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Thailand to Australia | Momentum


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia> Owen
From: <> <Office of the Thai Ambassador to the Commonwealth of Australia>
Subject: Proposal for the Bilateral Agreement between the Republic of Thailand and the Commonwealth of Australia on the Framework for Cultural and Educational Exchanges
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia

The Office of the Thai Ambassador to the Commonwealth of Australia extends its warmest regards to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia. In pursuit of our shared commitment to the normalization and deepening of bilateral relations between our two nations, the Republic of Thailand, through its Embassy in Canberra, respectfully submits the enclosed treaty for your esteemed government's consideration.

Following the fruitful diplomatic engagement between the Thai Secretary of Government and His Excellency, the Australian Ambassador to Thailand, we remain confident that Thailand and Australia are well-positioned to forge a robust and mutually beneficial partnership on the global stage. Both nations, guided by principles of reason, mutual respect, and open dialogue, have demonstrated a shared vision of progress.

Should the Australian Government find it appropriate, we would welcome a further discussion of the proposed treaty in a personal meeting. Her Excellency, Ambassador Busadee Santipitaks, stands ready to represent the Republic of Thailand in diplomatic talks to advance our common interests.


Busadee Santipitaks
Thai Ambassador to Australia
Office of Thai Ambassador to the Commonwealth of Australia
Republic of Thailand


Bilateral Agreement between the Republic of Thailand and the Comonwealth of Australia on the Framework for Cultural and Educational Exchanges​
Proposed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand


The Republic of Thailand and the Commonwealth of Australia, herein referred to as Parties, recognizing the imperative of promoting people-to-people relations through concerted action, hereby establish this Bilateral Agreement between the Republic of Thailand and the Commonwealth of Australia on the Framework for Cultural and Educational Exchanges. Grounded in the principles of equality, mutual respect, and common interest, the Parties are committed to a comprehensive collaboration for the betterment of their respective populations and the region at large.

Section 1: Cultural Exchange
  1. The Parties shall establish a Cultural Exchange Program (CEP), designed to facilitate the exchange of cultural artifacts, artistic performances, and exhibitions among the Parties.
  2. The CEP shall include provisions for the organization of cultural festivals, exhibitions, and events in each Party's territory, showcasing the cultural diversity and heritage of the participating nations.
  3. Each Party shall designate a Cultural Liaison Officer responsible for coordinating cultural exchange activities and programs with the other Parties.
  4. The Parties shall establish a Cultural Exchange Fund to provide financial support for the implementation of joint cultural initiatives and projects under the CEP.
  5. The CEP shall prioritize initiatives aimed at promoting mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect among the peoples of the Parties, fostering a sense of shared identity and belonging in the region.
Section 2: Educational Cooperation
  • The Parties shall establish an Educational Cooperation Framework (ECF) to promote collaboration in education and research initiatives, including academic exchanges, joint research projects, and faculty development programs.
  • The ECF shall facilitate the exchange of students, scholars, and researchers among educational institutions in the Parties' territories, fostering academic excellence, innovation, and knowledge-sharing.
  • Each Party shall designate an Education Liaison Officer responsible for coordinating educational cooperation activities and programs with the other Parties.
  • The Parties shall establish a Scholarship Program to provide financial assistance to students and researchers from disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue higher education and research opportunities in the territories of the Parties.
  • The ECF shall prioritize initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality and relevance of education, promoting lifelong learning, and bridging the digital divide in the region.
Section 3: People-to-People Contacts
  • The Parties shall establish a People-to-People Contacts Initiative (PPCI), aimed at fostering greater interaction and connectivity among the peoples of the Parties through tourism, sports, and cultural events.
  • The PPCI shall include provisions for the facilitation of visa issuance, travel arrangements, and tourism promotion campaigns to encourage people-to-people contacts and exchanges among the Parties.
  • Each Party shall designate a People-to-People Liaison Officer responsible for coordinating activities and programs under the PPCI with the other Parties.
  • The Parties shall establish a Joint Sports Commission to promote collaboration in sports events, tournaments, and competitions among athletes and sports organizations in the Parties' territories.
  • The PPCI shall promote grassroots-level initiatives aimed at promoting friendship, cooperation, and solidarity among the peoples of the Parties, contributing to the building of a harmonious and inclusive regional community.
Section 4: Entry Into Force
  • This Treaty shall enter into force upon ratification by all Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures.
  • Upon entry into force, each Party shall notify the depositary of this Treaty, who shall then communicate to all other Parties the date of entry into force.
  • The Treaty shall remain in force indefinitely unless terminated in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.
Section 5: Duration
  • This Treaty shall remain in force indefinitely unless terminated by mutual agreement of the Parties.
  • Any Party may withdraw from this Treaty by providing written notification to the depositary. Withdrawal shall take effect one year after the date of receipt of the notification by the depositary.
  • Notwithstanding withdrawal, all obligations and commitments entered into under this Treaty shall remain in effect for the withdrawing Party until the effective date of withdrawal.
Section 6: Authentic Texts
  • This Treaty is established in Thai and British English, all texts being equally authentic.
  • The depositary shall communicate certified copies of this Treaty to all signatory Parties.
  • In case of varying interpretations of this Treaty, the authenticity of the texts in English shall prevail.
In solemn witness whereof, I, the undersigned, hereby enforce and endorse this Bilateral Agreement between the Republic of Thailand and the Commonwealth of Australia on the Framework for Cultural and Educational Exchanges, affirming our unwavering commitment to addressing common challenges and advancing shared goals through mutual consent and cooperation.​

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