- May 4, 2021
- 3,292

To: <The Islamic Republic Guard in the Levant>; <The Islamic Liberation Army in the Levant>; <The Syrian Communist Front>; <The Kurdish Democratic League> Drivindeath From: <Sarabun@gov.mail.go.th> Subject: Proposal For the Establishment of the Humanitarian Corridor in Syria Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0 | Secret and Encrypted |
To the Brave and Visionary Freedom Fighters of the Syrian Nation,
I am Thaksin Shinawatra, the incumbent Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Thailand. Despite the complexities that characterize my nation's relationship with the tangled web that is Syria, I am firm in my conviction, one which I believe stands up to intense scrutiny. The ongoing Syrian Civil War represents a tragic chapter in our geopolitical history. It is a conflict wherein the noble aspirations of the people are being overshadowed by the strategic calculations of great power rivalry. To be precise, my esteemed ally, the Empress of France, and my constructive international rival, the President of the Russian Federation, are planning to wage a proxy war in your nation. The result of such a struggle, irrespective of whether the outcome of governance being a pro-Russian or pro-French orientation, threatens to alter the socio-economic and cultural landscape of your nation.
I am reaching out to all of the warring factions in Syria, not out of imperialist longing to dominate the Syrian nation and transform it into a subordinate workers’ state. Rather, having myself gone through the long and hard path of revolution, encountering strong weapons of military power in 1998, I comprehend the unspeakable suffering your sibling, parents, children, friends, and loved ones are currently experiencing. Is it not such a lamentable circumstance that, during this time of mayhem, your faction has to consider seeking external alliances to ensure not just your survival, but even the hope of stability following conflict in Syria? I do not deliver such a statement lightly; however, I am painstakingly informed by the intelligence to give me the complete appreciation of the situation on the ground.
Let it be known, in the spirit of transparency and goodwill, that the Socialist Republic of Thailand maintains channels of communication with all Syrian factions, irrespective of their diverse orientations. My foreign ministry has condemned the IRGL, I have personally written a death threat to the leader of the ILAL, the SCF has contracted our military base in Türkiye, and my government is reaching out to the KDL. Concurrently, it is discernible that your factions, perhaps not uniformly, are also in dialogue with other external actors, whether seeking assurances of troop withdrawals from the Russian Federation, or discerning the strategic intentions of the French Republic regarding potential amphibious deployments. This situation isn’t what is supposed to be happening, yet we cannot deny the reality facing us, collectively.
Therefore, in the earnest belief that the four principal armed factions to whom I address this message represent significant segments of the Syrian populace, I implore you to identify common ground in the paramount imperative of alleviating the profound suffering of your people. Innocent Syrian brothers and sisters are dying, whether from direct fires or lack of rations. We cannot incriminate them for far longer. All factions fighting among one another in Syria must recognize that, while they are antagonistic towards one another, their end goal remains the creation of a Syrian nation they believe is the best, and that is fine and valid.
Diverse perspectives on the optimal trajectory for Syria are not inherently discordant; indeed, such plurality of vision is a testament to the vibrant tapestry of your nation. However, for the ordinary Syrian people who are not strong enough to fight or are not in a position to neglect their personal responsibility at home or workplace, their immediate concerns are the continued survival of themselves and their loved ones.
To this end, I respectfully recommend that a nationwide humanitarian corridor be established along the mutually designated zones between each faction. These areas would serve as de-escalation zones, sanctuaries where all belligerent operations would cease, allowing innocent civilians a safe passage to access essential supplies: food, potable water, and basic services. Is it not the vision and dream of your better and peaceful Syria that your people live without the fear of infighting or external interference? We have a unique opportunity to realize that vision now if we have the willpower to prioritize human life and dignity above all else.
The Socialist Republic of Thailand, despite occupying a perhaps unconventional position on the global stage, has been at the forefront of international humanitarian missions since 1998. We fed more than half a million people continuously for six months during the Swedish-South African War, we were the only humanitarian forces being allowed to enter the conflict zone of the Second Congolese War, and we were the first and only nation arriving in Japan fast enough after the New Year Massacre to contaminate biological gases employed to kill thousands of people. While certain narratives may seek to ascribe imperialistic motives, or to posit grand strategic designs behind our actions, I trust that each of you, in your considered judgment, will recognize that actions, indeed, speak with greater eloquence than any rhetoric.
