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

A telephone call is made to the Arab Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or equivalent department, by the Ambassador for Sweden to United Arab Emirates, Henrik Landerholm.
This telephone call is made in line with the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995, which also covers telephonic communication, causing a 'CONFIDENTIAL' encryption level to be appended.


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995


United Arab Emirates
Sep 24, 2021
As the two foreign ministers were preoccupied with other duties, the incoming call would be forwarded to senior diplomat and policy advisor Hawiya Shahid Ibnat Osman. Ensuring the call was encrypted and secured, she answered:
"Hello, this is Hawiya Shahid Ibnat Osman of the UAE Foreign Ministry. To whom am I speaking to?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Good evening Mr Osman, my name is Henrik Landerholm the current Ambassador for Sweden to the United Arab Emirates. I hope I have caught you at a good time to truly establish the Swedish-Arab relationship? One that has undoubtedly been neglected for many years, and perhaps one that could now flourish into a strong friendship?"



United Arab Emirates
Sep 24, 2021
Hawiya listened to the Swedish diplomat, too embarrassed to correct him on her gender. In her female voice, she spoke:

"Hello Mr Landerholm. You're right, Emirati-Swedish relations have never really possessed the opportunity to take off and has left us on rather neutral terms in all aspects. But yes, this is a perfect time to discuss the development of bilateral relations. Now did you have any ideas in mind on how we could kickstart said development?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Immediately realising his mistake, the Ambassador would subtly pretend he hadn't been so presumptive and corrected his address from then on, desperately hoping the diplomat hadn't noticed his faux pas.

"Well it has to be said that working on a level playing field makes both our jobs slightly easier! I suppose we should kickstart by establishing exactly where each of our commitments lie and it would be niave to expect that the Israel, Egypt, Palestine and Turkey situation hadn't crossed your desk at some point over the last couple of months. What's your opinion on the situation? I understand that Israel claim to now respect their Palestinian border?"



United Arab Emirates
Sep 24, 2021
"Yes, the prospect of another conflict in the region has escalated significantly in recent months and has only just shown signs of alleviation in tensions. In the wake of our neighbours embarking on the road of conflict, we, the UAE, have taken a vow of neutrality. Whilst we wish to pursue closer economic and political ties with all the states you've mentioned, we have no interest in following them in any hostile acts. We are dedicated to turn the UAE into a beacon of peace and stability and provide safe refuge in a region that has faced constant ongoing war for the past half century."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"In honesty we have worked closely with both Israel and Egypt; in the Jerusalem Post is anything to go by I think you can be assured that Israel does not have the capacity or the means to start a war so early in their governments tenure. The situation is complex and whilst we have no active relationship with Turkey, we are working closely with Israel and Egypt in a number of projects and operations in the region and on that basis we too have tried to remain neutral in the Middle Eastern conflict. One thing is for sure however, we condemn the actions of the United States of America acting as a 'world police' entity without the advisement of the Global Assembly in enacting a no-fly and no-sail zone in international and foreign territorial waters. A gross violation of a nations sovereignty and the Law of the Sea.

War is exactly what we're looking to steer well clear of, especially following the loss of the ships company of HSwMS Sno during the Antarctic Conflict which saw over one hundred and twenty men murdered in cold blood. Many of which drowning in the freezing to death Antarctic waters.

I suppose you are neutral in the South Africa... situation... as well?"



United Arab Emirates
Sep 24, 2021
"Well we too may disagree with the United States' recent action, but your government is in no position to criticize when it come to the 'gross violation of a nations sovereignty'. It is...what's the word?....hypocritical. Now whilst we intend to remain neutral in all situations, active neutrality and voicing ones opinions are two of a different thing.
Since you brought up the subject, I shall make it very clear now that we do oppose your government's current actions and we do intend to vote in favour of the Global Assembly resolution jointly put forward by the Koreans and Americans. Though I anticipate that you will attempt to justify and explain your nations activities to me in the hopes to persuade my government, in this case, actions speak far louder than words, and the only way Sweden could change our minds on this situation is to decline the scale of its operations. That is all we have to say on the matter.

That said, we do not care enough about the South Africa situation to allow it to impact our potential relationship; it is simply not worth jeopardising for. South Africa is just another source of conflict that we have no interest in. So, I suggest we move on to the next item on the agenda, yes?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Not hypocritical at all, infact quite the opposite - we are in South Africa at the request of the incumbent government and with the support of the local people. Whilst South Korea has sold the world a pack of lies throwing buzz words like 'colonialism' and 'without mandate' around, the Global Assembly resolution is essentially denying the South African people the right to make their own decisions... who is South Korea to say what decisions made by the people are and are not valid?

