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Thailand to France | Commitment


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Her Imperial Majesty, Empress of the French Empire> Alexander
From: <Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand>
Subject: Terrorism in New Caledonia
Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0

Your Imperial Majesty,

I have the honor to convey my highest regards on behalf of the Republic of Thailand and to reaffirm our steadfast commitment to the principles enshrined in Chapter 4 of the Treaty of Harmonious Accord between our nations. The Republic of Thailand remains unwavering in its respect for the fundamental principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, as codified in international law and the Charter of the Global Assembly. This principled stance reflects our firm position on the inviolable territorial integrity of New Caledonia, which shall not be separated from the French Empire.

The Republic of Thailand and the French Empire are united in our shared values of peace, unity, mutual respect, and sustainable development, transcending any ideological differences. The terrorist movement unfolding in New Caledonia stands as a grave violation of our shared principles, necessitating a firm and coherent response.

Recently, the Republic of Thailand has withdrawn its Humanitarian Aid Forces to New Caledonia (HAFNC) after a two-year deployment in the territory. During their presence, the HAFNC fostered supportive relations with the French citizens residing in New Caledonia. It has come to our attention that while the HAFNC was coordinating with the local population to continue distributing essential humanitarian aid after withdrawal, we identified a Kanak individual named Éloi Declerc as the leader of an organized terrorist group known as the Kanak Independence Movement.

The Republic of Thailand has identified this organized terrorist group as a Marxist-influenced revolutionary force, which we believe to be the de facto successor to the Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front, based on the theory of Melanesian socialism. The Government of the Republic of Thailand firmly rejects this type of revolutionary movement that misinterprets socialism as inherently undemocratic in practice.

The Republic of Thailand expresses its unequivocal support for the French Empire in any counter-terrorism efforts that the French Government deems necessary to address this threat. Your Imperial Majesty, the separatist ideas espoused by the Kanak Independence Movement not only endanger the territorial integrity of the French Empire but also represent a grave affront to the Republic of Thailand's governance model, which is based on our modern interpretation of socialism in the twenty-first century.

Thailand stands resolute in its unwavering support of France's counter-terrorism efforts. The Government of the Republic of Thailand will not remain idle in ensuring that such a misleading revolutionary movement loses its traction and influence. Until such time as Thailand's assistance is required, Your Imperial Majesty, please accept my firm and sincere commitment to upholding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the French Empire.


Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister
Republic of Thailand

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