Please consider this proposal carefully and I extend my immense gratitude for your time took in reading such a message. It speaks volume of your inherent concerns for the Syrian people, despite the exigencies of conflict. Until then, when the answer is ready, may the prospect of a free and prosperous Syria, one wherein peace and justice prevail, draw ever nearer to realization.
Best Regards,
Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister
Socialist Republic of Thailand
I am Thaksin Shinawatra, the incumbent Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Thailand. Despite the complexities that characterize my nation's relationship with the tangled web that is Syria, I am firm in my conviction, one which I believe stands up to intense scrutiny. The ongoing Syrian Civil War represents a tragic chapter in our geopolitical history. It is a conflict wherein the noble aspirations of the people are being overshadowed by the strategic calculations of great power rivalry. To be precise, my esteemed ally, the Empress of France, and my constructive international rival, the President of the Russian Federation, are planning to wage a proxy war in your nation. The result of such a struggle, irrespective of whether the outcome of governance being a pro-Russian or pro-French orientation, threatens to alter the socio-economic and cultural landscape of your nation.
I am reaching out to all of the warring factions in Syria, not out of imperialist longing to dominate the Syrian nation and transform it into a subordinate workers’ state. Rather, having myself gone through the long and hard path of revolution, encountering strong weapons of military power in 1998, I comprehend the unspeakable suffering your sibling, parents, children, friends, and loved ones are currently experiencing. Is it not such a lamentable circumstance that, during this time of mayhem, your faction has to consider seeking external alliances to ensure not just your survival, but even the hope of stability following conflict in Syria? I do not deliver such a statement lightly; however, I am painstakingly informed by the intelligence to give me the complete appreciation of the situation on the ground.
Let it be known, in the spirit of transparency and goodwill, that the Socialist Republic of Thailand maintains channels of communication with all Syrian factions, irrespective of their diverse orientations. My foreign ministry has condemned the IRGL, I have personally written a death threat to the leader of the ILAL, the SCF has contracted our military base in Türkiye, and my government is reaching out to the KDL. Concurrently, it is discernible that your factions, perhaps not uniformly, are also in dialogue with other external actors, whether seeking assurances of troop withdrawals from the Russian Federation, or discerning the strategic intentions of the French Republic regarding potential amphibious deployments. This situation isn’t what is supposed to be happening, yet we cannot deny the reality facing us, collectively.
Therefore, in the earnest belief that the four principal armed factions to whom I address this message represent significant segments of the Syrian populace, I implore you to identify common ground in the paramount imperative of alleviating the profound suffering of your people. Innocent Syrian brothers and sisters are dying, whether from direct fires or lack of rations. We cannot incriminate them for far longer. All factions fighting among one another in Syria must recognize that, while they are antagonistic towards one another, their end goal remains the creation of a Syrian nation they believe is the best, and that is fine and valid.
Diverse perspectives on the optimal trajectory for Syria are not inherently discordant; indeed, such plurality of vision is a testament to the vibrant tapestry of your nation. However, for the ordinary Syrian people who are not strong enough to fight or are not in a position to neglect their personal responsibility at home or workplace, their immediate concerns are the continued survival of themselves and their loved ones.
To this end, I respectfully recommend that a nationwide humanitarian corridor be established along the mutually designated zones between each faction. These areas would serve as de-escalation zones, sanctuaries where all belligerent operations would cease, allowing innocent civilians a safe passage to access essential supplies: food, potable water, and basic services. Is it not the vision and dream of your better and peaceful Syria that your people live without the fear of infighting or external interference? We have a unique opportunity to realize that vision now if we have the willpower to prioritize human life and dignity above all else.
The Socialist Republic of Thailand, despite occupying a perhaps unconventional position on the global stage, has been at the forefront of international humanitarian missions since 1998. We fed more than half a million people continuously for six months during the Swedish-South African War, we were the only humanitarian forces being allowed to enter the conflict zone of the Second Congolese War, and we were the first and only nation arriving in Japan fast enough after the New Year Massacre to contaminate biological gases employed to kill thousands of people. While certain narratives may seek to ascribe imperialistic motives, or to posit grand strategic designs behind our actions, I trust that each of you, in your considered judgment, will recognize that actions, indeed, speak with greater eloquence than any rhetoric.
Please consider this proposal carefully and I extend my immense gratitude for your time took in reading such a message. It speaks volume of your inherent concerns for the Syrian people, despite the exigencies of conflict. Until then, when the answer is ready, may the prospect of a free and prosperous Syria, one wherein peace and justice prevail, draw ever nearer to realization.
Best Regards,
Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister
Socialist Republic of Thailand
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