...and if you want to suggest we are hypocritical, perhaps you should review the position of South Korea who annexed North Korea... without Global Assembly consultation.

Our activities in South Africa have not only been at the request of the people but have also occurred without a single shot being fired. With all due respect, you are falling into the Korean web of lies."

  • Wow
Reactions: Zak


United Arab Emirates
Sep 24, 2021
"....Oh Mr Landerholm....I understand quite well that your government had its motivations to initiate such activities and we all have our own perspectives on the issue as is our right to. We base our policy on our perspective and what we assess of the situation. We do not base our policies on what foreign governments have to say about the situation. In fact, to my knowledge, we haven't even spoken to the Korean Government to listen to these 'lies' as you put it, so I find your remark to be very insulting.

But like I said, I simply do not care about the situation to allow it to become a sticking point between us. I don't care about ongoing Swedish activities and I don't care about Korean activities, but I certainly won't have our country involved this tit-for-tat argument. As long as it doesn't spill over into the Arab world, the Middle-East and , most importantly, the Gulf Region, consider us happy. So, can we continue to the next item on your agenda....please?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I respect your foreign policy Ms Osman, but when you express such a committed unwavering opinion on the matter you cannot be surprised that I jump to defend ourselves. We cannot avoid the media or the guff that excretes into the political domain and on this occasion has ultimately tarnished our reputation and credibility implying we are some form of violent power when that frankly is not the case. We are working WITH South Africa with the SUPPORT of South Africa. No nation or international body has the legal power to intervene or prevent that.

I am sorry you sought offence within our comments, that was not the intention. The lies spread by South Korea are not bilateral in nature they're plastered throughout the Global Assembly.

I am sorry to say the Middle East is very much involved in this matter Ms Osman. Turkey shot down an airliner containing the former South African State President killing his family and we are actively recieving support from both Israel and Egypt in our operations in South Africa.

What is on your agenda for this meeting Ms Osman? You must have some curiosities?"



United Arab Emirates
Sep 24, 2021
"I was hoping you were calling with the agenda focusing on trade, immigration and cross-border investments - this is what matters most to the UAE.

Instead it appears you're trying to influential our policy over a meaningless situation and trying to lobby the support of a neutral state in an international crisis, and in such a brief conversation, I have already been insulted and repeatedly ignored. I cannot express how disappointed I am and I must say, it doesn't bode well for a first impression.

Now, please don't make me request a third time for us to continue onto more civil matters, matters which will actually benefit the Emirati and Swedish peoples."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I fail to see where you have been insulted and I am sorry you see diplomacy and the discussion of very real political conflicts as irrelevant. You're right, it doesn't bode well for a first impression, especially from a Global Assembly member."

A number of notes are made by the Ambassador before he continues on with the conversation...

"Investment is a conversation we see repeated over and over with several nations as we see our economy boom year upon year and we possess one of the largest private investment portfolios in major organisations world-wide. Where exactly does the United Arab Emirates require investment and where can Sweden play a part in assisting in that? We have, in the past, made a number of investments often with no expectation of return, is this something you seek in the UAE?"



United Arab Emirates
Sep 24, 2021
Mrs Osman started to become quite frustrated with this rude demeanour and twisting of words. She had little patience left and her willingness to negotiate further had soured. It was clear to her that Sweden, or at least Mr Landerholm, had no capacity for reason and no regard for Emirati affairs or peoples. Nevertheless, she took a deep breath, counted to 10, and continued.

"Hmm with investment opportunities, we have multiple projects awaiting funding and many more still on the drawing board...If the potential for Swedish financing is there, we would certainly consider it as one of our options, but I'm afraid I'm unable to go into the details of specific projects. The Ministry of Infrastructure Development, however, do publish projects that have been approved but are awaiting funding. If you are serious about an offer to finance, you would be better speaking to our Minister of Infrastructure Development, or the Minister can reach out to yourselves when an opportunity arises.

For trade and exchange of goods, I can discuss in more detail if you wish. The UAE has many products to offer to the world, but the most popular abroad includes: mineral fuels (oil & gas), gems & precious metals, plastics & plastic articles, aluminium and electrical machinery & equipment. Are any of these to your interest?"


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