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Thailand to Australia | Request


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia> Owen
From: <>
Subject: Request for Naval Escort of the Naval Expeditionary Group Four (NEG4)
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand extends its highest regards to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia. In the spirit of our enduring partnership and mutual respect, we respectfully request the facilitation of safe passage for our carrier strike group through international waters in proximity to the Commonwealth of Australia. Specifically, we seek the Royal Australian Navy’s assistance in navigating the open seas surrounding your territory.

Presently, the Republic’s NEG4 fleet is positioned at coordinates 27° 5'38.46"S 162°17'18.84"E in the Coral Sea. Due to recent domestic developments, particularly the election of the new General Secretary of the People’s Front, the National Assembly has directed the Ministry of Defense to prioritize naval redeployment via the most efficient route, with environmental considerations at the forefront. As you are aware, the NEG4’s primary mission in the South Pacific has been to safeguard the territorial integrity of the Empire of France and provide critical support to Thai humanitarian efforts in New Caledonia. With the gracious consent of the Princess of New Caledonia for the Imperial French Armed Forces to assume responsibility for law enforcement and security, the NEG4's mission has now reached a successful conclusion.

In the deliberations surrounding the most suitable route for the NEG4’s redeployment to the Andaman Sea, the Torres Strait emerged as the most environmentally sustainable option. The Republic of Thailand fully acknowledges Australia’s jurisdiction over portions of the Torres Strait, and in this context, we formally request that the Royal Australian Navy consider dispatching naval elements to escort the NEG4 through this passage, should your government permit the transit.

We look forward to Australia's kind consideration of this request, which we believe aligns with our shared commitment to regional peace, environmental stewardship, and respect for international norms.


Surakiart Sathirathai
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
18 February 2005
Dear Minister Sathirathai,

Whilst Australia does maintain territorial and inland waters over some of the Torres Strait, it does not maintain this over all of the Torres Strait. Nevertheless, the entire area is monitored by Australian Defence Force assets as a part of Operation RESOLUTE. The other parts of the Torres Strait that are not Australian territorial waters are the territorial waters of Papua New Guinea. You will need prior permission from the Papua New Guinean Government in order to transit through that area. Australia works closely with Papua New Guinea to ensure the integrity of their sovereignty. Your fleet will not be escorted by Australian Defence Force assets as they are in the region on a specific mission, but be rest assured that as a part of Operation RESOLUTE your fleet will be monitored and appropriate surveillance will take place in the Torres Strait as they move through the area and beyond through the Arafura and Timor Seas. I have attached a map compiled by Geoscience Australia that outlines the maritime jurisdictions in the Torres Strait.

Yours sincerely,
Commodore Christina Ween.
Larrakeyah Barracks, DARWIN, NT 0820
Telephone: (08) 8935 5599
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