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Thailand to France | Double Sofa


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of France>; <Sophie Dubois, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of France> Alexander
From: <>
Subject: Mutually Beneficial Status of Forces Agreement
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand conveys its highest regards to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of France. We are writing to explore the potential for a mutually beneficial Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between our two nations.

The Republic of Thailand has long regarded the Empire of France as a close and valued ally since the inception of our Republic. Our countries share a longstanding history of cooperation across various domains, including defense and international law. As both Thailand and France remain committed to the principle of mutual defense against any armed aggression, we consider the enhancement of our military capabilities, particularly in terms of interoperability and joint response to threats, to be of utmost importance.

In this context, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs respectfully proposes the establishment of a reciprocal Status of Forces Agreement. This agreement would provide for the proportional stationing of our respective army, navy, and air force units within each other's territories. Such an arrangement would not only reinforce our shared commitment to a stable and predictable world order but also underscore the triumph of Realpolitik—where pragmatic cooperation transcends ideological differences.

The Republic of Thailand welcomes the opportunity to engage in dialogue with the Empire of France to discuss the parameters of this agreement in an open and collaborative spirit. We look forward to your favorable consideration of this proposal.


Surakiart Sathirathai
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Thailand

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